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Gainsight Inc.

Analytics FAQs


How to see the average duration of a user and the products they interacted with during their session as well as their last login date?

Use the following reports (includes last login date, # of visits, # of times features used)

  • Adoption Report
  • Path Analyzer
  • Audience Explorer
How to see a snapshot of the last 30 days and the number of users that did a particular action?

Navigate to Adoption Report > Choose Feature > Measure by User > Last 30 days.

How to find patterns and understand how most users by account are navigating to a certain part of the tool?

Navigate to Analytics > Features > Path Analyzer > Ends with/Starts with, Reduce noise by adding threshold > Change # of steps > Use various filters.

What is being utilized/under-utilized to make pointed suggestions to the client?

Analyse usage via Adoption Explorer.

Are the users in Gainsight PX the total population of users we have in our Platform? It appears there are less users in Gainsight PX compared to the number of users in our Platform.

Users will only register in PX once they commit an event/action/login. Thus, if a user is completely inactive, they won’t populate in PX.

Does ‘Signed up less than 1 day' mean this user Logged in less than 1 day?

Signed up means when the customer signed up on your app/first time logged into your app. Hence, it is important for your development team to pass this information using Identify Code “signed-up date” to PX. If sign-up date is empty for a user, PX will take the ‘first seen date’ as ‘signed up date’.

What is Slipping Away widget in PX Analytics?

Slipping away feature compares two time frames; current and equivalent historical period. If the usage is trending down it  signals the users as slipping away. It also has minimal filter to put users eligible to fit this model, it looks at minimum activities.

Where can I view the analytics for Knowledge Center Bot?

Navigate to Analytics > Engagements > Knowledge Center to view the analytics of KC Bot.

What is counted as a view for Hotspot: seeing the Hotspot or clicking on it? 

Seeing the Hotspot is counted as a view, the Hotspot is a match against real-time. However for a Badge, only clicks are counted as views. The engagement view is registered once the engagement is fetched to the client side. Since the Hotspot is a step in the guide (unlike badge), there will be engagement view every time it is fetched.

What is the maximum date range for which I can view analytics data? 

You can access analytics data for a maximum period of 180 days. This applies to all types of engagement analytics mechanisms, including in-app interactions, email campaigns, surveys, and more.

In-App CTA Analytics 

Are custom JavaScript CTAs tracked as part of analytics? 

No, custom JavaScript CTAs are currently not tracked.

What if I have multiple CTAs in a single engagement? How are they tracked? 

If the CTAs are on different steps of an engagement, they are tracked separately as individual CTAs. However, if there are multiple CTAs on the same engagement step, CTA analytics is only recorded and displayed for the first CTA (from the top).

How are CTAs tracked if the action value changed on the same CTA?

If the action value of a CTA changes in the lifetime of the engagement, all data of the old CTA is replaced with that of the new CTA. 

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