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Gainsight Inc.

Company API Documentation

Gainsight NXT


This article explains details of REST APIs that can be used for creating, updating, reading, and deleting records in the Gainsight Company object.


It provides details of REST APIs that can be used for creating, updating, reading, and deleting records in the Company object. Company is the Gainsight’s standard object in Matrix Data Architecture (MDA) that stores your individual customer records and their company information. This is an external API.


  • To use APIs in this document, make sure that required sub-domain or custom domain is created, ex: or For more information on how to create a domain, refer Setup a Gainsight Domain.
    You can add your domain in the Endpoint URL to connect to Gainsight.

  • To use these Company object APIs, ensure that:

    1. Company object is installed in your tenant.
    2. Required custom fields are created in the Company object.
      To create custom fields in the Company object, navigate to the Administration > Data Management > [Select Company object] page.
  • Pass field names as Keys that are as captured from the Data Management schema as shown below:

Data Management.jpg


API access is controlled using a unique Access Key. Contact your Gainsight Admin to get an access key of the Gainsight tenant to which you want to send REST API requests. To generate or share an access key, Gainsight Admin can refer to the article Generate API Access Key.

Once you get your access key, you will have to pass as part of the request header “accesskey” for all of your API requests into Gainsight. 

Note: The AccessKey does not expire.





For more information on Access key, Gainsight admin can refer to Generate API Access Key article.

Content Type


Throttling Limits


Rate Limit

Synchronous API Calls 100 API calls per min / 50,000 API call per day
Asynchronous API Calls (Gainsight bulk APIs limit) 10 calls per hour / 100 per day

Note: All of the above API limits are *Fixed window rate limits.

* Fixed window rate limiting restricts the number of API requests at a specific time. For example, a server can have a rate limiting component that implements a fixed window algorithm that only accepts 100 requests per minute. The time-frame is fixed, and it starts at a specific time. For example, the server will only serve 100 requests between 10:00 am, and 10:01 am.

Insert API

The Insert API is used to insert one or more records into the Gainsight’s Company object. You can insert a maximum of 50 records per API call. If you want to perform bulk loading (inserting more than 50 records), you can use Gainsight S3 Connector or Gainsight Bulk API.

This API validates all fields in an object before inserting the records. If the validation is successful, the records are inserted into the object. If the validation fails for any record on any field, then the API call fails with a validation error.



Endpoint URL 

In this endpoint URL:  is the domain through which you connect to Gainsight. It is just for reference only.

Company is the Gainsight standard object into which you want to insert records.

Sample Request Body

 "records": [
     "Name": "Acme",
     "Industry": "Software",
     "ARR": 250000,
     "Employees": 840,
     "LifecycleInWeeks": 15,
     "OriginalContractDate": "12-14-2017",
     "RenewalDate": "12-13-2018",
     "Stage": "Adopting",
     "Status": "Active",
     "CSMFirstName": "Steve",
     "CSMLastName": "Smith",
     "ParentCompanyName": "KLM Software"
     "Name": "Heroku",
     "Industry": "Networking",
     "ARR": 200000,
     "Employees": 480,
     "LifecycleInWeeks": 7,
     "OriginalContractDate": "04-30-2018",
     "RenewalDate": "04-29-2019",
     "Stage": "Kicked Off",
     "Status": "Active",
     "CSMFirstName": "Joe",
     "CSMLastName": "Roberts",
     "ParentCompanyName": "Telenet"
     "Name": "DriveData",
     "Industry": "Hardware",
     "ARR": 260000,
     "Employees": 560,
     "LifecycleInWeeks": 18,
     "OriginalContractDate": "05-31-2018",
     "RenewalDate": "05-30-2019",
     "Stage": "New Customer",
     "Status": "Active",
     "CSMFirstName": "Mark",
     "CSMLastName": "Lehmann",
     "ParentCompanyName": "Superbiz Inc."
     "Name": "ABC Corp.",
     "Industry": "Healthcare",
     "ARR": 340000,
     "Employees": 950,
     "LifecycleInWeeks": 28,
     "OriginalContractDate": "01-15-2018",
     "RenewalDate": "01-14-2019",
     "Stage": "Launched",
     "Status": "Active",
     "CSMFirstName": "Michelle",
     "CSMLastName": "Williams",
     "ParentCompanyName": "Power Health Group"
     "Name": "XYZ Inc.",
     "Industry": "Marketing",
     "ARR": 450000,
     "Employees": 280,
     "LifecycleInWeeks": 23,
     "OriginalContractDate": "05-30-2018",
     "RenewalDate": "05-29-2018",
     "Stage": "Adopting",
     "Status": "Active",
     "CSMFirstName": "Josh",
     "CSMLastName": "Wood",
     "ParentCompanyName": "Marketive"
 "lookups": {
   "CSM": {
     "fields": {
       "CSMFirstName": "FirstName",
       "CSMLastName": "LastName"
     "lookupField": "Gsid",
     "objectName": "gsuser",
     "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH",
     "onNoMatch": "ERROR"
   "ParentCompany": {
     "fields": {
       "ParentCompanyName": "Name"
     "lookupField": "Gsid",
     "objectName": "company",
     "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH",
     "onNoMatch": "ERROR"

Import Lookup

You can pass Import lookup configuration as part of the request body. Import lookup configuration allows you to populate GSID’s into a field by referencing it from the same or another object. Ensure that you pass the fields of GSID type to populate GSID from the same or another object. One JSON applies for Lookups to all the records that are inserted to populate fields of GSID data type.

There are two types of lookups: Direct and Self. Direct lookup enables one to lookup to another standard object and fetch GSIDs of the records from the lookup object. Lookup configuration for the CSM field shown in the snippet below is an example of the Direct lookup.

Self lookup enables one to lookup to the same object and fetch GSID of another record to the target field. Lookup configuration for the Parent Company field shown in the snippet below is an example of the Self lookup.

  "lookups": {
    "CSM": {
      "fields": {
        "CSMFirstName": "FirstName",
        "CSMLastName": "LastName"
      "lookupField": "Gsid",
      "objectName": "gsuser",
      "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH",
      "onNoMatch": "ERROR"
    "ParentCompany": {
      "fields": {
        "ParentCompanyName": "Name"
      "lookupField": "Gsid",
      "objectName": "company",
      "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH",
      "onNoMatch": "ERROR"

In the above Lookups code snippet, keys are defined as below:

  • “CSMFirstName” (in request body): “FirstName” (field name in the GS User object to match)
  • “CSMLastName” (in request body): “LastName” (field name in the GS User object to match)
  • Note: You can pass multiple fields from the source to match with the multiple lookup fields (Ex: GS User object > Fields) to find the right match.
  • “ParentCompanyName” (in request body): “Name” (field name in the Company object to match)
  • “lookupField”: “Gsid” (lookup field name), Ex: GS User > GSID or Company > GSID
  • “objectName” : “gsuser” (lookup object name), Ex: GS User (Direct Lookup) or Company (Self Lookup).

There are two options supported for the key multiMatchOption:

  • FIRSTMATCH: (Default) This option populates GSID of the first match between the Lookup JSON and the Lookup object.
  • MARKASERROR: This option lets the system responds with an error when multiple records match the criteria between JSON and the Lookup object.

There are three options supported for the key onNoMatch:

  • NULLABLE: (Default) Selecting this option inserts null value into the target field
  • DEFAULTVALUE: Selecting this option inserts default value into the target field.
    Note: You can assign a default value to a field in the page Administration > Data Management > [Select the target object] > [Edit the target field]
  • ERROR: This option lets the system respond with an error when no records match the criteria between JSON and the Lookup object.
Direct Import Lookup

For example, in the below code snippet, CSM field is populated with GSID from the GS User object by matching CSMName (in request body) with FirstName (in GSuser) and CSMLastName (in request body) with LastName (in GSuser).

Company API Documentation - Google Docs 2022-10-31 at 8.36.39 AM.jpg

Self Import Lookup

For example, in the below code snippet, Parent Company field is populated with GSID from the same object, Company by matching ParentCompanyName (in request body) with Name (in Company object).Company API Documentation - Google Docs 2022-10-31 at 8.38.50 AM.jpg



Data Type Values (if any) Description
Name* String


A String value that contains the Company Name.
Industry String - A String value that contains an Industry Name.
ARR Currency - A Currency value that contains the Annual Recurring Revenue.
Employees Number - A Number value that contains the count of employees the company has.
LifeCycleInWeeks Number - A Number value that contains the number of weeks the entire process goes through.
OriginalContractDate Date - A Date value that contains  the date the engagement with the client started.
RenewalDate Date - A Date value that contains he upcoming renewal date of the contract.
Stage Dropdownlist New Customer
Kicked Off
Will Churn
A Dropdownlist value that contains the current stage of the Company in the sales pipeline.


A Dropdownlist value that contains current status.
CSMFirstName String - A String value that contains the first name of the POC of the company.
CSMLastName String - A String value that contains the last name of the POC of the company.
ParentCompanyName String - A String value that contains the Parent Company Name.

Sample Success Response 

  "result": true,
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorDesc": null,
  "requestId": "eaa1520f-0b27-4468-86b0-17b4e94f1786",
  "data": {
    "records": [
        "CreatedDate": 1521691459693,
        "Name": "Acme",
        "Industry": "Software",
        "ARR": 250000,
        "Employees": 840,
        "LifecycleInWeeks": 15,
        "OriginalContractDate": 1531691459792,
        "RenewalDate": 1543691459853,
        "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "Status": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "ModifiedDate": 1562691459623,
        "Csm": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN1DW2NKI9JJFXEVHIZK",
        "Parentcompany": "1P02MRXML1GRDV44YOL2I8HX2NJNQTEE"
        "CreatedDate": 1521691459693,
        "Name": "Heroku",
        "Industry": "Networking",
        "ARR": 200000,
        "Employees": 480,
        "LifecycleInWeeks": 7,
        "OriginalContractDate": 1531691459792,
        "RenewalDate": 1543691459853,
        "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "Status": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "ModifiedDate": 1241672475612,
        "Csm": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN1DW2NKI9JJFXEVHIZK",
        "Parentcompany": "8P02MRXML1GRDV44YO6QXRNTQYQXDLGF"
        "CreatedDate": 1521691459693,
        "Name": "DriveData",
        "Industry": "Hardware",
        "ARR": 260000,
        "Employees": 560,
        "LifecycleInWeeks": 18,
        "OriginalContractDate": 1531691459792,
        "RenewalDate": 1543691459853,
        "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "Status": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "ModifiedDate": 1241672475612,
        "Gsid": "1P02MRXML1GRDV44YOL2PI8HX2NJRH5NQTEE",
        "Csm": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN1DW2NKI9JJFXEVHIZK",
        "Parentcompany": "2P02MRXML1GRDV44YO2PVGD1NMPG69BD"
        "CreatedDate": 1521691459693,
        "Name": "ABC Corp.",
        "Industry": "Healthcare",
        "ARR": 340000,
        "Employees": 950,
        "LifecycleInWeeks": 28,
        "OriginalContractDate": 1531691459792,
        "RenewalDate": 1543691459853,
        "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "Status": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "ModifiedDate": 1241672475612,
        "Gsid": "1P02MRXML1GRDV44YO2PVJIALGD1NMPG69CA",
        "Csm": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
        "Parentcompany": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8QDH0Y52CYFMXW"
        "CreatedDate": 1521691459693,
        "Name": "XYZ Inc.",
        "Industry": "Marketing",
        "ARR": 450000,
        "Employees": 280,
        "LifecycleInWeeks": 23,
        "OriginalContractDate": 1531691459792,
        "RenewalDate": 1543691459853,
        "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "Status": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "ModifiedDate": 1241672475612,
        "Gsid": "1P02MRXML1GRDV44YO87PCQFV0QIRSDZZ3DN",
        "Csm": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
        "Parentcompany": "4P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8QUF0Y52CYFMXW"
  "message": null

Sample Failure Response

  "result": false,
  "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1005",
  "errorDesc": "Invalid dateTime format (OriginalContractDate =210318).",
  "requestId": "39f58495-8f05-4344-8542-ca44ac9afeb8",
  "data": {
    "count": 0,
    "errors": [
          "success": false,
          "parsedValue": 210318,
          "errors": [
              "errorMessage": "Invalid dateTime format",
              "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1005",
              "fieldName": "OriginalContractDate",
              "invalidValue": 210318
    "records": null
  "message": null

Update API

Update API is used to update one or more existing records in the Company object. Existing records are identified using the keys specified in the Endpoint URL and values in the remaining fields are updated as mentioned in the API call. You can update a maximum of 50 records per API call.



Endpoint URL,fieldName2

In this Endpoint URL:

Note: Keys (field names) used above are just for reference only. You can pass any field from the Company object as Key in the Endpoint URL that meets following conditions.


  • Endpoint URL allows you to provide keys of data types String, GSID, Number, and Email only.
  • You can enter a maximum of 3 keys in the endpoint URL to identify the specific records.
  • Operator between the keys is always AND, that means records that match the criteria of all the keys will be updated using Update API.

Sample Request Body

  "records": [
      "Industry": "Marketing",
      "ARR": 520000,
      "Employees": 280,
      "LifecycleInWeeks": 23,
      "OriginalContractDate": "12-20-2017",
      "RenewalDate": "12-19-2018",
      "Stage": "Launched",
      "Status": "Active",
      "CSMFirstName": "Mark",
      "CSMLastName": "Taylor"
      "Industry": "Healthcare",
      "ARR": 390000,
      "Employees": 950,
      "LifecycleInWeeks": 28,
      "OriginalContractDate": "10-15-2017",
      "RenewalDate": "10-14-2018",
      "Stage": "Will Churn",
      "Status": "Inactive",
      "CSMFirstName": "Julia",
      "CSMLastName": "Brown"
  "lookups": {
    "CSM": {
      "fields": {
        "CSMFirstName": "FirstName",
        "CSMLastName": "LastName"
      "lookupField": "Gsid",
      "objectName": "gsuser",
      "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH",
      "onNoMatch": "ERROR"



Data Type Values (if any) Description
Industry String - A String value that contains an Industry Name.
ARR Currency - A Currency value that contains the Annual Recurring Revenue.
Employees Number - A Number value that contains the count of employees the company has.
LifeCycleInWeeks Number - A Number value that contains the number of weeks the entire process goes through.
OriginalContractDate Date - A Date value that contains the date at which the engagement with the client  started.
RenewalDate Date - A Date value that contains the upcoming renewal date of the contract.


New Customer
Kicked Off
Will Churn
A Dropdownlist value that contains the current stage of the Company in the sales pipeline.
Status Dropdownlist


A Dropdownlist value that contains the current status.
CSMFirstName String - A String value that contains the first name of the POC of the company.
CSMLastName String -

A String value that contains the last name of the POC of the company.

Sample Success Response 

  "result": true,
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorDesc": null,
  "requestId": "eaa1520f-0b27-4468-86b0-17b4e94f1786",
  "data": {
    "count": 2,
    "errors": null,
    "records": [
        "CreatedDate": 1521691459694,
        "Name": "XYZ Inc.",
        "Industry": "Marketing",
        "ARR": 520000,
        "Employees": 280,
        "LifecycleInWeeks": 23,
        "OriginalContractDate": 1521743018667,
        "RenewalDate": 1521691459694,
        "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "Status": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
        "ModifiedDate": 1521743018667,
        "Gsid": "1P02MRXML1GRDV44YO87PCQFV0QIRSDZZ3DN",
        "Csm": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
        "Parentcompany": "4P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8QUF0Y52CYFMXW"
        "CreatedDate": 1521691459694,
        "Name": "ABC Corp.",
        "Industry": "Healthcare",
        "ARR": 390000,
        "Employees": 950,
        "LifecycleInWeeks": 28,
        "OriginalContractDate": 1521743018667,
        "RenewalDate": 1521691459694,
        "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
        "Status": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
        "ModifiedDate": 1521743018667,
        "Gsid": "1P02MRXML1GRDV44YO2PVJIALGD1NMPG69CA",
        "Csm": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
        "Parentcompany": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8QDH0Y52CYFMXW"
  "message": null

Sample Failure Response

  "result": false,
  "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1006",
  "errorDesc": "Invalid dateTime format (OriginalContractDate = 210318).",
  "requestId": "7cba3c98-b04b-4e21-9e57-44807fa52b8a",
  "data": {
    "count": 0,
    "errors": [
          "success": false,
          "parsedValue": 210318,
          "errors": [
              "errorMessage": "Invalid dateTime format",
              "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1006",
              "fieldName": "OriginalContractDate",
              "invalidValue": 210318
    "records": null
  "message": null

Read API

Read API allows you to read one or more records that match a specific criteria from the Company object. Read API fetches a maximum of 5000 records from one API call.

Note: If you think there are more than 5000 records that can be fetched, pass another API call with Offset as 5001 so that remaining records (maximum 5000 records again) are fetched. For more information on the Offset, refer to the section Read API Request Body.



Endpoint URL

In this endpoint URL:

  • is the domain through which you can connect to Gainsight. It is just for reference only.
  • Company is the Gainsight standard object from which you want to read the records.

Sample Request Body

  "select": [
  "where": {
    "conditions": [
        "name": "Renewal_Date",
        "alias": "A",
        "value": [
        "operator": "BTW"
        "name": "Stage",
        "alias": "B",
        "value": [
          "New Customer",
          "Kicked Off",
        "operator": "IN"
    "expression": "A OR B"
  "orderBy": {
    "Renewal_Date__gc": "asc",
    "Company_ID__gr.stage": "desc"
  "limit": 100,
  "offset": 0



Data Type Values (if any) Description
Name String - A String value that contains a Company Name.
Renewal_Date Currency - A Currency value that contains the upcoming renewal date of the contract.
Stage Dropdownlist - A Dropdownlist value that contains the current stage of the Company in the sales pipeline.
Customer_lifetime_in_Months Number - A Number value that contains the number of months a typical customer is associated with the company.
csm_ Email - A Email value that contains the CSM's email ID.

Sample Success Response 

  "result": true,
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorDesc": null,
  "requestId": "8863e73c-a465-4fc6-a385-f7b3200720dc",
  "data": [
      "Name": "Heroku",
      "Renewal_Date": 1521743018667,
      "Status": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
      "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
      "Customer_Lifetime_in_Months": 22,
      "": ""
      "Name": "ABC Inc.",
      "Renewal_Date": 1521743018667,
      "Status": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
      "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
      "Customer_Lifetime_in_Months": 15,
      "": ""
      "Name": "XYZ Inc.",
      "Renewal_Date": 1521743018667,
      "Status": "1P01OI3OHC9S79J7VN8GQLUQDH0Y52CYFMXW",
      "Stage": "1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26HO92M3F1G5SPWVQDNF3",
      "Customer_Lifetime_in_Months": 6,
      "": ""
  "message": null

Sample Failure Response

  "result": false,
  "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1XXX",
  "errorDesc": "No data found for given criteria",
  "requestId": "58222b97-eaf0-402e-854d-1914987c4b49",
  "data": null,
  "message": null

Delete API 

Delete API deletes a specific record in the Company object. Record to be deleted is identified by its GSID, which is passed in the Endpoint URL.



Endpoint URL{GSID}

In this endpoint URL:

  • is the domain through which you can connect to Gainsight. It is just for reference only.

  • Company is the Gainsight standard object from which you want to delete a record.

  • GSID is the unique ID of an existing record in the Company object, for example, 1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26H4H0U5VRD65H9JW66FJ.

Actual Delete Endpoint URL may look like

Sample Success Response 

  "result": true,
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorDesc": null,
  "requestId": "8863e73c-a465-4fc6-a385-f7b3200720dc",
  "data": "Record with GSID: 1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26H4H0U5VRD65H9JW66FJ successfully deleted.",
  "message": null

Sample Failure Response

  "result": false,
  "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1XXX",
  "errorDesc": "No data found for given criteria",
  "requestId": "58222b97-eaf0-402e-854d-1914987c4b49",
  "data": null,
  "message": null

Error Codes

For information about the error codes for the Relationship APIs, refer to the Error Codes for Company, Relationship, and Custom Object APIs article.