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Gainsight Inc.

Release Notes: Version 4.32 September 2015

The purpose of the release notes is to inform users of the various bug fixes, enhancements, and UI/UX changes incorporated in the Gainsight application. It may also contain procedures for using new or modified features.

In the September release, you can now:

Integrate Zendesk tickets with Gainsight and generate strategic reports

Other Enhancements & Fixes:

Zendesk Integration

Zendesk Integration allows you to integrate Zendesk within Gainsight, including syncing Zendesk tickets with Gainsight. This allows you to generate strategic reports on Zendesk tickets within Gainsight. In addition, you can view the Customer 360 page in Zendesk. For more information on how to integrate Zendesk with Gainsight, refer to Zendesk Integration.



1. Enhancement LocationCopilot > Outreaches

Description: While sending an Outreach, you can now send email copies to a maximum of 3 emails, which can be used for archival purposes. Click the Email Copy link to send email copies to emails entered in Email Copy to.

Note: Emails sent to these email IDs are not shown in the Execution History tab.


The above image displays how the email looks when you send the outreach to an email ID present in Email Copy to.


The above image displays how the email looks when you send the outreach to an email ID present in the power list.


2. Enhancement Location: Copilot > Power List

Description: In the Power List setup, you can now choose to refresh your power list at a scheduled time, or refresh it just before execution.

Note: Previously, both of these options had to be selected from a single checkbox.


3. Enhancement Location: Copilot > Email Templates

Description: You can now attach files to your email template. The cumulative size of your attachments and email template must not exceed 10 MB. We support most file formats, such as .doc, .xls, .pptx, .txt, .csv, and popular audio, video, and image file formats.

Note: If you attach files to your email template, your email campaigns may execute at a slower pace, and email delivery may take a little longer than expected.


4. Enhancement Location: Copilot > Email Templates

Description: You can now add multiple hyperlinks and multiple buttons for the same survey in the email template. Previously, only one survey hyperlink or button was permitted.


5. Enhancement Location: Copilot > Outreaches

Description: When scheduling an outreach, you can now update the email address for receiving the result on the desired outreach, as shown in the image below. This email address may be updated for each scheduled Outreach execution. Previously the email address could not be updated for each scheduled outreach execution.


6. Enhancement Location: Copilot > Outreaches > [Edit an existing outreach]

Description: Click the Eye icon to view the power list in a pop-up window.

Success Plans

Success Plans

1. Enhancement Location: C360 Success Plans section > Objectives > +Objective

Description: The Reason field was removed from the Objective CTA creation process. Objective Categories should be used instead.


2. Enhancement Location: Cockpit > List View

Description: The Objective CTA type is available as a filter in the List View under Type, and if type is chosen in Group by.


3. Enhancement Location: Notifications

Description: if a Success Plan’s due date is changed and the plan is in an Active status, the plan owner will be notified by email, if Notifications are enabled for that user. The overall plan due date may be changed due to changes in its objective due dates, task due dates, or when a playbook is applied. To enable notifications, navigate to the Customer tab > My Notification Settings and enable “My success plan due date is changed.” For information on how to modify Notification Settings, please read this article.

Issues Addressed

1. Issue Location: Account or Opportunity widgets

Description & Fix: The Success Plan section can be shown in the Account or Opportunity widgets via CS360 Sections. Previously the Show in options were not working for the Success Plan section.

Location: Success Plans

2. Issue Description & Fix: Special characters are now supported in Success Plan types and Success Plan names. Previously, if special characters were used in types and names, they would not appear in drop down menus.

3. Issue Location: Cockpit List View & Success Plans

Description & Fix: After a plan is moved to the Completed status, users can not edit the associated Objective CTAs and tasks. If you wish to edit a completed plan’s CTAs or tasks, you must change the plan’s status back to Active. Previously, if a plan was in a Completed status, the CTAs and tasks were still editable.

4. Issue LocationCustomer 360 > Usage

Description & Fix: Milestone date and time are now displayed as per the Salesforce org timezone.



 Location: Survey > [Create a Sample Survey] > Questions > Short Text

Description: When you add a short text question to a survey, you can now select AlphaNumeric (30 to 90 characters), Numeric (up to 10 characters), or Text (30 to 90 characters) as the input type.

Issues Addressed

Issue Location: Administer > Email Templates

Issue Description & Fix: When an email template of Text type is created using Salesforce, the user can send a test email while publishing a survey.



1. Enhancement Location: Administration > Reports > [Generate a report using a decimal field]

Description: You can now control decimal places of a decimal field while generating a report. The number entered in Display x decimal places defines the number of decimals to be displayed in a report. For example, if Display x decimal places contains 2, in the generated report the number will contain only 2 decimal places. You can enter a number from 0 to 9.


2. Enhancement Location: Gainsight Home page

Description: A report on Gainsight home page no longer displays the full path (MDA Collection:Report Name) of a report. To view the full path of a report, hover over the report name and view the full path in tool tip.


3. Enhancement Location: Administration > Reports > Generate a report that fetches more than 50 records

Description: With this release, when you generate a report that contains a large number of records in the result set, you now have to export your report as a CSV file to view all records. For example, while generating a report on an SFDC object, if the result set exceeds 2000 records, you have to export your report as a CSV file to view all records.


4. Enhancement Location: Administration > Reports

Description: When you summarize a report by Week, Month, Quarter, or Year as shown in the top image, then the above message appears. You will now have to add an appropriate date filter if you want to look at data for your desired period. By default, we display past 12 weeks data including the current week for Week, past 13 months including the current month for Month, past 5 Quarters data including the current quarter for Quarter, and past 2 years data including the current year for Year.

Rules Engine

Rules Engine

1. Enhancement LocationAdministration > Rules

Description: The Rules Engine has a new list screen. You can now filter rules based on Active or Inactive state, Rule NameAction typeCreated byLast Modified by, and Source Object.


On the Rules Engine page, the following is how successful, unsuccessful, partial rule executions look. Each of these scenarios now displays a corresponding emoticon. In addition, it also displays the time and date of the next scheduled run.


You can now hover over a rule’s name to clone, edit, delete, execute (Run Now), activate (ON state), or deactivate (OFF state) a rule.


2. Enhancement Location: Administration > Rules > [Create a Rule and add a Criteria in Action]

Description: Earlier when adding a criteria while setting up an action it was mandatory to first add a not equal to null criteria if greater thangreater or equalless than, or less or equal criteria was used. With this release, you no longer have to maintain this order.


3. Enhancement Location: Administration > Rules > Setup Action

Description: An action type detail view now automatically expands when you scroll down to an Action Type. For example, in the following image the Action Type detail view automatically expands when you scroll to the second action type.

4. Enhancement Location: Administration > Rules > Create a rule using an MDA collection

Description: If you create a rule for creating a CTA using an MDA collection, you will now be able to select User under the Owner Field drop-down box. Earlier this option was unavailable for a rule on MDA collection.


Issues Addressed

Issues Addressed

1. Issue Location: Rules Engine

Description & Fix: Earlier if a rule’s source object was deleted, the user was unable to delete the rule. This issue is now resolved. Gainsight now throws the above error in such a scenario. In addition, you can delete or edit such a rule.

2. Issue Location: Rules Engine

Description & Fix: When locales other than United States Locales were used, the rule returned incorrect preview results. Especially, the date time part of the result did not match. This issue is now resolved. A rule now returns correct preview results for locales others than United States.

3. Issue LocationAdministration Rules > Edit an existing rule having Load to SFDC Object action type; then click the Setup Action tab.

Description & FIx: Previously when you clicked the Setup Action tab instead of using the Next buttons provided at the bottom of the page, the conditions selected under Field mappings were not retained and the drop-down boxes were populated with unwanted data. This issue is now resolved. All conditions are now retained and unwanted data does not appear in drop-down boxes.

Sponsor Tracking

Sponsor Tracking

1. Enhancement Location: Administration > CS360 Sections > Sponsor Tracking

Description: You can now select Account Widget to add a Sponsor Tracking section to an Account Widget.

Note: The Sponsor Tracking cards that appear in the Account widget are read-only.


2. Enhancement Location: Customer 360 > Sponsor Tracking

Description: First Name and Last Name of a contact deleted from Salesforce now appears in the Sponsor Tracking section as a card, as shown in the image below. You can click Delete From Here to delete the Sponsor Tracking card from the Sponsor Tracking section.


In addition, when a Salesforce contact is deleted, a CTA is automatically created and a detailed description appears in the Comments section of the CTA detailed view, as shown in the image below.


Note: For this enhancement, a new rule Sponsor Contact Deleted Rule appears in the rule engine. By default, it is in the OFF state; you are requested to switch ON this rule. In addition, edit the rule to assign an owner and select the include in identifiers check box.


Under Setup Rule, you must not make any modifications in filters A and B, which are shown in the image below.

Issues Addressed

Issue Location: Customer 360 > Sponsor Tracking

Description & Fix: An error occurred when a Salesforce Standard User tried to track contacts. This issue is now resolved. A Salesforce Standard User will no longer encounter an error while tracking contacts.



In this release, a few structural changes were made to Relationships. Therefore, if you are already using Relationships, to avoid any issues, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Go to Administration > Relationships > Click on the Gear icon of the existing relationship(s) > Detail View.
  2. Under the Detail View tab, for each report, click on the Pencil icon; then click SAVE.
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