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Gainsight Inc.

Single Course Analysis

Get an in-depth look at the individual course data, and learn how Learners are interacting with course activities.

Get an in-depth look at the individual course data, and learn how Learners are interacting with course activities.


The Single Course Analysis dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how learners engage with a specific course and its activities. It offers insights into average progress, time to complete the course, and identifies activities that may cause learners to drop off.

Key Features

  • Average Progress: Understand how far learners typically progress in the course.
  • Time to Complete: See the average time it takes for learners to complete the course.
  • Drop-off Score: Identify activities that may be hindering learner progression.

Run the Single Course Analysis

To generate a report using the Single Course Analysis:

  1. Select a Course and Version: Choose the course and the specific version you want to analyze.
  2. Apply Additional Filters:
    • Group Name: Filter the data by specific learner groups.
    • Last Activity Date: Set a date range for the last activities to narrow down the data.
  3. Generate the Report: Click on the refresh button on the right to generate a new report based on your selected filters.

Download Report

To download the entire report, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Dashboard menu by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Click on "Download."
  3. Choose the file format (PDF or CSV).
  4. Adjust the settings as needed before downloading

You can download data from individual dashboard windows in various formats, including:

  • TXT (Tab-separated values)
  • Excel Spreadsheet (Excel 2007 or later)
  • CSV
  • JSON
  • HTML
  • Markdown
  • PNG (Image of Visualization)
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