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Gainsight Inc.

Product Mapper® Overview

This article explains how to use the Product Mapper modeling & instrumentation tool.


The Product Mapper feature is used to model your product using a simple and powerful tree structure that is designed to help you quickly and effectively map your product’s features. 

Each feature mapped can be seamlessly viewed in a hierarchical structure, tailored to your unique needs with the Product Feature Tree®. With its simple and powerful tree structure, Product Mapper streamlines the process of tracking user events, while expertly associating them with corresponding features and modules - all without a single line of code.


To use Product Mapper, ensure that the Gainsight PX tracking code is configured in your application. Anatomy of Product Mapper. For more information, refer to the Install Gainsight PX on Your Web App article.

Anatomy of Product Mapper 

The Gainsight PX Product Mapper is made up of the following elements:

  • Module
  • Feature

Note: When you map elements in a hierarchical structure, Gainsight PX Analytics automatically rolls up the data from lower levels to higher levels.


A Module in Product Mapper represents a module in your product which can be a section, tab, or window of your application. While modeling your product, use modules and sub-modules driven by the way you describe your product and the way the UI is built. For example, in the below product, elements in the left menu panel such as Dashboards, Charts, Tables, and so on can be considered as modules. 

Product Mapper_Modules.png

You can model this as a tree structure within Product Mapper. You can create a Module for each section in the application (such as  Charts, Tables, and so on). All the modules together form a product tree of your application.


A Feature in Product Mapper represents a feature in your product. Features consist of rules that are mapped to events from your application. The following are the types of rules you can use in a features:

  • URL Rule: A URL rule is used to track the pageview event. In a single-page application, Gainsight PX will generate a pageview event on URL change even if the page is not reloaded.
  • Tag UI Element Rule: This rule tracks clickable elements in the UI by matching against the DOM element using a unique CSS Selector.
  • UI Text Element Rule: This rule tracks clickable elements in the UI with the additional match against the element's label (such as button label or text label), to identify elements when there are multiple UI elements with similar CSS.
  • Tap Rule: This rule tracks the taps (click equivalent on WebApp) for the mapped features in your mobile application. 
  • Screen Rule: This rule tracks the number of visits to a screen on your mobile application (page view equivalent on Webapp)
  • Custom Event: This rule tracks events triggered using API. For more information, refer to the Use Custom Event API article.

Instrument Your Product Using Product Mapper

Product Mapper is an easy to use way of describing your product features with a simple point-click-describe method. Modules and features can be organized to match your application.  For example, you can organize by modules and features or you can nest sub-modules under modules and add features at any level. 

To map your application, navigate to Product Mapper from the main menu. 

Try it on the PX application: US Customers, EU Customers 

Product Mapper_Three Options.png

You can instrument your application using one of the following three methods:

After mapping your product using any of the available methods, the Product Mapper displays your features and modules in a clear and organized hierarchy within a tree structure. The following is a snapshot of Product Mapper and its components: 



For information on the product mapper limits, refer to the Gainsight PX Package Overview article.