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Gainsight Inc.

360 Overview

Gainsight NXT


This article provides an introduction to C/R360.


The Customer 360 (C360) and Relationship 360 (R360) is a central hub of your customer’s business information in Gainsight. It synthesizes business data from various sources and provides you with a holistic view of your customers. This minimizes the preparation time for your customer meetings. To access the Customer 360 view, click the customer name hyperlink from anywhere within Gainsight, ex: Global search box, Call to Action (CTA), etc. For more information on the C360 View, refer to the Overview of C360 Details article.

The 360 view is available for both Company as well as Relationships (if your org has configured Relationships in Gainsight). You can view the business information related to a Relationship from the specific Relationship 360 (R360) page. For more information on the Relationships in Gainsight, refer to the Relationships Overview article.

You can find the following information from C360 view:

  • From the comprehensive Summary section, get a complete picture of the customer. The layout of the Summary section is completely customizable and the summary can accommodate more customer information.
  • From the Summary section, you can quickly know your customer’s health score (From Scorecards section), ARR, NPS®/Survey Responses, Open CTAs, product usage data, etc.
  • A wide range of widgets and visualizations for digesting customer data easily
  • Customer Journey widget helps the users get a quick overview of the customer by highlighting all the key milestones in the customer’s life cycle. 
  • Relationships, People, and Sponsors associated with this customer.
  • Access Timeline from the 360; for more information on Timeline, refer to the Timeline Overview article.
  • Reports linked from Report Builder using Related Lists (Ex: Reports created on CTAs like “Show me open CTAs for this customer”)
  • Success Plans associated with this customer.
  • Person section displaying people hierarchy and Influencer relation type.

Note: C360 supports the Gainsight widget in Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

360 Overview - Gainsight Inc. 2023-03-02 at 11.38.24 AM.jpg

CSMs can perform the following actions from the C360 page:

  • Configure and personalize C/R360
  • Get a overview of the Relationships through Summary Ribbon, List, and Card Views
  • Log Activities from Timeline
  • Add People and Sponsors
  • Create CTAs and Success Plans
  • Chart view of Company Hierarchy that brings customer organization’s structure to life

You can customize and personalize the 360 view of your customers, to fit your organization needs. For more information on the list of areas in 360 that were enhanced in the horizonized 360 feature, refer to the change document.

Customer 360

The benefits of using Customer 360 include:

  • Efficiency - save time by accessing customer information from various sources in your one-stop data shop
  • Standardization - ensure that you have a single source of truth that is accessible to others in your organization
  • Flexibility - utilize multiple layouts to tailor the information based on customer or user characteristics
  • Integration - connect with other Gainsight features to provide a comprehensive ability to manage your customers.

For information on how to add a section to C360, refer to the step 6 in Create Layout in C360/R360 section in the Configure 360 Layouts article.

Relationship 360

Relationships are an object in Gainsight that provide you with the flexibility to accurately model and manage your complex customer structures by creating relationship types and relationships. Relationships take Customer Success beyond managing Company's. They help CS manage each connection point (Relationship) with your customer. Therefore, the Relationship 360 is unique to the specific relationship.

The same sections are available and/or can be configured in the R360 as the C360, and R360 layouts can be applied to different relationship types.

For information on how to add a relationship section to C360, refer to the Create Layout in C360/R360 section in the Configure 360 Layouts article.

Layouts in C360/R360

Admins can create a new layout for different groups of end-users, as not all end-users need to have the same information in the C360/R360.

For more information on how to create layouts and assign them to users and/or companies, refer to Configure 360 Layouts article.

Standard 360 Sections 

Gainsight offers the following sections that can be listed in C360/R360 for every customer:

  1. Attributes
  2. Cockpit
  3. Company Hierarchy
  4. Company Intelligence
  5. Embed Page
  6. Forecast
  7. Leads
  8. People 
  9. Relationship
  10. Reports
  11. Scorecard
  12. Success Plan
  13. Summary 
  14. Survey 
  15. Timeline
  16. Usage
  17. Sponsor Tracking
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