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Gainsight Inc.

Chart Settings and Chart Editor

Gainsight NXT



This article explains the chart options and settings available in the Report Builder. Before you get started with this article, Gainsight recommends reading How to Build Basic Reports and Advanced Report Settings articles in the Additional Resources section at the end of this article to understand the overview of the reporting functionality and settings.

For each Chart type, the following options are available on the chart screen:

  • Maximize: It allows you to enlarge the chart screen.
  • Settings: It allows you to configure the chart settings. For detailed information, refer to the Chart Settings section.
  • Chart Editor: It allows you to customize the visual appearance of the chart. For detailed information, refer to the Chart Editor section.
  • Refresh: It allows you to fetch the updated/new data and also reflect the new configurations made in the chart settings page.

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Chart Settings

In the Chart Settings, you can configure Chart Options and Ranking. 

To configure Chart Settings:

  1. Click the Settings/Gear icon on the chart screen. The Chart Settings window appears.
  2. Expand Chart Options.
  3. Toggle ON or OFF the required option(s).
  4. Note: The chart options may vary based on the selected chart type.
  5. Configure Ranking and Sorting. For more information on how to configure Ranking and Sorting, refer to the Advanced Report Settings article in the Additional Resources section at the end of this article.
  6. Click Apply.
    The following are the Chart Options:

Normalize Graph: Line Charts 

For time series data represented by a line chart, you have the ability to normalize the graph.

To enable the Normalize option:

  1. Click the Settings/Gear icon.
  2. Click Chart options.
  3. Turn ON the Normalize toggle switch.
  4. Click Apply.

Before you turn ON the Normalize button, the line report displays the actual data points and their increases/decreases over time. After turning ON the Normalize toggle switch, the first value in the result represents the baseline or zero. Subsequent values represent the % of increase/decrease of the first value. Normalization allows you to figure out the relative growth of measures, whether the values have been increasing/decreasing and by what % with reference to the first value.

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Show Percentages: Stacked Bar, Column Charts and Bar charts 

To enable the Show Percentage option:

  1. Click the Settings/Gear icon.
  2. Click Chart options.
  3. Turn ON the Show Percentage toggle switch. You can choose between Individual data point or All data points
  4. Click Apply.

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  • For stacked bar and column charts with two fields in the Group By section, you have the ability to show bars/columns in percentages.
  • Stacked bar/column charts are very useful when you want to compare the ratios across different segments, like CSM, Region, or Quarter, etc.
  • All data points within the Show Percentage section is not supported for 1x2 combinations across all charts.
  • For Stacked bar charts and Stacked column charts, show percentage with All data points are not supported.
  • When you download an image with the option to show the percentage with respect to all data points enabled, the percentage does not appear in the downloaded image.
  • The show percentage option is not supported in all consumption areas for the new chart types, including column chart and bar chart reports.

Cumulative Data

For Line, Area, Bar and Column charts, you have the ability to Show the Cumulative data. Switch ON the Show Cumulative toggle switch, to visualize the cumulative data. This functionality adds the present data to the previous data. For example, if your monthly revenue for the month of March, 2020 is $20000 and the monthly revenue for the month of May, 2020 is $40000, the visualization chart displays the May, 2020 revenue as $60000.

To enable the Show Cumulative option:

  1. Click the Settings/Gear icon.
  2. Click Chart Options.
  3. Turn ON the Show Cumulative toggle switch.
  4. Click Apply.

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KPI Widget

KPI widgets allow you to set a static or dynamic goal and view the variance or progress. For example, you can generate a report on the Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) for a particular company, set the goal, and view the variance by using the KPI widget visualization. Values in the widget are updated dynamically if the selected goal type is dynamic or any changes are made in the end-user filters in Dashboards. 

You can also use the Past Period option to compare the current period information with the previous period information and analyze the metric performance. For example, you can generate a report on the current Annual GRR for a company and compare it with the same field value from the past period to analyze how the metric is performing.

KPI widgets can be created with one field in Show Me, no fields in Group By, and when an aggregation is selected on the Show Me field. These reports can be saved and added to a dashboard as a widget.

The following configuration settings are available in the KPI widget:


Value displays the report name, and the data from the field added and configured in the Show Me section.

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Compare Report Value

Compare Report Value allows you to compare the current value with a goal value or a past period value. The following comparison configurations are available:

Static Goal

The Static Goal option allows you to create a goal where the value is provided and updated manually, as and when required. To create a KPI widget with Static Goal:

  1. Click the Settings icon.
  2. Click Compare Report Value.
  3. Click the Static Goal radio button.
  4. In the Display Text and Value fields, enter the required inputs.
  5. From the KPI Type drop-down list, select one of the following:
    • Positive - Select this when an increase in the current value has a positive impact when compared to the goal value. Example: ARR.
    • Negative -Select this when an increase in the current value has a negative impact when compared to the goal value. Example: Support Tickets. 
  6. In the Show section, select one of the following:
    • Variance - Select this to view the remaining goal in percentage value.
    • Progress - Select this to view the achieved goal in percentage value.
  7. Click Apply.

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  • When the selected KPI Type is Negative, the Progress option becomes unavailable.
  • The Hide Goal Value checkbox is available to hide goal related details instead of deleting it.
Dynamic Goal

The Dynamic Goal option allows you to create a goal where the goal value is linked to an object field. The goal value is updated whenever any change happens in the underlying object field. To create a KPI widget with Dynamic Goal:

  1. Click the Settings icon.
  2. Click Compare Report Value.
  3. Click the Dynamic Goal radio button.
  4. In the Display Text field, enter the required input.
  5. From the Field drop-down list, select the field to link with the goal.
    Note: You can click Preview Dataset to view the sample data available in the selected field.
  6. (Optional) From the Fields drop-down list, click Create Formula Field to build a custom formula. For more information on how to create a custom formula, refer to the Formula Fields in Reporting article available in the Additional Resources section.
  7. From the Summarization Type drop-down list, select the summarization operation on the field.
  8. From the KPI Type drop-down list, select one of the following:
    • Positive - Select this when an increase in the current value has a positive impact when compared to the goal value. Example: ARR.
    • Negative -Select this when an increase in the current value has a negative impact when compared to the goal value. Example: Support Tickets. 
  9. In the Show section, select one of the following:
    • Variance - Select this to view the remaining goal in percentage value.
    • Progress - Select this to view the achieved goal in percentage value.
  10. Click Apply.

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  • The Object field is automatically populated with the object on which the report is created.
  • The Summarization Type field is automatically populated with the summarization operation selected in the Show Me section of Report Builder.
  • The Summarization Type field fetches the first value in the field if no summarization is selected in the Show Me section of Report Builder.
  • When the selected KPI Type is Negative, the Progress option becomes unavailable.
  • The Hide Goal Value checkbox is available to hide goal related details instead of deleting it.
Past Period

The Past Period options allows you to compare the current period value with the same value from a different period. To create a KPI widget with Past Period:

  1. Click the Settings icon.
  2. Click Compare Report Value.
  3. Click the Past Period radio button.
  4. From the Date Field drop-down list, select the date field from the object on which the report is created.
  5. From the Time Period drop-down list, define the time period in the selected date field.
  6. (Optional) Select the Show the Past Period Value checkbox. It gives an option to show or hide the value.
  7. In the Display Text fields, enter the required inputs.
  8. Click Apply.

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  • When the field selected in Date Field and Filter on Fields are the same, the time period selected in the former cannot be more than the latter.
  • When the field selected in Date Field and Filter on Fields are different, the widget prioritizes the time period selected in the Date Field drop-down.
  • The Hide Goal Value checkbox is available to hide goal related details instead of deleting it.


To configure the formatting of different elements in the widget:

  1. Click the Settings icon.
  2. Click Styling.
  3. Select the formatting options for various elements in the widget.
    1. From the Font Family drop-down list, select the font style.
    2. From the Font Color option, select or enter the color hex code.
    3. Select the text style either Bold or Italic.
  4. Click Apply.

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Show Original Report Value

The Show Original Report Value checkbox allows you to view the original value on which the KPI report is based, without any additional configuration. You can clear the checkbox to restore the configurations. It is available at the bottom of the KPI Settings pane.

Note: The Show Original Report Value checkbox is clear by default.

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First Column Freeze in Tabular Report

In Report Builder, the first column in a tabular report can be frozen, using the option First Column Freeze. This feature is useful when you have many fields in the Show Me section, and while you scroll to the right, to view all of the columns in the report, you want the first column (eg. Company Name) to remain visible.

To Freeze First Column:

  1. Click the Settings/Gear icon.
  2. Click Grid Options.
  3. Turn ON the First Column Freeze toggle switch.
  4. Click Apply

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Row Height in Tabular Report

In the Report Builder, you can adjust the row height according to your preference for better visibility and control over the data. You can personalize your view based on specific needs, such as focusing on more detailed data or maximizing space for a broader overview. 

To adjust Row Height:

  1. Click the Settings/Gear icon.

  2. From the drop-down select Small, Medium, or Large.

  3. Click Apply.

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In all the tabular reports, Gainsight provides support to search for any record within a report. The search results are displayed upon pressing Enter after the search term is entered. You can also select the required operator to search the records.

Note: If there are more than Tenant Read limit number of records, the date picker may be used if the Date/DateTime data type fields are selected in the Show Me or Group By section. 


Sorting Tabular Reports

In all the tabular reports, Gainsight provides support to sort for records on the server side dataset and not just from the data available on the UI/browser.

Note: Server Side Sorting is also applicable for the reports in Drill Down view.

Limitation: Server Side Sorting is not possible on Pivoted Reports.

Column Width Persistence for Tables and Drill Down Reports

In all the tabular and drill down reports, Gainsight provides the support to customize/set the column width. The reports will retain the new column width preferences set by the admin/user, when you save the report.

Limitation: In the pivoted reports, column width persistence is allowed only on the non-pivoted columns.

Conditional Coloring

In the Gauge chart, conditional coloring can be set for the KPIs by providing the Min Value, Max Value, and the required color.


Show Missing Data Points

The visualization types Bar Chart, Column Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart, Column Line Chart, and Stack Chart show any unavailable data in the object as Data Not Available. It helps users to identify gaps in the report due to a lack of data availability and take the necessary actions.

To enable show missing data points:

  1. Click the Settings/Gear icon.

  2. Click Chart options.

  3. Turn ON the Show Missing Data Points toggle switch.

  4. Click Apply.

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Row Grouping in Tabular Reports

In all tabular reports, Gainsight provides the Row Grouping toggle to group rows using a field from the Show Me section.

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Expand and Collapse All Grouped Rows

Using the Enable Expand All/Collapse All toggle, you can expand all the grouped rows and set it as the default view.

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  • When the Enable Expand All/Collapse All toggle is turned on, the parent value of the grouped row is displayed without formatting.
    Note: A value without formatting denotes a value without the comma punctuation and numerical summarization. For instance, if the original parent value is USD 324M, it will be displayed as USD 324000
  • When a non-groupable field is used in the Show Me section and the Row Grouping toggle is turned on, the Enable Expand All/Collapse All toggle is turned on by default. The Enable Expand All/Collapse All toggle cannot be turned off.
    Note: A non-groupable field is a field that cannot be added to the Group By section.
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Chart Editor

The Chart Editor allows you to configure the Chart’s visual appearance. The Chart Editor includes the following options:

  • X Axis: Configure X Axis appearance of a chart using this option. The X Axis option includes the following sub-configurations:

    • Skip X Axis Labels:  Enter the required interval of the labels.
      Note: If there are more labels on the X Axis, use the Skip X Axis Labels option for better appearance. For example in the below image, there are a number of created date labels on X Axis which are overlapping. Hence, for a better visual appearance, apply three steps and skip alternate labels.

    • Font Size: Select the font size of the label(s).

    • Font Color: Select the font color of the label(s).

    • Rotate Axis Labels: Adjust the rotation of the label(s) as required.

  • Y Axis: Configure Y Axis appearance of a chart using this option. The Y Axis option includes the following sub-configurations:

    • Font Size: Select the font size of the label(s).

    • Minimum Value: To set the lowest value on the axis.

    • Maximum Value: To set the highest value on the axis.

    • Font Color: Select the font color of the label(s).

    • Rotate Axis Labels: Adjust the rotation of the label(s) as required.

  • Legends: Configure Legend's appearance of a chart using this option. The Legends option includes the following sub-configurations:

    • Enabled: Select the Enabled checkbox to view legends on the chart.

    • Maximum Height: Set the maximum height for the legends.

    • Vertical Alignment:  Select the vertical alignment of the legends (Top, Middle and Bottom).

    • Horizontal Alignment: Select the horizontal alignment of the legends (Left, Center and Right).

    • Legends Layout: Select the layout of the legends (Horizontal and Vertical).

  • Data Labels (Beta): Configure Data Labels appearance of a chart using this option. The Data Labels option includes the following sub-configurations:

    • Enabled: Select to view data labels on the chart.

    • Inside: Select to view data labels within the data bars of a Chart.

    • Allow Overlap: Select to allow overlapping of the data points on the chart.

    • Rotate Axis Labels: Adjust the rotation of the data labels as required.

Click Reset to restore the configurations to the default state.

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