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Gainsight Inc.

Release Notes: Version 4.16 November 2014

Version 4.16 release of Gainsight includes the following new features and updates:

  • Cockpit Enhancements
  • Reporting 2.0 Updates
  • Improved Survey UI and Functionality
  • Rules Engine - Send Email

Cockpit Enhancements

Multiple usability enhancements have been added to cockpit in this release.

Chatter Feed Updates

You can now choose to post feed either on Account, CustomerInfo or CTA. This is defaulted to Account for all existing installations. To learn more about enabling and updating Chatter preferences see Chatter Integration

Drill Down in Operational Reporting

Drill Down in Operational Reporting

In operational reporting, click any data point to see a tabular view of the underlying Calls to Action or Tasks. To learn more about Operational Reporting within Cockpit click here.

Dynamic Task Assignment

Dynamic Task Assignment

You can now assign task owner while creating a task under a CTA, while applying a playbook and also while defining a Playbook. Owner can be picked from any of the user lookup fields on Account, CustomerInfo and CTA object.

CTA Owner Drop Down

CTA Owner Drop Down

When assigning or changing CTA ownership, the drop down shows the top users who own CTAs.

CTA Due Date Assignment

You can now apply due date to a CTA as rule date + x days in a Create CTA action from Engagement rule and Survey rules.

Playbook Tasks - Skip Weekends

Tasks applied via a playbook will skip weekends. If you have already accounted for delay during weekends in your existing playbooks, you will have to re-adjust the playbook dates. To learn more about playbooks click here.

Original Due Date

Gainsight will now capture Original Due Date for CTAs and Tasks to be used in variance reporting.

Email Notification Updates

When you receive an email notification about a CTA that was created or updated, you will now be able to view the CTA and its details when you click on the CTA link from the email.

Reporting 2.0 Updates

Differentiated source selection

Differentiated source selection

The source selection drop down will be separated into the following 3 sections:

  • Gainsight subject areas
  • MDA Data - All MDA collections, if available, will be displayed in this section
  • Salesforce objects - All salesforce objects in the org will be displayed in this section

Ability to Filter on Aggregated Data

With the new report builder, we can add filters on aggregated data.

For example, the filter of Sum of ARR > $10,000 can be added to a report with the following configuration:

  • Show Me = Sum of ARR
  • By = Industry


  • All filters added on normal fields will be automatically added to the upper section of the filter bar in the report builder
  • All filters added on aggregated fields will be automatically added to the lower section of the filter bar in the report builder
  • By default, operator between all filters is AND.
  • Normal fields are numbered from A, B…. Z and
  • Aggregated fields are numbered from 1, 2, 3……
  • If you want to apply an OR between the filter conditions or if  you want to add advanced filters such as (A OR B) AND C, type the desired expression in the text box adjacent to the aggregated and non-aggregated filter section.
  • By default, all filters applied are unlocked. To lock a filter, click on the lock icon in the filter strip and the selected filter will be locked.

Ability to Add Reports to Gainsight Home Page Layouts

To add reports to the Gainsight Home page layout, follow the same steps as you would to add a UI View or Insights report. To learn more about this process see Configure Gainsight Home Dashboards

Reports created using the new report builder has the following options at run time:

  • SFDC reports have following options
    • Filter
    • Suggested visualization
  • MDA reports have following options:
    • Filter
    • Suggested  visualization
    • Ranking

Note: While accessing reports created using the report builder from Gainsight Home

  • You will not be able to configure “Advanced search” filters
  • You can only change the operator and value of Unlocked filters
  • You can add only one filter condition on unlocked fields

Visualizations Supported

The following types of graphs are supported in Reports 2.0:

  • Table
  • Column
  • Bar
  • Stacked Column
  • Stacked Bar
  • Pie
  • Scatter
  • Bubble
  • Line
  • Area
  • Column Line

Pre Configured Colors in Graphs

Graphical reports created using the new report builder will now honor scorecard colors as well as colors configured on Gainsight picklist items.

To learn more about Reporting 2.0, see How to build basic reports.

Improved Survey UI and Functionality

Improved Survey UI and Functionality

With this release Gainsight Survey UI has been completely overhauled and includes new dashboards and reporting along with added functionality. A few important updates to note are as follows

Exclude participants

You can choose to exclude participants who responded or who were contacted in a previously denoted survey(s)

Multiple Survey Pages

Multiple Survey Pages

By default the survey will have one page called Untitled Page. Click the edit button inline with the page to update the title. Within each page click the +Q to add questions to a page. Click + Create New Page to add additional pages.

Survey Branching

Survey Branching

Survey branching allows for support of conditional pages where a specific answer to one question controls the visibility to another page.

  • To enable survey branching, the survey should have a minimum of two pages
  • To enable survey branching, click on the branch icon to the left hand side of question labels
  • Once configured and saved, the dependent page will be shown to the participant only if the configured answer choice is selected

Improved Survey Analytics

Improved Survey Analytics

Select the “Analyze” sub-section to view the reports related to a survey.

Three views are available in Survey analyze section:

  1. Tabular
  2. Graphical
  3. Detail View

The first graph on the page will contain details about the overall survey response statistics. You can switch between the tabular and graphical representation of the report by clicking on the appropriate icons. You can export the detail report by clicking on the export icon.

Reports for all other questions in survey will be displayed independently one after the other. As with previous graph, two types of reports can be displayed, tabular and graphical.

To read more about the functionality both old and new, offered in surveys click here.

Rules Engine

Rules Engine now offers the capability to send an email using Marketo Integration or Gainsight Email Service.

Send Email: Marketo Integration

Marketo Prerequisites

  1. Remote site setting needs to be added. This might be already added if surveys are already using Marketo or Gainsight email service. To setup: Navigate to Setup → Type remote on the search bar on left panel and in Remote Site Settings, create a new remote site with URL “”.
  2. Marketo instance is configured with salesforce sync, where the contacts are synchronized as leads
  3. Marketo campaigns are defined in marketo and are ready to be triggered. Follow the document here to setup a campaign and make it accessible to Gainsight. Once the campaign is created, open the campaign and navigate to smart list tab. Search there for “Campaign is Requested” and you will find this under Triggers, drag it to the working area and set it to Source “is” “Web Services API”.   
  4. In order to use marketo email service through rules engine, it is expected that the Marketo integration is enabled in the Administration → Integrations and enter the details in the Marketo Integration.

If you are looking for the above inputs SOAP Endpoint URL, user id and Encryption key in your Marketo instance, please refer to this document

Marketo: Setup Rule to Send Email

A Marketo campaign can be triggered by calling the Marketo SOAP API with lead keys. The lead keys that work from Gainsight rules engine are SFDC contact ID and email ID.

To get started you will:

  • Create a custom rule
  • Complete Setup Rule
  • Navigate to Setup Action
  • Add action button
  • Select Send Email
  • Marketo will be selected and the campaigns that you have configured in your org will be visible in the drop down
  • Select the campaign that you want to trigger on the execution of rules

The “To” field has three options:

To Accounts: This should be selected when the data is at account level. This selects all the contacts that are associated with this account and the campaigns are triggered. By adding criteria, filtering the contact who should receive the email / campaign is achieved. This will be covered in detail in the sections below

To Contacts: This should be selected when there is data that can be mapped to the SFDC contact object. The mapping to the contact object could be direct or indirect as explained below

  1. Direct contact mapping is the case where the selected fields for rule run contains direct lookup to contact object or in other words contains contactId. See the image below
  2. Indirect lookup is the case where there is an external ID that maps to a field in Contact Object Ex: userId present in data can map to Contacts.userID. See image below

To Email Address: This option should be selected when the email address should be used as a lead key to trigger a Marketo campaign and the email address is available as a part of rule fields selected in “Setup Rule” screen.

Adding Criteria

You can add criteria in the Send email action which is useful to filter the contacts / accounts based on following options

  1. Account-Contact-Role fields: By using the standard AccountContactRole role or is primary field to filter the contacts who should receive the emails
  2. Contact fields: By using contact fields like Contact:title equals admin
  3. Account fields: By using account fields like Account:type equals gold
  4. Customer Info fields: By using fields like ARR greater than 2500

Send Email: Gainsight Email Integration

Gainsight Email Prerequisites

  1. Email templates are created using SFDC email template designer similar to the survey templates
  2. Email addresses are available at SFDC or directly as part of the data
  3. Gainsight OAuth integration is enabled from Administration → Integrations page

Gainsight Email: Setup Rule to Send Email

To get started you will:

  • Create a custom rule
  • Complete Setup Rule
  • Navigate to Setup Action
  • Add action button
  • Select Send Email
  • Choose Gainsight Email

The “To” field has three options:

To Accounts: This should be selected when the data is at account level. This selects all the contacts that are associated with this account and the campaigns are triggered. By adding criteria, filtering the contact who should receive the email / campaign is achieved. This will be covered in detail in the sections below

To Contacts: This should be selected when there is data that can be mapped to the SFDC contact object. The mapping to the contact object could be direct or indirect as explained below

  1. Direct contact mapping is the case where the selected fields for rule run contains direct lookup to contact object or in other words contains contactId. See the image below
  2. Indirect lookup is the case where there is an external ID that maps to a field in Contact Object Ex: userId present in data can map to Contacts.userID. See image below

To Email Address: This option should be selected when the email address should be used as a lead key to trigger a Marketo campaign and the email address is available as a part of rule fields selected in “Setup Rule” screen.

Gainsight Email: Configure Email Placeholders/Tokens

Placeholders can be added in the email template and are pulled from the following areas:

  1. Fields selected in Setup Rule
  2. Contact object fields
  3. AccountContactRole object fields
  4. Account / Customer Info fields

The email template can be configured in SFDC by navigating to Setup. The following template options are supported:

  1. Text
  2. Custom ( Without using letterhead)

The steps to create a template and adding the placeholders is explained below:

  1. Create a new template in “GSEmailTemplates” folder and select custom email template ( or text ) and add the details as in the image below
  2. Create a html and/or text version of email template as follows with the email tokens/placeholders defined. Email Token format → ${tokenName}. A token name cannot have the characters “$” and “\”. Refer to image below to see how emai token is defined
  3. The tokens that are defined in this template would appear in the Setup Action screen in Email token mapping where each token can be mapped against a field selected in Setup Rule or Contact object or AccountContactRole object or Account or CustomerInfo object.  
  4. The check box below the email tokens enables you to configure whether to send email when one of the token value is unavailable or null.

Gainsight Email: Add Criteria

Criteria can be added in the for the Send email action which is useful to filter the contacts / accounts based on following options:

  1. Account-Contact-Role fields: By using the standard AccountContactRole role or is primary field to filter the contacts who should receive the emails
  2. Contact fields: By using contact fields like Contact:title equals admin
  3. Account fields: By using account fields like Account:type equals gold
  4. Customer Info fields: By using fields like ARR greater than 2500

Gainsight Email: How to Ensure Best Email Deliverability

Mandrill uses the following email authentication methodology to improve deliverability of email messages

  • Sender Policy Framework(SPF)
  • Domainkeys Identified mail (DKIM)

Note: Both these technologies does not guarantee delivery of email to inbox. Both these technologies will only increase the chance of emails getting delivered to recipients inbox. This has to implemented by our customer on their end with the help of their operations team.


Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation system designed to prevent email spam by detecting email spoofing, a common vulnerability, by verifying sender IP addresses. SPF allows administrators to specify which hosts are allowed to send mail from a given domain by creating a specific TXT record in the Domain Name System (DNS). Mail exchangers use the DNS to check that mail from a given domain is being sent by a host sanctioned by that domain's administrators.


DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for associating a domain name with an email message, thereby allowing a person, role, or organization to claim some responsibility for the message. The association is set up by means of a digital signature which can be validated by recipients. Responsibility is claimed by a signer—independently of the message's actual authors or recipients—by adding a DKIM-Signature: field to the message's header. The verifier recovers the signer's public key using the DNS, and then verifies that the signature matches the actual message's content.

Enabling SPF in Mandrill

To enable SPF validation, our customers will have to manually add an SPF record to their DNS servers as suggested below. The suggested below steps will add mandrill as a valid sender of emails on behalf of our customer domain. This is a one time effort.

  • If customer doesn't yet have an SPF record, they will have  to add one for their domain. At a minimum, the value should be the following if they're only sending mail through Mandrill for that domain:  

            v=spf1 ?all

  • If customers already have a TXT record with SPF information, they'll need to add Mandrill's servers to that record by adding in the record


  • If SPF verification has been enabled by the recipients MTA/email client,  it will check our customer’s DNS record to see  if mandrill can send emails on their behalf
  • SPF record in the customers DNS will validate that mandrill can send emails on behalf of them and the SPF verifications will pass

Enabling DKIM in Mandrill

To enable DKIM verification, our customers will have to add a DKIM TXT record with the name to their DNS. Value of the above text record will be as follows

v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCrLHiExVd55zd/IQ/J/mRwSRMAocV/hMB3jXwaHH36d9NaVynQFYV8NaWi69c1veUtRzGt7yAioXqLj7Z4TeEUoOLgrKsn8YnckGs9i3B3tVFB+Ch/4mPhXWiNfNdynHWBcPcbJ8kjEQ2U8y78dHZj1YeRXXVvWob2OaKynO8/lQIDAQAB;

v = version of DKIM used

k = encryption algorithm that should be used by the receiving MTA/client

p = public key of mandrill


DKIM Verification

  • If DKIM verification has been enabled by the recipients MTA/email client,  it will check our customer’s DNS record to see  if a public key has been published for DKIM verification
  • Customer’s DNS will send back the public key of mandrill to the email client
  • Email client will use the public key to calculate the cryptographic hash. The computed hash will be compared with the hash in the DKIM header of the delivered email. If the hash matches, DKIM validation will pass.

Note: In order to remove “on behalf of” or  “via” from the “from address” of email, our customers will have to publish DKIM and SPF records to their DNS

Send Email: Known Limitations

  1. Custom token is not possible in Marketo integration.
  2. In GS Email service, you do not have a protection of same user receiving same email multiple times as in Marketo when there are duplicates in data.
  3. In GS Email service, Email templates with Letter-heads are not supported.

Other Enhancements

Notification When Failure in Scheduled Rule Run

To enable, navigate to schedule screen in the rule and enter the email addresses notification should be sent to.

Run for Historical Period Configuration

On the schedule screen a new checkbox option exists to choose to run for historical periods. It is enabled by default when the rule is created and it is disabled by default when the rule is edited.


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