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Gainsight Inc.

Salesforce Workflow Rules + Northpass

Automatically email a contact owner when their contact completes a course.

Automatically email a contact owner when their contact completes a course.

Using Salesforce's Workflow Rules tool combined with Northpass' Salesforce integration, you can automatically email the Account Executive for a Contact who completes a course. If you haven't already, enable the Salesforce integration to pass learner progress data to corresponding Contact records in Salesforce.

Note: Your Salesforce interface may differ depending on the customizations that have been made in your instance.

Create an Email Template

  1. Within Salesforce, click the setup gear.
  2. Type template into the quick search box on the left-hand side of the page. Click Email Templates.
  3. Click New Template.
  4. Choose which type of email you’d like to use. HTML (with or without letterhead) is recommended so that you can include a clickable link within the email message.
    Note: If you choose the type to use Letterhead, you may follow the prompts to create a new Letterhead if you have not already. For this example, choose HTML (with letterhead).
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the appropriate information into the fields. Be sure to check the box Available for use so that you can use it in the next part of the setup.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter the desired subject line and body copy into the email. You can optionally utilize Salesforce’s Merge Fields to dynamically populate the contact’s details into the email.
  9. For best results, use the Merge Fields to dynamically populate the course that was completed so that the Contact Owner can easily determine what the Contact completed. To utilize the Course Name, use the Merge Field {!Enrollment__c.CourseName__c}
  10. Enter the plain text version of the email. As a shortcut, you may click Copy text from HTML version.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Review your email. You can send a test to yourself. For additional emails, this is where you would be able to utilize the Clone button to easily clone your template.

Create a Workflow Rule

  1. To learn more about workflows, click here to review Salesforce’s documentation
  2. Within Salesforce, click Setup.
  3. Type workflow into the quick search box on the left-hand side of the page. Click Workflow Rules.
  4. Click New Rule.
  5. Read the message about how to use Workflow Rules and click Continue.
  6. Choose the object that you would like to utilize in your workflow. For this example, select Enrollment.
  7. Give your rule a name, description, and choose your evaluation criteria. Utilize the Salesforce help links to understand the right choice for you.
  8. Add the appropriate rule criteria. For this example, use the following values: Enrollment: Progress, equals, 100.
  9. Click Save & Next.
  10. Add an Email Alert workflow action by choosing New Email Alert from the Add Workflow Action dropdown.
  11. Fill out the information in the Edit Email Alert section.
    1. Description: Enter a description that will remind you about what the Email Alert does.
    2. Unique Name: This field will auto-populate. There is no need to change it.
    3. Choose the Email Template from Part 1 above.
    4. Choose Recipient Type. In order to email to the Contact Owner, we should choose Owner as the Recipient Type. After selecting Owner from the dropdown, Contact Owner will appear in the Available Recipients list. Use the Right Arrow to add it to the Selected Recipients.
    5. Optionally enter any other email addresses that you would like to also receive the email
    6. Choose the email sender.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click Activate to begin sending your workflow.
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