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Gainsight Inc.

Log in as Partner User

Gainsight NXT


This article provides admins an overview of the log in as Partner User feature in Through-Partner Customer Success.


Through-Partner Customer Success allows organizations to efficiently manage their internal customers and through-partner customers. This is achieved by granting Partners and Partner Users controlled access to the organization's Gainsight instance. With this access, Partners and its users can independently manage through-partner customers.

For more information on the business use case, benefits, information flowchart, and different user personas, refer to the Through-Partner Customer Success Overview article.


Ensure the following list of prerequisites are met:

  • Add Partner and Partner User data to the feature.
  • Purchase Full Licenses for all Partner Users.
  • Grant Partner Users access to Company and/or Relationship records.


Partner Users can only be Full License users.

Log in as Partner User

Once the prerequisites are met, a set of default Permission Bundle and 360 Layout are assigned to Partner Users. As an admin, you can log in as a Partner User to verify that correct accesses are provided to each user.

To log in as a Partner User:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Partner Success > Through-Partner CS. The Through-Partner Customer Success page appears.
  2. From the Partners list view, select the Partner whose user you want to login as. A slide-out panel appears.
  3. Click Partner Users.
  4. From the Partner Users list view, click the three vertical dots menu icon of the Partner User you want to log in as.
  5. From the drop-down list, select Login as Partner User. You are logged in successfully as the Partner User.

After you have verified the access for the Partner User, click Send Welcome Email to provide the login details to the user in their registered email address.

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Partner User View

Once logged in as a Partner User, as an admin you can take the following actions that a Partner User can also take:

  1. Access different sections in the 360 page of the assigned Company and/or Relationship record. Additionally,  search Company and Relationship records assigned to the Partner under whom the user is categorized. For more information on sections available in the default layout, refer to the Partner 360 Layouts Overview article.
  2. Access the Timeline, Success Plan, Cockpit, and Dashboard pages from the navigation pane. For more information on the default partner permission bundle and available granular actions, refer to the Partner Permission Bundle article.
  3. Log out from the Partner User view.


  • When an admin logs in as a Partner User, Gainsight logs them out as an admin user in all other tabs where they are currently logged in as an admin.
  • When an admin logs out from the Partner User view, Gainsight automatically logs them in as an admin user and redirects them to the page from which they logged in as a Partner User.

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