Gainsight NXT Vocabulary
Gainsight NXT
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Here are some of the key terms and definitions to familiarize yourself with as you begin working with Gainsight NXT:
Action Types: The type of action that you want a rule to perform. Example actions include sending email, creating call-to-action, load to usage data, etc.
Action Items: The list of to-do items logged using Meeting Assist in Timeline Activity.
Active User: The user whose status field is set to Active.
Administration: The category where Administrators configure various features/components in Gainsight.
Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the Administration and Permissions module. -
Adoption Explorer: It helps manage your customer’s usage data in the Gainsight environment. For more information, refer to the Adoption Explorer Overview article.
Advanced Formula: It helps the Admins to create complex formulas like performing arithmetic operations and case statements.
Aliases: Allows you to rename or customize your labels in chart visualizations to make them more contextual to the target audience. For more information on how to configure aliases, refer to the Configure Aliases in Reports article.
Allow List: Allow listing is functionality that displays ISPs for which SendGrid (Gainsight's ESP) has your permission to send emails on your behalf. For more information, refer to the Email Service Configuration article.
Anonymous Link: This reusable link can be pasted into emails or displayed on a website. It does not track identifying information of respondents. Participants can click on the link to answer the survey anonymously. This option is only available for anonymous surveys and can only be accessed after the survey is published.
Anonymous Survey: The person who is responding to the survey is completely unknown and not tracked.
API Access Key: Gainsight API access key is a unique access key used for authentication of Gainsight REST API requests. Gainsight Admins generate this access key in the Connectors page and is consumed by developers to pass this in the request header “Accesskey” for all the API requests into Gainsight. For more information on how to configure aliases, refer to the Generate API Access Key article.
Archive Folder: Once a file in S3 bucket is used, it is moved to an archive folder. You can enable archiving of S3 files by clearing the Do Not Archive checkbox in an S3 dataset.
ARR or ASV: Annual Recurring Revenue/Annual Subscription Value. It is a subscription economy metric that shows the money that comes in every year for the life of a subscription (or contract).
Arrange Design: Arrange Design in Data Designer option allows admins to automatically arrange the design with numerous datasets, for optimum readability in one click. For more information, refer to the Preparation Details in the Data Designer article.
Automated Summary: Meeting Assist generated automated summaries aim to condense the meeting content into an easily digestible format, making it simple for CSMs to quickly grasp the meeting's essential details.
Average NPS® Score: This score is calculated in the following way: (Sum of all Responses) / (Count of Responses). The value will range from 1 to 10.
Access Permissions: Determine which features in Gainsight a user can access.
Benchmark Analytics: This usage report helps analyze how a specific company performs based on various measures/derived measures compared with a group of similar companies defined by criteria, by aggregating the measures data. This usage report also helps you compare the performance of a company with overall companies. While configuring the Benchmark usage report, you must set the criteria for grouping the similar companies using any Company attribute. For more information, refer to the Create Usage Report in a Dashboard article.
Bi-directional Association: Enabling bidirectional sync will create a field on the linked object to hold a reference on the linked record back to the CTA.
- Booking Types: Booking type is a Gainsight category used to help Renewal Center identify opportunities that are: Renewal, Upsell, and Downsell.
Calculated Field: A field that can contain a calculated value based on the formula and conditions selected. Enables you to perform calculations across rows of data. For more information, refer to the Calculated Fields article.
Call-to-Action (CTA): Data or lifecycle driven alerts, typically classified as risks, opportunities, or events. CTAs are the backbone of the Cockpit workspace and typically contain more granular tasks for the CSMs to complete. (Success Plans include objective type CTAs, and custom CTA types may be created in your organization).
Call External API: The Call External API feature allows you to perform actions on external applications from Gainsight. You can use this feature to create actions in Rules Engine and Journey Orchestrator. For more information, refer to the Call External API Action Type article.
Cascade Add: Cascade Add in Data Designer allows admins to add a field to a dataset, and thereafter this field automatically gets added to all of the next datasets (end tasks) in that design. for more information, refer to the Preparation Details in the Data Designer article.
Cascade Delete: Cascade Delete in Data Designer allows admins to delete a field from a dataset, and thereafter this field automatically gets deleted from all of the subsequent datasets in that design. For more information, refer to the Preparation Details in the Data Designer article.
Certificate Chain: The certificate issued for your domain constitutes the certificates chain with a CA bundle. A certificate chain contains one or more certificates. You can use a text editor, the copy command in Windows, or the Linux cat command to concatenate your certificate files into a chain. The certificates must be concatenated in order, so that each directly certifies the one preceding. Copy the root CA certificate last. Your certificate chain may contain one or more certificates. For more information, refer to the Setup a Gainsight Domain article.
Certificate Key: These keys are simply numbers (128 bit being common) that are combined with the message using a particular method, commonly known as an algorithm, e.g. RSA, to either encrypt or sign the message. Almost all encryption methods employ public and private keys. The public key is placed in the certificate or request. The associated private key is kept secret. You can specify the private key when you import the certificate. The key must be unencrypted. For more information, refer to the Setup a Gainsight Domain article.
Chatter: Gainsight collaboration tool that enables users to tag colleagues using the ‘@’ symbol. Admins can enable Chatter in CTAs.
Churn: The churn rate is the percentage of subscribers to a service who discontinue their subscriptions to the service within a given time period. For a company to expand its clientele, its growth rate, as measured by the number of new customers, must exceed its churn rate.
Click-to-Call: This allows the user to make telephone calls over the Internet through a computer.
Cockpit: The CSM workspace for managing CTAs and Tasks. Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the Cockpit module.
Cockpit Analyzer: It helps Admins analyze and understand the Cockpit configuration and usage of it. This analysis helps admins to concentrate on improving Cockpit configuration by removing the redundant/unused data, as well as understand the workload of CSMs, and fine-tune CTA creation to drive optimal use of Cockpit. For more information, refer to the Cockpit Analyzer Admin Guide article.
Cockpit Calendar Integration: This feature helps CSMs/Users to sync their CTAs to Google/Outlook calendars as full-day events. This integration also helps CSMs to plan their day by increasing visibility of the CTA due dates. For more information, refer to the Cockpit Calendar Integration article.
Company Entitlement: Company Entitlement object preserves the standard values defined on a particular field at Company level (Daily and/or weekly). You can use this object to capture entitlements at Company level such as 'a company is entitled to 100 user licenses”.
Company Hierarchy: It is displayed as a section on the C360 page. It lets CSMs view the parent and child companies of the current company. Apart from parent and child details, CSMs can also view various important metrics of child and parent companies (if configured by admin).
Company Intelligence: Company Intelligence helps users to stay informed about their customers and competitors. It processes the information to the customers through Slack by searching publicly available information on the companies and signals in which they are interested. For more information, refer to the Company Intelligence Overview article.
Company Dashboard: You can filter the data based on Company and its Instance (optional) in the given time frame (Using Start and End date).
Company Person: Company Person is a standard object that stores attributes of the people in association with a company. For more information, refer to the Company Person article.
Company Timeseries (Daily and Weekly): It stores all the information related to your customer's usage data. For example, the total number of page views in a product, the total number of clicks, etc. Company Timeseries in Adoption Explorer loads the usage data at Daily and Weekly intervals.
Company Usage Info: It stores all the information related to your customer's, for example: Company Name, Secondary Company Name (Instance Name), External Ids of Company and Instance, Customer Type, Renewal Date, Company Status, Total number of Licenses, Number of Licenses used, etc.
Conditional Wait: The Conditional Wait step that can be added to a Program model looks for set conditions before sending a Participant to the next horizontal step on the Program journey. If a Participant does not meet the set conditions before the Time Limit has passed, the Conditional Wait feature will move them vertically to an alternative branch of the Program journey. For more information, refer to the Conditional Wait article.
Controller Category: The parent category of Data Management. Dependent category values are populated based on the selection of the parent category.
Cron Expression: It is a string comprising 6 or 7 fields that are separated by spaces and define the details of a schedule. Each field represents a sub-expression and allows only specific values. These values combined with special characters define the schedule. For more information, refer to the Format of Cron Expression article.
CSAT: The Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) question type is added to the list of Survey Questions. While creating a survey, admins can select the CSAT question type and configure it based on their business needs. For more information, refer to the Survey Design article.
CSM Dashboard: It displays the company records that are managed by the selected CSM User. The Users you see in the CSM Users dropdown list are fetched from the Gainsight User Object.
CTA Custom View: Allows Users to save Cockpit filter conditions as a private view and with up to 6 Columns. The new custom view can be modified, as well as re-named.
CTA Detail View: The view that displays when you click an existing CTA is called the CTA detail view, and contains fields like priority, reason, status, comments, etc.
Customer360 (C360): Comprehensive view of individual customers, composed of multiple sections or reports. Click the customer name on any Gainsight screen to access the C360. Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the C360 module.
Customer360 Layouts: Enables Admins to create a customized C360 view for different Companies or Users.
Customer360 Timeline: Allows CSMs to log customer activities, such as calls, meetings, and emails, along with notes in the C360.
Custom Book Price: A Custom Price Book is the additional set of price books created by the company as per their requirement.
Custom Domain: The custom domains can be created and customized irrespective of the Gainsight primary domain. The custom domain name appears in all the org URLs and replaces the instance name of Gainsight. For example, you can brand your URL by naming the custom domain with your company name,
Custom Object: In these objects, the schema is editable and the data can be uploaded, used, and deleted. There are three system fields: GSID, GS Created Date, and GS Modified Date generated automatically in all the custom objects. These are system driven fields and cannot be customized or modified by Admins.
Custom View: Custom Views in Renewal Center helps users to create and manage snapshots of the renewal metrics and opportunities lists by using a set of widgets and global filters.
Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSAT): This model is best suited to collect feedback/sentiment from the customer on a transaction, such as a support case. For more information, refer to the Customer Satisfaction Survey article.
Customer Stage: Stage will be used to define what lifecycle stage a customer is currently in.
Customer Status: Customer Status is a system-defined field used to classify the status of the customer.
Customer Success Manager (CSM): A Customer Success Manager (CSM) mainly deals with the customer's queries and also looks to expand the organization's customer base. CSMs do not have access to any of the Administration Pages, unless granted access through Navigation Bundle.
- Text Analytics: Text Analytics (FKA CX Center) makes it easier for users to collect and analyze textual feedback/response data from sources like Surveys and Timeline. Once the data is collected, the Text Analytics automatically provides advanced analytics, including sentiment assessment, to help improve your customer experience, predict market trends, identify potential churn, and recommend necessary steps to increase product usability. For more information, refer to the Text Analytics Overview article.
Dashboard Permissions: Admins can restrict a user/group of users from accessing a single or set of dashboards using the Dashboard Permissions. Admins can also provide limited access to the Report Builder and control the privacy of all new assets being created.
Dashboards: A collection of reports displayed on the Gainsight tab. Click here for the complete list of articles regarding Reports and Dashboards module.
Data Designer: Data Designer is a feature that makes it easier for you to discover richer, more meaningful insights from your customer data. It helps by simplifying the most time-consuming step of data analysis: preparing the data for analysis. For more information, refer to the Data Designer Overview article.
Date Functions: Date Functions in Adoption Explorer Dashboards help you adjust date ranges as required to see the usage trends, such as Start of Week, Month, Quarter, Year, etc. For more information, refer to the Adoption Explorer Functions article.
Data Import Lookup: Data Import Lookup is a feature that allows Admins to import GSID of a record from one object to another while ingesting data through any channel. For more information, refer to the Data Import Lookup article.
Data Ingest Job: Data ingest job in a Connector has all the configurations to load data into Gainsight objects. The configurations can be field mappings, derived mappings, etc.
Data Operation: Data operation is an Administration page that helps Admins view, edit, and delete the existing records in the Gainsight standard objects Company and Relationship. For more information, refer to the Data Operation article.
Data Space: It provides a virtual object structure that exposes a more consumable way to use data in Reporting, Data Designer, and Rules Engine. A Data Space is a collection of different objects with their lookup relations brought into one view. An administrator with the help of Data Spaces flattens the object hierarchy and makes it much easier and simpler for creating a report or a rule.
Data Steward: This feature helps you to supervise Unification results and manually intervene if needed.
Data Type: It is a type of field in an object used to store specific values in a field. Example: String Data Type field can store only short text values whereas Number Data Type can store only Number type values in the field.
Dataset: Dataset in a rule stores configuration of the combination of fields from one or multiple objects.
Dataset Task: Dataset tasks are the building blocks of a Bionic Rule and hold data matching your requirements. You can either create a single Dataset task and create respective Rule Action or create multiple Dataset tasks and merge them to form a single criteria, based on which the Rule Action is executed.
DB Login: Act of confirming a user’s identity using their Username and Password.
Deny List: When an email hard bounces, the address is stored in a deny list and does not receive additional communications until an Admin removes the address from the deny list.
Dependent Category: The subcategory of a controller category. The values for this type of dropdown field depend upon the value selected in the Controller dropdown category.
Derived Fields: They are the custom measures and dimensions created in an object, using the ingested measures and dimensions. For example, if you have a Page Views field, then by applying the Aggregate > Sum function, you can derive the Sum of Page Views.
Derived Mapping: Derived Mappings configuration helps Admins to import GSID of a record from one object to another through indirect mappings while ingesting data through a connector or rules.
Dialog: A Dialog engagement is an announcement that appears in the middle of a Gainsight page.
Direct Lookup: This feature enables admins to lookup to another Gainsight standard object and fetches GSIDs of the records from the lookup object.
- Display Logic: These are the conditions users can add to questions in Surveys, the question is shown only when the conditions set by you are met. This Logic is useful for follow-up questions and can be included on a single page.
Elements: Elements are Gainsight’s best practice solutions. Each Element is a prescriptive workflow for combining people, processes, and the Gainsight platform to solve Customer Success business challenges.
Email Assist or Email Tasks: CSMs can send semi-automated emails directly from Cockpit using Email Assist Tasks. The tasks must be added to a Playbook and then assigned to a CTA. The email task uses email templates configured in Journey Orchestrator.
Email Chain: The Email Chain Model is designed to send a series of related email outreaches, such as messages related to the Onboarding Process. For more information, refer to the Email Chain Model article.
Email Logs: Email Log contains an aggregated entry for a single recipient email. There will be only one entry in the Email Log for a recipient email irrespective of the number of events that occur for that email.
Email Raw Events: Email Raw Events contains records of all the events of a recipient's email such as Sent, Opened, Bounced, Link clicked. The number of records present in the email raw events of a single email is equal to the number of events that occur for that email.
Email Template: Gainsight offers an intuitive WYSIWIG editor to create HTML emails from scratch, or edit existing templates. You can also paste in HTML. Key features of email templates include:
Enhancement Requests: Number of enhancement requests raised by the CSMs. For more information, refer to the Product Request Overview article.
Tokens: You can avoid the hassle of manually writing in first names and other details for each customer. Use tokens while creating an email to pick the required values dynamically.
Survey and Reports: Easily drag and drop Gainsight surveys and reports into the email template. Survey links are tokenized, so you can automatically associate responses to Survey Recipients. Reports are automatically filtered by the Company to ensure recipients only receive data for their company.
Variants: Easily create and send multiple variations of an email within one Outreach to scale personalized customer communications and simplify reporting.
Embedded Page: In Customer360 and Relationship360, Admins can embed URLs so that they appear as sections on the pages, and CSMs have direct access to the tools (examples: Box, Dropbox, Clarizen, Marketo).
Engagements: Engagements in Enablement Engine allow you to launch in-app announcements, messages, send automated emails, and surveys. Enablement Engine supports five types of Engagements.
Engagement Data: It generally falls into four basic categories: product usage, brand, and marketing engagement, support engagement, and successful engagement.
Event Fields: Event Fields are used to configure conditions as part of the conditional wait step in a Program. You can choose fields from any of your event objects, use the value on the fields, and use it in a conditional wait step within a Program. For more information, refer to the Using Event Fields article.
Events Framework: The Gainsight Events Framework allows you to create events, which can be used in Programs and Rules Engine. For more information, refer to the Events Framework article.
Execution History: It displays the history of the executed rules.
External ID: An external ID is a standard field in the Company object, which stores the external unique identifiers of companies.
- External Users: The users including customers, partners, etc. who are not part of your organization but need access to the Shared360 layouts.
File Analyzer: Admins can use the File Analyzer to scan any CSV/TSV file to identify the root cause of any upload issues the file might have. After uploading a file to Gainsight, you can use this feature to assess any records that might have failed the upload. You can also use this feature to proactively identify these issues and resolve them before ingesting the data into Gainsight. For more information, refer to the File Analyzer Admin Guide article.
Formula Fields: It is a read only field, the value of the formula field evaluates from expressions defined by us. If we update any value in the expression, it automatically updates the formula field value. For more information, refer to the Formula Fields in Rules article.
Formula Fields in Reporting: With Formula Fields in Reporting, admins can instantly create a formula field in Report Builder, based on their business requirements.
- Freeform Dashboard: It displays the records across all the companies' data loaded to the Adoption Explorer project. For instance, you have a Segmented ARR field in Company Usage Info object, and now you may want to know the list of Companies that fall under Low band, and take necessary business actions.
- Funnel Visualization: This type of chart helps to view the progress through different stages. For more information, refer to the How to Build Basic Reports article.
- Feature Board: In Aha, a feature board is a visual representation of a product roadmap that displays the progress and status of features being developed for a particular product.
Gainsight 360: Gainsight customers can view their organization's Gainsight product usage data to better understand how their users are utilizing the Gainsight application. Additionally, customers can see Summary, Attributes, and Related List section types. The Gainsight 360 partially replaces the usage data reports that Gainsight previously emailed to customers. Gainsight 360 is read-only and cannot be exported. Customers can view the layout from Administration > Gainsight 360.
Gainsight Admin: The user who has administration access to the Gainsight application.
Gainsight Analyzer: It monitors various causes of failures or inefficiencies in the performance of the application, so you can quickly identify, isolate, and remediate any performance issue that impacts the user experience. For more information, refer to the Gainsight Analyzer article.
Gainsight Authentication: Gainsight provides the following Authentication Mechanisms:
DB Authentication
SAML Authentication
GSuite Authentication
Gainsight Bulk API: Gainsight Bulk API is a channel to load data into the Gainsight objects and is an enhanced feature to the existing data loading through URL commands. For more information, refer to the Gainsight Bulk API article.
Gainsight Dashboard: Custom dashboards containing multiple reports and views of customer data on the Gainsight tab. Under the Administration tab, dashboards are set up on the Layouts sub-tab.
Gainsight Elements: They are prescriptive processes based on hundreds of implementations and decades of experience in company-wide Customer Success. For more information, refer to the datasheet, or visit
Gainsight Home: Gainsight Home is a centralized view of all the most important insights and action items for Customer Success Managers (CSMs)/Account Managers (AMs). For more information, refer to the Gainsight Home Overview article.
Gainsight Managed S3 Bucket: The bucket provided by Gainsight to load the users CSV and tsv files in Amazon S3.
Gainsight Person Model: It is an object model in Gainsight that has unique records to represent people in the real world. It stores details of people and their associations with Company and/or Relationships respectively.
Gainsight User: Gainsight User is a standard object to store user information in Gainsight. A set of standard fields with predefined mappings are shipped by Gainsight in the GS User object. For more information, refer to the Gainsight User Object article.
Gantt Chart: It is a type of bar chart that illustrates the progress of scheduled tasks against defined criteria. You can find Gantt Chart as one of the tabs within the Success Plans section of the 360. This tab provides a graphical representation of all the objectives listed in the OBJECTIVES tab against the planned schedule.
Gauge Visualization: This type of chart helps to view up to six Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in a single report. For more information, refer to the How to Build Basic Reports article.
Google Apps Authentication Login: Act of confirming a user’s identity using their Google Accounts.
Grouped Analytics: This usage report helps create different groups of companies or cohorts based on filter criteria and analyzes how each group of companies contribute to various measures/derived measures by the percentage of measured data over-contribution of overall companies. For more information, refer to the Create Usage Report in a Dashboard article.
GRR: Gross Revenue Retention shows the percentage of business retained from your book of business. This value cannot be more than 100 percent. Formula Used = Sum(Forecasted Revenue) / Sum(Renewable Revenue) * 100
GS Assist Chrome Plug-in: Gainsight Assist Chrome plug-in helps users manage their day-to-day customer communications and save their time and efforts. Users can access their Gainsight email templates directly from Gmail, thereby saving time when composing customer emails and helping drive consistency in communications. Also, the ability to log emails to Timeline from their inbox saves time and ensures that all-important conversations are captured. For more information, refer to the Gainsight Assist Chrome Plug-in User Guide article.
GSuite Login: GSuite login is a Single sign-on which allows the user to login to Gainsight NXT via Google accounts.
- GS Assist Outlook Add-in: The Gainsight Assist Outlook add-in helps users manage their day-to-day customer communications and saves their time and effort. Users can access their Gainsight email templates directly from Outlook, thereby saving time when composing customer emails and helping to drive consistency in communications. Also, the ability to log emails to Timeline from their inbox saves time and ensures that every important conversation is captured. For more information, refer to the Gainsight Assist Outlook Add-in User Guide article.
Health Score: The current/previous score of a customer, measure, or group.
- Hierarchy: Used to model child and parent company structures. Gainsight offers Admins the option to configure a company hierarchy up to 5 levels deep and display it in the C360, Company, and Opportunity widgets. For more information, refer to the Company Hierarchy Overview article.
Import from SurveyMonkey: Gainsight Admins can integrate SurveyMonkey with Gainsight to import and analyze the survey responses which are in their SurveyMonkey account. Gainsight users can then derive more customer insights from these survey responses and transform them into actionable steps.
Import NPS®: Admins can import Third-party NPS® responses to Gainsight Survey and analyze the NPS® responses in the NPS® Analytics tab. Admins can upload CSV files to import the Third-party NPS® responses to Gainsight Survey. Gainsight users can then derive more customer insights from these survey responses and transform them into actionable steps.
Influencer: An Influencer is a Person who can impact the decision-maker in an organization. This impact (known as Sentiment in People Maps) can be negative, positive, or neutral. CSMs can add influencer relationships to a People Map. For more information, refer to the Build People Maps article.
- Internal Users: The users who can be within your organization and can be with/without Gainsight license.
Ideas: In Aha, ideas refer to suggestions or feedback from customers that could potentially lead to the development of a new product or feature.
Ideas Portal: Ideas are collected and managed in the Ideas portal, which is a dedicated area within Aha where users can submit, review, and vote on ideas.
Internal Permission Bundle: Permission bundles curated for internal users (non-partners), equipping team members with the necessary module or feature access.
Joins: They are used in the Merge task in Bionic Rules. A Join method defines the logic used to merge data from different Datasets. Gainsight supports these four types of Joins:
Inner Join: It picks up only those records which are common to all the Dataset tasks, being merged.
Outer Join: It picks up all the records from the datasets, but ensures that there is no duplication of data.
Left Join: It picks up all the records from the left Dataset and the matching records from the right Dataset.
Right Join: It picks up all the records from the right dataset and the matching records from the left Dataset.
- Journey Orchestrator: Automated email feature to send communications to internal recipients or customers. Featuring email templates, dynamic participant lists, and built-in analytics. For more information, refer to the Journey Orchestrator article.
Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the Journey Orchestrator module.
Dashboard: A Dashboard in Adoption Explorer is a logical group, which consists of a set of Usage Reports, where you can add various types of Usage Reports for different kinds of usage data.
- Linked Objects: They allow you to link CTAs to other Gainsight objects, whether they are standard objects, like Opportunity or Company Person, or custom objects. This allows you to see relevant information from Gainsight records and also update these records directly from the Cockpit. With linked objects, Admins can essentially create CTA forms for their end-users to access in Cockpit that collect/update important information, and avoid the user having to navigate away from Cockpit to enter the data.
Mappings: It is the mechanism which Gainsight applications use to identify special fields like, Company Name, Relationship Name, User Name, CTA, Timeline Subject, etc. across Gainsight (Reporting, Rules, etc.). For more information, refer to the Preparation Details in the Data Designer article.
Match Criteria: The criteria required to identify if two records (within the same source or across different sources) are unique or duplicate representations of the same record.
Measure: A measure is a component of a Scorecard, used to track one specific customer health metric.
Measure Groups: A collection of Scorecards measures. For example, you might have one measure group to track Risk measures and another to track Opportunity measures.
Merge Task: When you create multiple Dataset tasks with different criteria in the Rules Engine, you must merge all of the datasets into a single dataset using a Merge Task.
Milestones: Milestones represent major events in the customer journey. Examples of milestones include key onboarding stages, health check, training delivery, QBR/EBR, annual renewal, and marketing campaigns.
Mixpanel: It is a customer data platform that captures customer usage data from your website and transmits the data to any system that is integrated with Mixpanel. For more information, refer to the Mixpanel article.
MRR: Monthly Recurring Revenue. It is a financial metric that measures a company's predictable monthly income from subscriptions. MRR is a key performance indicator for subscription-based businesses.
Multilingual Surveys: Admins can configure surveys in different languages by entering the translated text into the survey setup.
- Multi-Variant Email: A multi-variant email is an email that has been configured with multiple variants within the same email template. When sending this email, the user can select each variant to go to a different segment of customers. This allows them to send one email that is configured specifically for different groups of their customers. The most common use case for this feature is sending a single email with variants that are in different languages.
Normal Admin: Cannot manipulate Admin-level permission and cannot View as someone else’s dashboard.
Notifications: Notifications are the in-app or email alerts for the users when key events occur, to ensure that they do not go unnoticed. For more information, refer to the Setup User Notifications article.
- NPS®: Net Promoter Score® based on customer loyalty. (Click here for more general NPS® info). For more information, refer to the NPS® Overview article.
Object Graph: Object Graphs show Joins between two Gainsight Objects. You get a pictorial representation of how two Gainsight Objects are linked to each other. This graph gives you a first-hand knowledge of what exactly can happen if a record in the lookup object is deleted.
- Operational Email: Operational emails are intended for sharing important information specific to a customer or based on a specific customer's activity. For more information, refer to the Operational Email Guidelines article.
Packages: Packages help you leverage external applications. Each Package, just like Elements, has a pre-configured set of Gainsight assets. To deploy a Package, you must have data that supports the application to which the package refers.
Pages: Pages are used to create custom HTML content and these pages can be used in Sites. For more information on how Pages support Surveys, refer to the Create Pages article.
Permission Bundles: Permission Bundles is an administration feature which facilitates a Super Admin (or an admin) to easily set up access to some or all of the Gainsight pages in global navigation for specific users. For more information, refer to the Permission Groups article.
Pivot (Data Designer): Pivot transforms the data available in a table by turning the unique values from one column into multiple columns in the output. For more information on how to transform data into a simplified and actionable dataset in Data Designer using the Pivot task, refer to the Pivot Task in Data Designer article.
Pivot Task (Rules Engine): It can transform data into a polished, actionable dataset in Rules Engine.
Playbook: A predefined, recommended set of tasks for resolving a CTA. Playbooks can be applied to a CTA manually or through the rules engine.
Person: It is a standard object in Gainsight that stores unique records of the people in the real world. For more information on how Pages support Surveys, refer to the Person article.
Person Entitlement: Person Entitlement object preserves the standard values defined on a particular field at the Person level (Daily and/or weekly). You can use this object to capture entitlements at Person level such as a user is entitled to storage of 10 GBs for lifetime'.
Person Dashboard: You can filter the data based on the Person from the selected Company and Instance (optional) with a given time frame (Using Start and End date).
Person Time Series (Daily and Weekly): It stores all the information related to the Persons (users) Usage Data ex: total number of page views by a person, the total number of clicks by a person. Person Time Series in Adoption Explorer loads the usage data at Daily and Weekly intervals.
Person Usage Info: It stores the information related to the Persons (users) ex: Person (user) Name, Person Email, External Ids of the Company and Instance.
Plain Text Email: A plain text email is a simple email message that only includes text without any formatting, images, or graphics. For more information, refer to the Support of Plain Text format in Email Templates article.
Price Book: A Price Book helps to add the price per unit for a particular product. A price book also helps to identify the list of products and the different prices associated with them.
Price Book Entry: A Price Book Entry help to associate a product to a price. Also, in cases where a product needs to be tied to multiple prices, you can create multiple Price Books to have the required flexibility. The need to associate a product to multiple prices arises when the price of the product changes based on buyer or the buying quantity or the buying geography etc.
Private View (in Dashboards): Dashboards/Folders can be accessed only by the owner and admin.
Product: A Product can be an item or any kind of service that a company sells to its customers. Companies should add the Product information along with the price per unit to leverage it for opportunities in the Renewal Center. For more information on Product, refer to the Product Catalog Overview article.
Programs: With Gainsight Programs (formerly known as Adv. Outreaches), you can design multi-step outreaches that guide your customer through a responsive series of email interactions to reach an enhanced outcome. For more information on how Pages support Surveys, refer to the Introduction to Programs article.
Project: A project in Adoption Explorer holds logically related Usage data of a product or set of products. Each project in Adoption Explorer holds data at Company and Person level. The data at Company and Person level is again divided into 3 categories of objects: Usage Info, Timeseries, and Entitlement.
Public - View (in Dashboards): Everyone can read dashboards with this level of permission.
Public - View & Edit (in Dashboards): Everyone can read/edit dashboards with this level of permission.
PX Connector: It allows you to connect Gainsight to a PX org. Once you establish the connection, you can sync PX data (Companies and Users) into Gainsight. For more information on how this connector works, refer to the Gainsight PX Connector article.
- PX Product Key: The product key at the Company level can get you the aggregation data/analytics data of a Product for each Company. Having this Key in a usage report provides multi-product analytics at Company level aggregations. Product Key is also available at Person level, and can get you the analytics data at Person level aggregations. For more information on how this connector works, refer to the Enable Gainsight PX Data in Adoption Explorer article.
- Partner: Third-party organizations engaged by Gainsight customers to expand sales territories, manage services, third party integrations, customer success motions, and so on.
- Partner User: Representatives hired by Partners, equivalent to Customer Success Managers (CSMs), managing Gainsight customers' clients. They may or may not be referred to as CSMs.
Partner Permission Bundle: Permission bundles curated for external partners. These bundles include permissions necessary for partners to access certain features of Gainsight NXT that are relevant to them, but not the full range of modules.
Query Builder: Query Builder allows you to get the required specific result, by allowing you to create a query based on your requirements. With Query Builder, you can create custom analytics reports without using any query language.
Question Library: Gainsight Admins can use this feature to save questions they create for use in future surveys.
- Quick Insights: This feature helps users access more specific information by simply typing Quick Insight in the Slack chat window. For more information, refer to the Quick Insights in Slack using Sally (For End-Users) article.
Real-Time Rules: Real-Time Rules are triggered when an event occurs in the application as a result of internal or external activity. With Real-Time Rules, admins can take the right actions faster to drive greater efficiency in your Customer Success workflows. For more information, refer to the Real-Time Rules article.
Real-Time Sync: It helps admins to import all the PX survey engagements and its responses automatically in Real-Time once it is enabled. For more information, refer to the Gainsight PX Integration with Surveys article.
Record Group: Group of records that have been identified as duplicates across various sources. For more information, refer to the Unification Overview article.
Relationship: Relationships are an object in Gainsight that can be used to model multiple perspectives by creating relationship types and relationships, which eventually helps your CS team manage the success of each relationship. Relationships take CS beyond managing Companies. It helps CS manage each connection point (Relationship) with customers. For more information, refer to the Relationships Overview article.
Relationship 360: Similar to Customer 360, it provides a 360 view of a relationship.
Relationship CTA: A CTA created in a relationship is called a relationship CTA.
Relationship Person: Relationship Person is a standard object that stores attributes of the people in association with a Relationship. For more information, refer to the Relationship Person article.
Renewal Center: Renewal Center helps renewal teams to deeply analyze and accurately forecast their renewal business. Renewal Center enriches CRM data with a predictive customer health score to identify risky customers earlier, as well as avoid missed opportunities and forecasts.
Reset Flattening: Reset flattening will reload the data for a specific survey.
Report Builder: Gainsight's robust report builder featuring 10+ report visualization types (eg. Pie, Bar, Heat map, etc). Build reports to display in C360 sections or Gainsight Home dashboards.
Responded Step: This step is in all the Program survey models and allows users to configure branching options for the outreach based on whether or not a participant has responded to the survey sent.
Roadmap Items: Total number of enhancement requests approved by the Product Manager. For more information, refer to the Product Request Overview article.
Row Grouping: Row Grouping in Reporting allows you to visually group the rows/records in a report by a dimension type field without aggregating all the other fields.
Rule Chain: The Rule Chain feature helps simplify the process of scheduling groups of related rules (Custom and Bionic) that you need to run in a particular sequence. This sequence is based on the scheduled time of the rules. For more information, refer to the Rule Chain article.
- Rules Engine: A place where you can automate your processes by configuring business rules. For example, you can configure rules to create or close multiple CTAs automatically. For more information, refer to the Rules Engine Overview article.
Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the Rules Engine module.
S3 Connector: It provides a way to move data into Gainsight. Gainsight built a connector that consumes data from an S3 ‘bucket’ directly into Gainsight. For more information, refer to the Gainsight S3 Connector article.
Note: Amazon’s S3 is a service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides secure and durable highly-scalable object storage. -
S3 Dataset Task: You can use the S3 Dataset task in the rules engine to fetch data from a historical CSV/TSV file or an S3 bucket.
Salesforce Connector: This helps you import SFDC data into Gainsight standard and custom objects from Customer Info, Company, Relationships, User, and the SFDC custom objects.
Sally - The Gainsight Bot: With Gainsight Sally, your company can better collaborate through real-time customer insights within their favorite apps. Powered by AI, Sally makes rich Gainsight data easily accessible through simple conversation. Chatting with Sally is just like chatting with a real person and machine-learning technology helps Sally get smarter with each interaction. Click here for the complete list of articles regarding Sally AI Bot module.
SAML Login: Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between parties, in particular, between an identity provider and a service provider. For example: IdPs can be SSO, Salesforce, Okta, etc.
Scheduled Outreaches: It can schedule emails to Company Persons in a power list at a specific date and time, or on a recurring schedule. Currently, you cannot trigger outreaches; instead, you can add a date field as a filter in the Power List and schedule a daily outreach when that date = today. If your Outreach has variants, you can schedule these to be sent at separate times.
Scorecard: This term is used for the overall scoring scheme that you set up in Gainsight. A scorecard comprises one or more measures that monitor different signals of health or risk. Click here for the complete list of articles regarding Scorecard.
Scorecard Mass Edit Report: A Scorecard Mass Edit report allows users to view the health scores of multiple Companies or Relationships at once in a tabular format, make changes to the scores and embed it in a Dashboard. For more information, refer to the Edit Scorecards with Mass Edit Report article.
Scorecard Scheme: The Scoring scheme determines the medium in which score for a Measure, Measure Group, and Scorecard is displayed. Options include numeric, color, or grade. For more information on how to configure scoring schemes, refer to the Configure Scorecard Schemes article.
Segment: It is a customer data hub that captures customer usage data from your website and transmits the data to any system that is integrated with Segment. For more information, refer to the Segment Connector article.
Segment Dashboard: It allows the user to set the filter criteria using the already created Segmented fields in Company and Person Usage Info objects. For instance, if you want to see the ‘Sum of Unique Page Views’ of Companies with High ARR, you can set the Segmented ARR filter criteria as High.
Segments: Segments can be created to fetch a sub-group of customers, relationships, and Company Persons that meet your selected criteria using source objects. These Segments can later be used as one of the Source types, to add participants in Programs. For more information, refer to the Segments article.
Self Lookup: This feature enables admins to lookup to the same standard object and fetches GSID of another record to the target field.
Semi-Anonymous Survey: The person who is responding to the survey is unknown, but the company or relationship they belong to is known and tracked.
Shared 360: CSMs/AMs can share customer information (in read-only mode) with non-Gainsight users using the Shared 360 feature. This feature provides end-users a quick snapshot of the customer’s key information and product usage data in preparation for meetings with the customer. For more information, refer to the Shared 360 (For CSMs) article.
Sharing Settings: Gainsight feature to implement access control to various resources.
Sites: It uses the domains and pages for distributing surveys in Survey.
Skip Logic: These are the conditions users can add to questions in Surveys. Based on the conditions applied and a respondent’s answer to a question, they can skip over a section containing irrelevant questions.
Slider: A Slider engagement is made up of multiple slides. When you launch a Slider, it is displayed as a lightbox on the selected Gainsight CS page.
SmartSigns: Gainsight’s in-product ‘data-science’. Using SmartSigns, you can point to one or more underlying metrics in the Gainsight Usage object to automatically derive a score.
Sightline Vault: It contains packages of assets (reports, rules, playbooks, etc.) to support various business challenges, referred to as Elements, which can be imported to and deployed quickly and easily in your Gainsight CS org. This new feature helps customers receive value more efficiently from the data in Gainsight. For more information, refer to the Overview of Sightline Vault article.
Sponsor Tracking: It enables your CSMs to keep a close watch on their key customer persons, so they can be alerted when there is a change in the sponsor's status at the company. For more information, refer to the Intro to Sponsor Tracking article.
Staging Object: The Standard and custom objects that need to be unified to build a unified data repository.
Standard Object: These standard objects store important customer data like Company and User information in Gainsight. This lets the users perform actions from other functionalities in Gainsight application directly on the standard objects.
Standard Price Book: A Standard Price Book is the master list of all the different products that your company sells. Each product catalog can have only one Standard Price Book.
Sub-domain: The primary domain for Gainsight is, the sub-domains can be created and configured on the primary domain. Sub-domains are created within Gainsight. The sub-domain name appears in all org URLs and uses the instance name of Gainsight. For example, you can brand your URL by naming the sub-domain with your company name,
Subdomain: A subdomain refers to a unique identifier that is added to the beginning of the Aha integration URL to specify the specific account.
Success Plans: It helps CSMs monitor and drive success with individual customers based on long-term objectives and criteria that they define.
Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the Success Plans module. -
Success Snapshots: It enables admins to generate PowerPoint presentations with customer data and graphs from Gainsight, using your own customized presentation (business review deck) uploaded to the Success Snapshot repository, and helps CSMs run their customer meetings (such as EBRs and QBRs). For more information, refer to the Overview of Success Snapshot article.
Summary Widgets: They are a report type in the report builder that works with one field in Show me, nothing in By, and require an aggregation on the field in the Show me selection. Summary widget reports can be added to dashboards.
Super Admin: A Super Administrator (aka super admin) has access to all the Pages in Gainsight NXT. Super admin can give access to other users to access pages through Navigation Bundles. Super admin can also give administrative privileges to a user.
Surveys: Gainsight offers a powerful survey tool where you can easily create multi-page surveys with a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, matrix, and a standard NPS® question type. Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the Surveys module.
Survey Audit Log: The edited/deleted response information is stored in the Survey Audit Log object.
System Folder: The System folder is available on the Report Builder repository page. This folder contains three out-of-the-box Success Plan reports, namely: Objective List, Tasks Details, and Timeline Details. These reports are customizable (Add filters, fields, remove fields, etc).
- System Object: These Objects are set up, shipped, and controlled entirely by Gainsight. They are system driven and cannot be customized or modified by Admins. In these objects, neither the schema nor the data is editable. Data cannot be uploaded or deleted from system objects.
Table Styles: Gainsight offers Admins to create and apply custom styles to Tabular Reports in the Success Snapshot template.
For more information on customization options for table styles, refer to the Table Styles in Success Snapshot article. -
Tags: It provides a way for CSMs to manually group "like" customers together to define a unique cohort or segmentation that likely do not exist elsewhere. In many cases, Tags are used when it is not practical or possible to add a new field. After an Admin configures tags, CSMs can apply them in the C360.
Teams: The Teams feature allows admins to control which users have access to a company's data. For example, when admins assign users to a specific company in Teams, only those users will have access to that company's data.
Theme: Visual Experience in the Additional Configuration section of Survey Properties is now separated as a new Theme section with enhanced capabilities. For more information, refer to the Survey Properties article.
Timeline: It is the official record of your customers. It allows you to log information regarding customer interactions in a way that enables you to quickly gather insights and drive action. The Timeline View in the Customer or Relationship 360 allows you to log and view activities that help you track customer interactions over the course of a customer’s life cycle. Click here for the complete list of articles regarding the Timeline module.
Time Identifier: Week or month for data (pertains to rules).
Tokens: A feature used to fetch Company/Company Persons information dynamically while sending an email communication, or customizing the name of a CTA when it is triggered by a rule (also known as Tags in Journey Orchestrator).
Token in Survey Question: Tokens are placeholder fields derived from the Survey Participant object such as attributes from Company, Company Person, Relationship, Relationship Person, and Associated Object (CSAT case). You can add tokenized fields in survey questions.
Transactions: Part of Lifetime Revenue Management (LRM).
- True NPS® Score: This score is calculated in the following way: (Percentage of Promoters) - (Percentage of Detractors). The value will range from -100 to 100. A score higher than 0 is considered good, while a negative score is considered bad. You can select a time period for which the NPS® score will be calculated.
Through-Partner Customers: Customers of Gainsight's customers who are managed by Partners.
Uncategorized Folder: This is the default folder available in Rules Engine. You can create additional folders apart from this folder.
Unification: The Unification feature helps you to unify Company and Person data from various data sources and create consolidated records in Gainsight. For more information on Unification, refer to the Unification Overview article.
Unified Fact Object: Unified Fact is an application object which holds data of all the Scorecards. There can be only two Scorecard unified Fact objects. A Unified Fact Object - Company holds data for all Company Scorecards and Unified Fact Object - Relationships holds data of all the Relationship Scorecards. If there are no Company Scorecards, the Unified Fact Object - Company does not exist and similarly, if there are no Relationship Scorecards, the Unified Fact Object - Relationships do not exist.
Unified Records: The consolidated record created as a result of unification of contributing records of the Record Group. Unification picks the values based on the preferred sources for each attribute. Unified Records are inserted into Gainsight as the final step of the Unification process.
Union Function: Union function in Data Designer combines the two datasets in a way that all the similar type fields automatically get unified into one dataset. If there are any other fields in the two datasets that are not similar, admins can select and add them based on their requirements. For more information, refer to the Preparation Details in the Data Designer article.
Update: This operation is used while uploading records to Gainsight through Data Management. The Update operation updates the existing records when matching records are found. If a matching record is not found, new records are not created.
Update Keys: Update key helps to identify a unique record from source to target while ingesting data into the remaining mapped fields in a connector. Any source field which has unique values can be used as an Upsert key.
Upsert: This operation is used while uploading records to Gainsight through Data Management. The Upsert operation updates the existing records when matching records are found. If a matching record is not found, a new record is created.
Usage Data: Refers to your product’s usage data. For example, data related to the number of users accessing the application, number of clicks, frequency of usage, and so on is termed as usage data.
- Usage Report: Usage Reports are the main artifacts of a Dashboard, which displays the usage data for a given configuration. For example, you can add a Usage Report for: A Company’s Total Page Views by Page Title, A Person’s Page Views by Page Title, A Company’s ARR Contribution, A Company’s Segmented ARR, etc.
Visual Experience: This is a section under Additional Configurations in Survey Properties, where users can configure the survey’s visual appearance.
Weekly Snapshot: Weekly Snapshot provides an easy way to snapshot information of Company/Person data every week in the most simple way so that you can track the trend of this data week over week easily. The fields that are tracked for weekly snapshot are snapshotted on a weekly basis and are stored in the Company/Person Weekly Time Series objects. Using these snapshot fields, you can build usage report, and then add the Dashboard to the C360 page for the CSMs to derive more insights.
Welcome Email: The initial email received when the user configures Gainsight for the first time.
What ID: Admins would be able to create a field of this data type in any standard or custom object. This field has the ability to dynamically join with another standard object to fetch the source information. This helps to build reports on the current object and join the selected fields from the standard object. Currently, Gainsight does not support creating a new field of this data type.
- Who ID: A field of this data type can be created in any standard or custom object. This field has the ability to dynamically join with the User or Person object to identify a user or person uniquely from the current object. This helps to build reports on the current object and join the selected fields from the Person or User object.
Workspace: In Aha, a workspace is a dedicated area for a team or group to collaborate and manage their work. Workspaces are used to organize data and configurations in Aha based on specific projects, products, or initiatives.
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