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Gainsight Inc.

Accounts and Audience Explorer

This article explains configuring the Accounts Explorer and Audience Explorer sections in Gainsight PX.


The Accounts Explorer and Audience Explorer sections in Gainsight PX display the details of your customers and the users working at your customer’s organization and using your application, respectively. The data in these sections can be imported through any of the Integrations, present on the Integrations screen. The fields displayed in these sections are known as Attributes. To learn more about Attributes, refer to the User and Account Model article from the Additional Resources section. 

Accounts Explorer

The Accounts Explorer section displays the list of all of your customers. You can view important data like customer name, number of users for each customer, customer location, and so on. The fields (or attributes, displayed as columns) on the Accounts Explorer page are configured by your admin. By default, 20 records are displayed on the Accounts Explorer page. You can increase this count up to 50. You can also apply various filters to view Accounts with specific data.    

Account Explorer.jpg

Actions on Accounts Explorer Page

This sub-section explains the various actions that you can perform on the Accounts Explorer section. 

Search Accounts

Search for specific Accounts from the search bar. You can configure fields that can be used for searching. For example, if you wish to search for an account by using its name or account Id, you can select these checkboxes in the search bar.  

Accounts Explorer_Search.jpg

You can select the search fields by clicking the down arrow key at the right end of the search bar.  

Filter Accounts 

Filter Accounts based on various parameters. When you use multiple products in your subscription, you can select to view the Accounts that belong to a specific product. If you are using the PX mobile SDK, you can filter Accounts based on Web app or mobile SDK. You can also filter accounts based on environments; Production, Stage, QA, and Integration.   

Account Explorer_Filters.jpg

Apart from the above filters, you can also use custom filters. To use custom filters, click the << icon.

Account Explorer_Filter.jpg

Bookmark Accounts

Once you apply some filters to retrieve a list of specific accounts, you can save this list as a bookmark. This saves your efforts to re-apply these filters again in the future. When you create a bookmark, it saves all of the accounts that are currently being displayed in the list view (after applying filters). 

To create a Bookmark:

  1. Click on the Bookmarks. The Bookmarks window displays.
  2. Click on the Create icon.
  3. Enter a name for the Bookmark. 
  4. Click on Add.

Accounts Explorer_Book Mark.jpg

Note: You can remove the Bookmark impact from the Account list view by clicking the X icon. 

Account Explorer_Remove bookmark.jpg

To apply the Bookmark again, you must click Bookmarks and select the required Bookmark from the Bookmarks window.

Account Explorer_AddSavedBookmark.jpg

Apply custom filters after creating a Bookmark. Once you apply all the custom filters, you must click Save for the bookmark. 

Receive Email Updates from Bookmarks: You can configure PX to send you an Email report of new Accounts added to a Bookmark, on a daily or weekly basis. For example, consider that you have a Bookmark called Jupiter Customer that has a filter to include accounts whose revenue is more than $100000. Every time a new account is added with revenue of more than $100000, this new account is automatically added to the Jupiter Customers Bookmark. If you create an Email update report on Jupiter Customers, you will receive an Email on a daily or weekly basis that states how many new Jupiter customers were added after the last email was sent. This Email is always sent to the logged-in user.  

To receive email updates:

  1. Click Bookmarks.
  2. Select the Daily or Weekly check box from the Bookmarks window. 


Export Account Data

Gainsight PX allows you to export the Accounts data as a CSV file. Only the data for accounts that are currently displayed in the list view after honoring the filters is exported. To export Accounts data, click on Export CSV. The following options appear in the dropdown menu:

  • Export Current View: To export only the columns that are shown after you rearrange the columns. For more information on how to select and rearrange the columns, refer to the Arrange Columns and Set Number of Records section.
  • Export All Columns: To export all the columns irrespective of the current view of columns.

Note: This option is also available in Audience Explorer to export audience data to CSV. 


Arrange Columns and Set Number of Records

PX Administrators can configure the columns (fields) that must be displayed on the Accounts List view. The Arrange Columns option can be used to accomplish this. 

To Configure the Columns:

  1. Click Arrange Columns. Arrange Columns window displays.

AccountExplorer_Arrange Coloumn.jpg

  1. Select the required attributes. 
  2. (Optional) Rearrange the order in which the fields must be displayed.
  3. Click Save


Select the number of Accounts to be displayed in the list view. By default, 20 Accounts are displayed. You can increase this by up to 50.

AccountExplorer_Account Number.jpg

Sort Data

Click the column name to sort the data in ascending/descending, alphabetical order (based on the data type).


Navigate to Audience Explorer

Click the user count from Accounts Explorer to view the list of users in any Account.

No of users

Audience Explorer

Audience Explorer displays a list of all the users using your application. Each user is associated with an Account. You can perform all of the same actions in the Accounts Explorer with Audience Explorer as well. Apart from those actions, Audience Explorer provides you with a Full Profile option that displays a user’s various activities and associations. 

Analyze User Profile

User Full Profile provides useful information about users. You can analyze the user behavior based on the details provided in this section. 

To access the full profile:

  1. Click on the required user.
  2. The Audience Explorer page is displayed with details of selected user.

Show user profile

The information displayed by the Full Profile feature can be classified into three sections.


This section displays six tabs. Each tab displays important information related to the user. Only the data that has been synced to Gainsight PX is displayed in the tabs. The six tabs are:

Details: This tab displays information like User’s job title, last visited date and time, Recent FullStory Session recordings, last 10 segments whose criteria(s) were matched by the user, last inferred location, and so on. For more information, refer to the Segment article from the Additional Resources section.

Attributes: This tab displays the custom, User-Preference, and default user attribute values, for the selected user. 

Social: This tab displays the user’s photo, contact info, demographics, and so on. This data is provided by a third-party application; Fullcontact

Account: This tab displays values for Inferred company, default, and custom Account attributes of the Account which the selected user is associated with. 

Feedback: This tab displays the feedback given by the user. Feedback can be a response given to any of the Survey engagements or feedback is given through the KC Bot’s feedback tab. 

Segments:  This tab displays the product usage, subscription levels, or any custom-defined criteria. 

Six tabs in audience explorer page


This section displays the user’s recent session-collated timeline view of recent ActivitiesSegments and Engagements. Expand and collapse all events at once to view the enriched data using the Expand All toggle switch. For example, the Identify event consists of the User and Account attributes and the Page view event displays information of the URL that the user has clicked.

User activities

Following powerful filter options are available to refine the user data: 

  • Ability to quickly fetch details of the activities performed by a user within a particular date range. 
  • Ability to filter the user’s recent activities like Page view, button clicks, Engagements Viewed, and many more using the Filter option. 
  • Ability to select the Products and Environments to filter the relevant data.
  • Drill down further to filter users’ recent activities using the Feature Match, Custom Event, In App Engagements, and Segment Match filter options.

Note: The Lifetime date option displays activities up to the last 90 days. To filter older activities, use the Custom Date Range option to specify a time period of upto six months at a time. 

Example Business Use Case

You can determine a feature usage for a selected time period by a user.

Feature Match .jpg

  • Use Engagement Errors and Engagement Collisions filter options to monitor the Engagements.
    • Engagement Errors: Use this filter to analyze the errors in a failed engagement. This helps you to identify what went wrong and how you can fix it. This displays the name and type of engagement along with the browser type.
    • Engagement Collisions: Use this filter to analyze the name of the engagement(s) that conflicted when a user was qualified to view one or more engagements. In such a case, Gainsight PX checks the priority rules and shows the engagement based on the priority set. This displays the following: 
      • Engagement Type: The type of engagement that was displayed to the user. 
      • Engagement Name: The engagement that was shown to the user. 
      • Other Engagements: The list of engagements that collided. 

Note: For more information on how to fetch data for custom events, refer to the Gainsight PX REST API swagger article. 

User Preferences 

Gainsight PX sends user engagements, tracks and analyzes user activities, and stores user data. However, if your customers would like to opt-out from receiving engagements or activity/data tracking, you can honor the user preferences.

Admins can opt-in or out of the following User Preferences attributes from the user’s profile in Audience Explorer:

  • Guided Tours
  • Onboarding Bot
  • Product Updates
  • Surveys
  • Track Email Analytics 
  • Track Usage

User Preferred Attributes


Create filter criteria for each report or a list of reports, by navigating to Filters tab on the Audience Explorer / Accounts Explorer page. You can also create a bookmark with the filters configured and set it as the default view and receive your favorite reports daily or/and weekly through email.

Now, let’s create a custom filter to segregate specific segment of users:

  1. Navigate to Audience Explorer.
  2. Apply a filter that you want reports of. For example, a specific account or email.
  3. In the Filters tab, provide the following details in this example:
    • Users: You can use AND/OR  logic.
    • Select the Last Seen (as for example) option and the desired operator (here it is ‘Less than’) from the given options available in the dropdown list and enter the value (editable field). 
  4. Click +Add again to create another criterion.

Note: Click +Add multiple times to add more criteria.

  1. Click Add Filter to navigate to the Custom filters window.
  2. Click Apply. This creates (keeping the AND/OR logic in mind) a list of accounts and users that match with the filter criteria.

Note: You can find out the number of unique users that logged in each month by using the following filter option:

Unique_user_filters 2.jpeg

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