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Gainsight Inc.

Data Operations

Gainsight NXT


This article explains about the Data feature that helps admins to view, add, edit, and delete records in Gainsight.


The Data tab is an administration page that helps admins to view, add, edit, and delete the records in the Gainsight. 

The following table explains the actions that you can perform in the Data page, on different types of objects:

Object Type

Add new records

View records

Edit records

Delete records

Low volume custom objects





High volume custom objects





Company and Relationship standard objects





Person, Company Person, Relationship Person standard objects





To view the records of an object, navigate to Administration > Data Management. Click the name of the desired object and switch to the Data tab. The Data tab lists all the records that are added to the selected object. 

Filter Records

Admins can apply filters to view records in the object based on their requirement. 

To filter records:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Management.
  2. Click the name of any object and click the Data tab. 
  3. Click the Filter icon and then click Add Filter.
  4. In the Configure Filters slide-out panel, provide the following filtering criteria:
    1. From the Field dropdown, select the field by which you want to filter.
    2. From the Operator dropdown, select the operator.
    3. In the Value field, enter or select the required values.
    4. (Optional) Select the Include null values checkbox to include the null records while applying the filters. 
    5. (Optional) Click the + icon to add multiple filter criteria, or the X icon to remove the criteria.
      Note: In case of multiple criteria, you can use the Advanced Logic field to group and prioritize each condition using logical operators (AND, OR) . 
  5. Click Save to apply the filters and view the desired records. 


  • All active filters are  visible in the Filter section, along with the count of Filtered Records that match the criteria. 
  • To modify a filter, click the required filter and update the values as required. 
  • To deactivate a filter, click the filter and use the Clear option. Optionally, you can click Modify Filter and remove the ones that are no longer required.

View and Edit Existing Records

Admins can view records of any object in Gainsight using the Data tab in the Data Management page. 

To view records of an object:

  1. Navigate to Administration >  Data Management.
  2. Click the name of the object and click the Data tab. 
  3. To open a detailed view of the record, click the three-vertical dots menu icon of the record and select View Record. The Preview Record slide-out panel is displayed that contains the detailed information of the record.

To edit a record, click the three-vertical dots menu icon of the record and select Edit Record.

This opens the Edit Record slide-out panel that allows you to update details of the record. 

Add Records

Admins can add records to objects in Gainsight. 

Note: You cannot add records into Person, Company Person, and Relationship Person objects.

To add records: 

  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Management.
  2. Click the name of the required object and click the Data tab. 
  3. Based on the object type, you can add records into the object by the following methods:
    • Add Record Manually: Applicable only for low volume data custom objects and Company and Relationship objects
    • Upload CSV file: Applicable for high and low volume custom objects

Note: You can also use the C360 feature of Gainsight to add new records. For more information, refer to the Add a person record from C360/R360 article.

Add Records Manually 

In case of low volume custom objects and specific standard objects (Company and Relationship), you can add new records to an object one-by-one.

To add records manually:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Management.
  2. Click the name of the required object and click the Data tab. 
  3. Click Add Record and select Add Record Manually.
  4. In the Add Record slide-out panel, enter the information pertaining to the selected object and click Add

Add Multiple Records Using a CSV file 

Admins can add multiple records in low volume and high volume objects by uploading a CSV file.

To add multiple records: 

  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Management.
  2. Click the name of the required object and click the Data tab. 
  3. Click Add Record and select Upload CSV file
  4. In case of high volume custom objects, click Add Record via CSV
  5. In the Add Record via CSV file slide-out panel, you can either drag and drop the file, or click browse to select the required file from your computer. The maximum permissible file size is 1 MB. 

    Note: Gainsight recommends that you first download the Sample CSV file to help you understand the ideal format in which data can be uploaded. 
  6. In the Field Mapping section, link the fields from your CSV file to the corresponding target fields of the object. 
  7. Click Upload CSV to add the records to the object. 


  • After successful processing of records, you will be notified of the status of the upload
  • In case there were records that could not be uploaded, you will be notified of the number of such failed records, along with a downloadable file that lists all such records 



Successful upload.

Data Management_CSV_Status_3.png

Partially successful upload.

Data Management_CSV upload_Status_1 .png

Failed upload.

Data management_upload via csv_1.png

Delete Records

Super Admins can remove records from custom objects, Company, and Relationship objects in the Data page.


  • Use caution while removing records. Deleting records is permanent, and cannot be reversed.
  • Deleting the Relationship or Participant records will affect any associated Programs.
  • Cascade delete is honored while deleting records; the dependent record’s field value is set based on the value selected in the On Delete field.

To delete a record from an object:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Management.
  2. Click the name of the object and click the Data tab. 
  3. Select the checkboxes of the records that you want to delete. 
  4. Click Delete Records from the page header.
  5. The Delete Dependencies confirmation popup displays all the related dependencies that will also be removed, if you proceed with the delete action. Check the applicable ones, and click Permanently Delete to remove the selected records and their dependencies. 

You can also filter records in an object by applying one or multiple criteria and delete the filtered records.

When you delete the records in the Company or Person objects, the following changes happen in Gainsight: 

  • When you delete a record in Person object: 
    • The Person’s association is removed from all Company and Relationships. 
    • The Person record is deleted from Sponsor Tracking, if associated.
    • In Timeline, the Person record is removed from the External Attendees field of an Activity, if included. 
    • In Surveys 2.0, the Person ID field is nullified from all of the survey responses that the deleted person responded to. However, the other fields of the survey responses are retained.  
    • In JO, the Participant State field is set to KNOCKED_OFF state, if the Program is in Draft state. The Participant State field is set to DROP, if the Program is in Active state. 
    • The Person record is deleted from the CTA detail view, if associated.
  • When you delete a record in the Company object, the following data will be deleted along with it:
    • All CTA data associated with the Company
    • All Scorecard data 
    • The Company record from Sponsor Tracking, if associated.
    •  The Company record  from the applicable field of a Timeline Activity, if included. 
    • All Copilot data associated to the Company
    • All JO data
    • All Survey data associated with the Company
    • All Custom object records associated to the Company

Delete Records in Bulk

You can delete all the records or selected records from the Data page. 


  • On selecting the global check box, all the records currently displayed that satisfy the applied filters (if any) get selected. If no filters are applied, all displayed records are selected by default.
  • Cascade delete is honored while deleting records; the dependent record’s field value is set based on the value selected in the On Delete field. The records of dependent objects are deleted first, followed by records of the parent object.

To  delete records in bulk: 

  1. Navigate to Administration > Data Management.
  2. Click the name of the required object and click the Data tab. 
  3. Select the global check box. All the records displayed on the current page are selected and a count of the selected records are displayed.

    Note: This action only selects all the records currently displayed on the page. In case you wish to delete all the records in the object and not just the ones displayed on the page, click the Select all N records option.  
  4. Click Delete Records to permanently remove all the selected records of the object. 

Company Merge

The Company Merge feature helps Admins merge two Gainsight company records into a single master company. For more information on how to merge two company records, refer to the Company Merge article.


The Activity tab helps admins view and manage the following logs pertaining to Data Management:  

  • Update Activity: Review and track metadata changes for all objects.
  • Data Update: Review and track the data changes for all low volume custom objects
  • Company Merge History: Review merge history for Company objects.

For more information on Data Management logs, refer to the Activity article. 

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