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Gainsight Inc.


This article explains how to configure and analyze Funnel reports.


Funnel reports help you to create and track specific user journeys through your product. Funnels also help to identify where users fall off from completing critical paths or adopting important product features within your product. You can also map user’ adoption and expansion goals. 

Example Business Use Case: 

Consider that you have configured a Funnel to determine user behavior for an online store. The Funnel steps starts from the Product Catalog page and ends with the checkout page. Following are some of the analysis that can be made using Funnels: 

  • What percentage of users complete an order.  
  • How many users drop-off from completing an order.
  • Which step has more drop-offs in the Funnel.
  • Which step is more time consuming for the user to complete.

Create Funnel Report

To create a Funnel: 

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Funnel.
  2. Click Create Funnel.
  3. Configure the following steps in the New Funnel page.  


In the Audience Section, configure the audience for the funnel. 

Audience 2.jpg


  • The existing audience filters can be applied from the My Filters section. 
  • The default audience is set as users that were last seen 30 days ago.
  • The Historical Tracking feature is available for Funnels. 

Example Business Use Case: Consider you have configured a Funnel to determine behavior of a user who moved from Standard subscription to Premium subscription. Using the historical data and current data it is now possible to filter the specific cohort of users.

historical tracking.jpg


In the Steps section, specify the Funnel Type, and the Step Criteria that the users are expected to complete in your product(s).

Select Funnel Type

Select the Funnel Type from the following options: 

  • Single Product: This allows you to create a Funnel for a single product.
  • Multi Product: This allows you to create a Funnel for multiple products.

Funnel Type.jpg

Add Steps

Specify the step criteria or the path the user is expected to take for you to analyze the Funnel report. 

To configure a step: 

  1. Enter a Step Name
  • Based on your selection of the step details Gainsight PX auto populates the step name.
  • The step names can be edited after the Funnel is generated. The step names in the Funnel are editable directly from the vertical Funnel. This provides a seamless transitions between edit and read view.
  1. Select a Product. By default, the default Product on the top right is selected. 
  2. Select a Channel type (Web App/ Mobile/ Desktop).
    Note: You can select specific Channels for each step to analyze user journey(s) across multiple Channels (Web App/ Mobile/ Desktop) of your Product(s).
  3. Configure the Step Criteria. The following are the available types of steps.
    • Page View 
    • Custom Event
    • Feature Match
    • Engagement
    • Segments
  4. (Optional) Click Add Step to add the next step of the Funnel.
Use Segments in Funnel

Use Segments to create Funnel reports for a unique set of audience based on common attributes or characteristics. The segment option helps you further narrow down the audience to address specific use cases.

Example Business Use Case:

Consider that you are creating a Funnel report to analyze new users. You can add step criteria(s) and choose specific page views and features. This report is aimed at analyzing the steps where the users drop-off. You can now create a ‘Signed Up’ segment (or any date based field as a segment matching event by using 'less than 1 day' as the filter criteria) and use this as a Funnel step.

To use the segment option:

  1. In the Steps section, click on the Add Step.
  2. From the Step Criteria dropdown, select Segment.
  3. Select the segment that you created from the Select Segment dropdown list.
    Note: Only Real-time segments are available to select in the steps of the funnel.


  • A feature match Funnel step can now include multiple features. This eliminates the need to create multiple Funnels. 

Example Business Use Case: You can analyze a cohort of users who have used a set of newly launched  features and are then requested to provide feedback through a Customer Effort Score (CES) survey. In the example given below, step three consists of multiple features selected together as a single Funnel step.

Multi Select Feature.jpg

The Funnel analytics helps you to understand how many of the users have used the intended set of features and then provided CES feedback.


The Historical Tracking of attributes  feature is available for Funnels to specify the audience of the Funnel.

Example Business Use Case: Consider you have configured a Funnel to understand user journeys of users or accounts who moved from Standard subscription to Premium subscription. Given that the SubscriptionType is a historical tracking Account attribute, using the historical data and current data it is now possible to filter the specific cohort of users.

historical tracking.jpg

For more information on how to enable historical tracking of an attribute, refer to the User and Account Model article.

Date Range

In the Date Range section, select a time period for the Funnel. 


Additional Settings

The following Additional Settings can be configured: 

Funnel Scope

Select the scope of the Funnel from the following options: 

  • User Scope: Select User Scope to analyze the user actions for the selected audience across sessions.

Note: Gainsight PX considers the first occurrence of a complete Funnel, within the specified timeout, irrespective of the number of sessions a user takes.

  • Session Scope: Select Session Scope to analyze the user journey in a particular session.

Note: Gainsight PX considers the first occurrence of a complete Funnel, within a single session and within the specified timeout.


Timeout Value

Specify the time duration within which the users are expected to complete all the Funnel steps.

Funnels_Timeout Value.png

Run Funnel Report

Funnels are automatically being computed every day to keep track of the current state of the Funnel. Click the refresh icon to refresh the Funnel data.

refresh 2.jpg

Analyze Funnel Reports

Analyze the Funnel Reports using the following parameters:


  • The Funnel data can be filtered based on the selection from the drop-down, in addition to the vertical funnel. The drop-down consists of Drop-Offs and Through Traffic of each step as options.
  • The selection of the steps in the drop down are in sync with the selection in the vertical funnel.

Through Traffic and Drop-Offs in Funnel

The Funnel Report displays the Through Traffic and Drop-offs at each step. 

  • Through Traffic is the number of users that successfully reached the current step from the previous step.
  • Drop-Offs are the number of users who completed the previous step but dropped off and did not reach the current step of the Funnel.

The Through Traffic and Drop-offs are displayed in both numerical and percentage values, on hover of each step. The Through Traffic is displayed as a blue color bar at each step.

TT DO 2.jpg

In the above Funnel report graph, 9325 users completed the first step of the Funnel. Only 6445 of those 9325 users completed the second step of the Funnel. The remaining 3618 users dropped off from the first step and did not perform the second step. Of the 6445 users who completed the second page, only 4028 users completed the third step. The remaining 2417 users did not perform the third step.

Click a specific section of the graph to view the list of users who represent that section. For instance, in the above report, if you click the blue bar, you can view the list of 9325 users who constitute the section.

Time from First Step and Time from Previous Step

The Funnel report has the following two useful time related columns:

  • Time From First Step: The Time From First Step column displays the average time taken by the users to reach the current step from the first step. 
  • Time From Previous Step: The Time From Previous Step column displays the average time taken by the users to reach the current step from the previous step.

time from first and prev step.jpg


  • The Time From First Step and Time From Previous Step columns are not applicable to users that are part of the first step. 
  • The Time From First Step value is also included in the exported file when you export a Funnel report.
  • The Average Time From First Step and Average Time From Previous Step taken by the users is mentioned in the Funnel graph in brown and purple color respectively.

Completion Rate and Average Completion Time

The Funnel report has the three following important metrics highlighted above the graph for quick analysis: 

key metrics.jpg

  • Completion Rate: The percentage of selected audience that completed all the Funnel steps within the Timeout range. 
  • Average Completion Time: The average time taken by the selected audience to complete the Funnel steps. 
    Note: This is the Average Time from First Step metric that was previously hidden inside the hover text of the last Funnel step.
  • Time to Step: The time taken for the selected audience to move from the previous step to the selected step. 

Funnel Steps Consideration

Consider a 5-step funnel. Step 1 of the funnel indicated by 1, step 2 of the funnel indicated by 2 and so on till 5. Session is indicated by [ ]. Timeout is indicated by ||. 

Consider a user who has the following funnel steps in their journey: [1,1,1,1,2,2,4,3,4,2,5]. PX uses the following steps (highlighted in bold) for funnel calculation: [1,1,1,1,2,2,4,3,4,2,5

In the above scenario, PX considers the following: 

  1. The first occurrence of each funnel steps, within the timeout period
  2. The sequence of the funnel steps (1 to 5) is also considered. For instance, the first occurrence of step 4 is ignored because after step 2 of the funnel, the first occurrence of only step 3 is being looked for.
  3. Within a timeout period, the occurrence of steps that best complete the funnel are considered. For instance, in a funnel  [1,2] || [1,2,3], PX considers [1,2] || [1,2,3] and not [1,2] || [1,2,3] despite [1,2] being the first occurrence (as mentioned in point A) because [1,2,3] is a more complete funnel than [1,2].

Following are detailed examples of a 5-step funnel and explanation (with relation to the above points) on how PX considers the steps for User and Session scopes calculation. Assume the funnel is run after all the sessions in each of the examples:

User Scope

Funnel Steps Points Considered (from above explanation)
[1,2,1,2,3,1,2] A
[1,2,3,5,4,3,5,4,2] A, B
[1,2] [1,2,3] A
[1,2] [1,5,3] [2,4,5] A, B
[1,2,3] [4,5] A
[1,2, 3 || 4,5] A
[1,2 || 1,2,3] A, C
[1,2] || [1,2,3] A, C
[1,2,3 || 4,5] || [1,2,3] A, C
[1,2,3 || 4,5] [4,5] A, C
[1,2,3 || 4,5 ] || [1,2,3,5,2,4] A, B, C
[1,2] [1,5,3] [2,4,5] || [1,2,3,4] A, B, C
[1,2,3] || [1,2,3,4] || [1,3,4,5] A, C
[1,2,3] || [1,2,3,4] || [1,2,3,4,5] A, C

Session Scope

Funnel Steps Points Considered (from above explanation)
[1,2,1,2,3,1,2] A
[1,2,3,5,4,3,5,4,2] A, B
[1,2,3 || 4,5] A
[1,2 || 1,2,3 || 1,2,3,4 || 1,2,3,5] A, C
[1,2 || 1,2,4,3,1,2 || 1,2,4,3,2,3,1] A, B, C
[1,2 || 1,2,3 || 1,2,3,4 || 1,2,3,5,4,5] A, B, C
[1,2 || 1,2,3 || 1,2,3,4 || 1,2,3,5] || [1,2,3,5,4,5] A, B, C
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