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Gainsight Inc.

Gainsight User Object

Gainsight NXT


This article explains admins about the details of User object and the various channels to add users in Gainsight.


Gainsight User is a standard object to store user information in Gainsight’s Matrix Data Architecture (MDA). A set of standard fields with predefined mappings are shipped by Gainsight in the GS User object. Customers can add custom fields, update the schema of custom fields, and implement Read and Join tasks (from Reporting, Journey Orchestrator, and Scorecards). Every user record in this object is assigned a GSID and it is referenced in the rest of the system. Example: CSM in Company contains the GSID of the User, etc.

Note: Users in this object may or may not have a Gainsight license but the pre-defined data in Gainsight can be shared with the active users through the integrated features listed in this article.

Gainsight User enables users to:

  • Perform actions from other functionalities in Gainsight directly on GS User object.
  • Access Gainsight from outside of the application. Examples: to see predefined C360/R360 layouts by non Gainsight users.

Fields in Gainsight User

The Gainsight User object has the following set of System Fields and Standard Fields:

  • System Fields - These fields are system generated. You can neither edit the system fields nor ingest data into them through any data ingestion channel. You cannot see the system fields in the field mappings of any connector.
  • Standard Fields - these fields are provided out of the box by Gainsight. You cannot edit the standard fields. You can ingest data into these fields through the User Management page.
  • Custom Fields - You can create custom fields at Administration > Data Management > User Object and also ingest data to these fields.

Field Name



System Fields
Created Date DateTime Indicates when the record was created.
Modified Date DateTime Indicates the date when the record was last modified.
GSID GS ID GSID of a user record. For example: CSM field in the Company object has a look up to a record in the User object. This is generated automatically.
Standard Fields
Company ID GS ID This has a lookup to Company object and it has GSID of a company record.
Email Email Stores the Email address of a user. This field can also be used to store group Email to receive notifications for all users in the group (ex: dl-onboarding
External ID String A unique account identifier in an external system. It identifies an account uniquely apart from Email and Name.
First Name String First name of a user



Active (Display Name)

Boolean (True/False)

It indicates whether a user is active in Gainsight or not.

Note: IsActive (Deprecated) will be soon deprecated and this field is visible in Rules Engine, Data Management > User fields, Data Designer, and Reporting features.

Last Name String Last name of a user
Name String Name of a user
Manager GS ID This field helps Admins to create User - Manager hierarchies, ‘My team’, and ‘Portfolio view’ reports.
Timezone Dropdown list It stores the Timezone of a user’s location. Admins can ingest a user’s timezone value from the User Management page > Manual page and through Rules Engine (Load to User Action).
Username Email Stores username of a User. Username is unique in Gainsight and is used as a key to identify a user in Gainsight.
Is Super Admin Boolean (True/False) It indicates whether a user is identified as Super Admin who has superior permissions on Dashboards and Dashboard Folders. Super Admins have access to everything.
System Type Dropdown list Either Internal or External. A user is identified as an internal user when the user is part of your organisation. A user is identified as an external user when the user is part of your customer’s organisation. To enter external user information into the Gainsight User object, user’s organisation should have a record in the MDA Company object.

Channel to add Gainsight Users

You can add user records into the Gainsight User object from the Administration > User Management page. You can add user records by one of the three methods: either Manually, or through a CSV File, or from External Systems. For more information, refer to the Gainsight User Management article.

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