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Gainsight Inc.

Gainsight S3 Connector

Gainsight NXT


IMPORTANT NOTE: Gainsight is upgrading Connectors 2.0 with Horizon Experience. This article applies to tenants which have been upgraded to the Horizon Experience for Connectors 2.0. If you are using Connectors 2.0 with the previous version, you can find the documentation here.

This article explains how to create a connection from your Gainsight org to your S3 bucket.


Amazon S3 bucket is a database used to store CSV/TSV data files. When a connection to your S3 bucket is established from your Gainsight org, you can fetch data from these files into Gainsight objects, using Rules Engine, Data Designer, and Adoption Explorer.

Note: Gainsight does not have any storage limit for S3 bucket, but there is a file size limit of max 500 MB. For example,  the S3 connector displays errors if file size is more than 500 MB.

Create an S3 Connection

This section describes procedural steps involved in creating a connection from a Gainsight org to your S3 bucket.

To create an S3 connection from Gainsight to your S3 bucket:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Connectors 2.0 > CONNECTIONS.
  2. Click Create Connection. Create Connection dialog appears.
  3. From the Connector dropdown menu, select S3.
  4.  In Name of the Connection, enter the name of the connection.
  5. Enter Bucket Name, Access Key, and Security Token of the S3 bucket.
  6. (Optional) Click TEST CONNECTION to validate the S3 connection. If the credentials of your S3 bucket are correct and valid, it displays the success message, Connection Successful. If not, it displays an error message, Connection failed.
  7. Click CREATE. A connection to your S3 bucket is established successfully.

Note: After a S3 connection is established, Gainsight does not allow any changes to the Gainsight managed S3 bucket due to security and maintenance reasons.

Update Access Key

Gainsight recommends updating the Access Key every 180 days to avoid security risks.

Users who have a Gainsight provided S3 bucket, need to manually refresh the Access Key from Administration > Connector, then copy and update it in the Connectors 2.0 - S3 Connector.

For more information on how to update the Access Key, refer to the How to Reset Access Key for Gainsight Managed S3 Bucket(s) article.

For more information on how to add the access key, refer to the Create S3 Connection section.

For users who are using their own S3 bucket, Gainsight recommends reaching out to their AWS admins for new Access Key and updating the S3 in Connectors 2.0.

Sync S3 Data into Gainsight

After S3 Connection is established, Admins can sync data into Gainsight objects, using Rules Engine, Data Designer, and Adoption Explorer as explained below:

  • Rules Engine: Admins can create a dataset by fetching data from a csv/tsv file in any S3 bucket configured in Connectors 2.0 or Gainsight management. These csv/tsv files can be uploaded manually into the S3 bucket or exported into the S3 bucket from another Rules Engine task. This task allows Admins to compose a dataset task from a csv/tsv. Once the dataset is created, Admins can apply other tasks and set up actions on it. For more information on the S3 Dataset configuration, refer to the S3 Dataset Task in Rules Engine article.
  • Data Designer: You can create a dataset in Data Designer by fetching data from a csv/tsv file in any S3 bucket (either Gainsight Managed or Custom buckets). For more information on the S3 Dataset configuration, refer to the S3 Dataset Task in Rules Engine and Use Data from Amazon S3 in Data Designer article
  • Adoption Explorer: Admins can setup the S3 connection to ingest usage data from external sources into the Adoption Explorer objects. For more information on the Adoption Explorer configuration on S3 connection, refer to the Configure Adoption Explorer Objects article.

Upload CSV/TSV files through Cyberduck

You can upload CSV/TSV files into either Gainsight managed bucket or custom S3 bucket using tools such as Cyberduck. Files uploaded to S3 bucket can be consumed by the following Gainsight features:

For more information on how to use Cyberduck tool to upload files, refer to the Upload CSV/TSV Files into S3 Bucket article.

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