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Gainsight Inc.

Use Timeline Data in Reporting

This article is the fourth in a series of Timeline configuration articles. Gainsight recommends that you first refer to the initial articles before proceeding with this article.

This article explains how you can use the Activity Timeline object to create a Report on Timeline.


Activity Timeline is a system object which holds all of the information about Timeline activities. This object also has lookup to other important objects like Company, User, and Relationship. You can use this object to create a report on Timeline based on various use cases.

Note: To report on Timeline comments, use the Comments object as the data source.

Create Report

This article explains the process of creating a Report which displays all of the Activity subjects.

To create Report:

  1. Navigate to Reports -> Create report 
  2. Select Activity Timeline as the source object.

Create Reports screen.jpg

  1. Select the Reporting Category and Name (this is company name) fields in the Show me section. You can add other fields, as required. This report generates the list of Companies and groups them as per their reporting categories
  2. Click RUN. The report is generated.

Click Run Report.jpg

Create Reports on Attendees: You can now use the Timeline Internal Attendees and External Attendees fields in Reporting. To accomplish this task, Gainsight provides the following components:

  • Internal Attendees and External Attendees fields: The Activity Timeline object is now enhanced with two new fields; Internal Attendees and External Attendees. These fields return the list of internal and external attendees (respectively), who attended a particular meeting.
  • Activity Attendee Object: A new junction object called Activity Attendee has been introduced. This object has Activity ID and internal and external Attendee ID fields. You can use this object while creating rules or reports which are based on an attribute of a person.

Note: When you type the name of a Person (attendee) in the filter field, ensure that you enter the exact name of the person. You cannot find name suggestions based on the characters entered.

Business Use cases:

  • Create a report on the list of activities, organized with a particular person(s) (internal or external) in the past one month, quarter, or year. To accomplish this, use Activity Timeline as the source object and add the required fields in the Show me section. Use the Internal Attendees/External Attendees field in the filter area and enter the name of the required person.

Internal and External Attendees.jpg

  • Create a report in which a particular internal or external attendee was involved.
  • Create a report which enlists internal or external attendees who have not attended any meeting in a given period of time.
  • Review the internal attendees who attended meetings with a customer, who recently churned out.
  • Create a report on the list of meetings where the sentiment value is negative. For this, you can use the Activity Sentiment field available in the Activity Timeline object. By default, this report includes both milestones and meetings. To view only meetings, apply a source filter, such as

    A snapshot of Timeline report with the Activity Sentiment filter set to negative, and source set to
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