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Gainsight Inc.

Scorecard Report for Overall Score

Gainsight NXT


This tutorial guides you to create a Scorecard report which displays the list of customers and their current Overall Score. This tutorial concentrates on preparing the report for Overall Score. The output displayed after preparing the report, showcases the list of customers and their current scores.


  • Scorecards is enabled.

  • Scorecard and its measures are configured.

  • A default Scorecard exists for all Accounts.


  • Starting with the 6.22 release, early access to new options for scorecard reports and dashboards, called Scorecard Widgets, will be rolled-out in a phases to the existing Horizon Analytics preview phase participants. Scorecard Widgets have enhanced capabilities and tools designed specifically for scorecard data. For more information on Scorecard Widgets or Horizon Analytics, refer to Scorecard Widgets Overview or Horizon Analytics, respectively.
  • To learn how to configure Scorecards and Measures, refer to the Create measures and Measure Groups article.

Configure Report

  1. Navigate to Administration > Report Builder.

  1. Click + REPORT.

  2. Enter a name for the report, in the Name this report field.

  3. Select the Scorecard Fact Object from the Select data source field under the MDA Data section.

The scorecard fact object is created for each scorecard. The Scorecard Fact holds all of the scores (overall & individual) for all applicable customers.

Selecting scorecard fact1.gif

  1. Select the following fields:
  • Company Id -> Name

  • Current score Id -> Name

scorecard report.gif

  1. (Optional) Modify the field names to better understand the report results.

Modifing field name.gif

Note: Similarly, you can rename the other field label as Score.

  1. In the filter section, select the Name field from Measure Id.

Selecting filter fields.gif

  1. Enter the name of the measure for which we want to see the score (here it is for the "Overall Score (Account)" measure). However, you can use other measures to filter scores.

configure filters.gif

This filters the data to include only the Scores for the Overall Score measure.

  1. Click RUN, to view the results of the report.

Report Output.png


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