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Gainsight Inc.

Conditional Properties

Take learning experience personalization to the next level with ease using Conditional Properties.

This article explains you about Conditional Properties and how to them to personalize the learning experience.


Conditional Properties simplify data management processes by grouping individuals with a shared attribute and using it to dictate what gets rendered. By applying logic to the way users organize and action information about their learners, Conditional Properties make it possible to adapt complex datasets into unique experiences.

Note: This feature is for Enterprise Customers only

Key Benefits

Instead of defining attributes at the individual level to inform the learner’s experience, Conditional Properties streamlines the use of data by leveraging existing segments to group individuals together that have the same attributes. This type of segmentation reduces the time-to-value to get effective and engaging learning programs up and running.

Set Up and Use Custom Properties in My School

First, a few prerequisites before we get started:

  • You are an Enterprise Northpass customer
  • You are the Admin user for your school
  • You've already created some Properties within your school

In this example, we’ll be creating a Conditional Property that changes its value based on a learner's city.

  1. Locate the Automation tab within your navigation bar and click Add Property.
  2. Give your property a name. Then select Conditional from the Property Type dropdown.
  3. Since you've already created Properties, you'll now need to select which property you'd like to source the Conditional Property from.
  4. Choose the Data Type from number, true/false, text string, HTML,.
  5. Choose a Default Value for the Conditional Property to attribute.
  6. Click Save or Save and Add Another. You can create up to 5 Conditional Properties in total. You are also able to create up to 10 Properties, as well for a total of 15 properties.
  7. Now we will override the settings for some of the cities by changing the default value to "True."
  8. Conditional Property values can be assigned manually here, or you can send the following documentation to your Developer team to use them at scale with our API. This is specifically helpful for a faster and more seamless setup with larger-scale schools.
  9. With the True/False data type, we now see the following presentation of value assignments. In this example, the Conditional Property is used to determine if drivers are in the cities from our "Learner" Property.


Use Properties In My School

When creating a course, you can now use the Rich Text Editor (and anywhere else you see Personalization Tokens) to insert the Properties you’ve set up.

Locate the lightning bolt icon above the Rich Text Editor to insert a Conditional Property. This will auto-populate the data defined during setup. In the below screenshots, the Driver City Conditional property will display the text values we defined earlier, depending on the learner who views this activity.

Admin view of inserting a Property:

Learner view of personalized experience based on values input:

Note: Properties can also be used within our Custom Templates feature to tailor the look and feel of your school. Learn more about that in the Northpass Developer Hub.

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