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Gainsight Inc.

Multi-Currency Impact on Surveys and Text Analytics

Gainsight NXT


This article explains the impacts on the Surveys application after enabling Multi-Currency. For more information about the Multi-Currency support and the associated configurations, refer to the Configure Multi-Currency Support article.


Multi-Currency impacts the following areas in Surveys:

  • Display Logic
  • Question Tokenization
  • Surveys and NPS® Analytics

Display Logic

While applying Display Logic on the Company or Company Person type, the currency field when selected allows you to set the condition by selecting the currency code and entering the currency value. Once the currency code and value are set, the original currency values in the selected field are converted to the selected currency code, and the condition is applied accordingly.

For example, you want to set a condition to display a survey question only if the currency value is greater than 1000 USD. But, if the survey participant's currency code is different, the monetary value (Ex: EUR 900, GBP 1100) is converted to the selected USD. And if the condition meets, then the survey participant would see that particular survey question.


Question Tokenization

When admins add the Currency field tokens, Survey participants can see the currency values from the field with the original currency code as stored in the Survey Question database.

Question Tokenization Configuration


Survey Participant Preview


Surveys and NPS® Analytics

Multi-Currency impacts the following areas in Surveys and NPS® Analytics

In Filter Reports, when you add filters on Currency ISO Code field, records in the selected Currency ISO codes get populated. 


The currency field when selected allows you to set the condition by selecting the currency code and entering the currency value to filter the survey responses data. Values in the different currency codes are converted to the selected Code and results are populated as per criteria.

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When you add currency fields to the participant response grid, you can see the record level currency value and currency code. For example, users can see currency values in two distinct currency codes if there are responses from two participants from different companies, having different Currency ISO codes.

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Multi-Currency impacts the following areas in Text Analytics:

  • Revenue Matrix Widget
  • Companies Widget
  • Global Filter

Revenue Matrix Widget

The Revenue Matrix widget displays the Revenue vs Sentiment/NPS® of the Companies in a graphical representation. It segregates the Companies into four quadrants based on Company Sentiment/NPS® and Revenue. For more information on Text Analytics, refer to the Text Analytics Overview article and for more information on the Revenue Matrix Widget, refer to the Text Analytics Home article.

The currency field on the Y-Axis displays the configured Corporate Currency code and all the record level values are converted to Corporate Currency values.

When you hover on a specific company, it displays the actual record level currency value and the converted Corporate Currency value.


Companies Widget

The Companies widget displays the list of Companies along with their Sentiment, NPS®, and Revenue. 

The currency field in the Companies widget displays the record level currency value and currency code. For example, you can see various currency codes like USD, AED, or INR if different companies have different Currency ISO codes.


Text Analytics Home Global Filter

When you add filters on the Currency ISO Code field, records in the selected Currency ISO codes get populated.


To filter on the Company Currency field

  1. From the Field dropdown, select the Currency Field.

  2. From the Operator dropdown, select the required Operator.

  3. From the Code dropdown, select the required Currency Code.

  4. In the Value text box, enter the required Currency Value.

For example, filtering on the Company currency fields such as Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) or Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), the value of the records in different currency codes are first converted to the selected Currency Code and then results are fetched accordingly.

Currency field.png

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