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Gainsight Inc.

SDK Settings

The article explains the different configurations available for administrators in the SDK Settings page in Gainsight PX.


The SDK Settings page in Gainsight PX contains a set of configurations for various aspects of PX. Following are some of the configurations options available:  

  • Customizing how PX tracks your users and their events in the application
  • Defining engagement behaviors such as auto-save, repositioning, and others
  • Configuring how the Knowledge Center Bot is launched and displayed to users

The SDK Settings page helps you personalize PX to your organization's needs, ensuring optimal use of the Gainsight PX suite for enhanced user engagement and product experience.

To access, navigate to Administration > SET UPSDK Settings.



The SDK Settings page can be viewed by users who have Viewer permissions for Account Settings. However, modifications can only be made by those holding Manager level permissions.

SDK Settings

The SDK Settings page has a list of configuration options, categorized into the following: 


The General section contains configurations that apply globally across the PX application.


Configuration Description Default Value
Download Javascript SDK Allows you to download the SDK file to make changes to the JavaScript configurations.  NA
Usage tracking tag

Allow PX to track the following events to gather usage analytics:

  • User session start and end time
  • Page views
  • Button clicks
  • Link clicks

For more information, refer to the Usage Tracking and Personally identifiable information (PII) article



The Tracking section contains configurations that allow you to define how PX collects and uses the different types of data from your application .


Configuration Description Default Value
Set auto tracking Indicate if PX should automatically track all events for users. When turned off, all auto track features are stopped, ensuring no automatic tracking takes place. On
Set auto click tracking Indicate if PX should automatically track all click events for users. On
Set Page view auto tracking Indicate if PX should automatically track page view events. For example, these can be used to measure the number of times a specific page has been viewed by users. On
Set custom DOM attributes tracking Add custom DOM attributes to event tracking payloads in order to prioritize them in mapping. This helps enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of your tracking implementation. Selectors with these attributes gain higher strength and, therefore, take priority over other selectors.  NA
Set the filter to mask or exclude parameters

Indicate if filtered parameters should be masked (value will be apt-masked) or excluded entirely.

Gainsight recommends using this option only for masking. To exclude URLs, use the URLs to exclude from the tracking option. For more information, refer to the Exclude and Mask Tracked Data article.

Set the parameter names Add a list of specific parameters to be filtered (masked or excluded). NA
Enable IP masking

Indicate if PX should mask IP addresses while tracking. When enabled, IP addresses are masked and tracked as

IP masking, also known as IP anonymization, is used to enhance privacy and security online by obscuring an individual's or device's actual IP address. This is relevant and valuable in business contexts for scenarios such as safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Enable FullStory session recording

Allow FullStory to send session recording information (such as session Ids) to PX. When turned off, FullStory does not share any information with PX, regardless of an active integration. 

The FullStory integration can be established from the Integrations page in PX. For more information on using FullStory with PX, refer to the FullStory Integration article.

Note: For successful integration, ensure that the FullStory SDK is installed and initialized by your application. PX does not load FullStory in its application.

URLs to mask from tracking

Add a list of specific URLs (with or without wildcards) to be masked (value will be /apt-masked-url)  from tracking. For more information, refer to the Exclude and Mask Tracked Data article.

URLs to exclude from tracking

Add a list of specific URLs  (with or without wildcards) to be excluded from tracking. For more information, refer to the Exclude and Mask Tracked Data article.

Track page titles Indicate if PX must collect the title of the web page. This is useful in scenarios where the page title might contain some PII which must not be tracked by PX.  On
Set keyboard-based click tracking

Indicate if PX should track keyboard interactions such as Space and Enter in text input fields of a page. This option is useful to track users that utilize accessibility keyboard navigation.

For example, consider an engagement which contains the Product Mapper audience rule, using the Being used right now operator. With the Set keyboard-based click tracking option enabled, PX additionally recognizes keyboard interactions such as Space and Enter, which can trigger the engagement.



The Engagement section contains configurations that apply to engagements created in your subscription.


Configuration Description Default Value
Badge reposition response time (ms) Define how quickly a badge should respond to changes in the application's UI that requires a change in the badge's position or its visibility state. This setting ensures that the badge remains visible and accurately positioned to capture the user's attention without interfering with their interaction with the application. 500
Evaluate engagement rules on page navigation

When turned on, the URL rule for engagement is assessed at each page navigation. Should the URL rule not align, the live engagement is withdrawn from view.

When turned off, the engagement rules are dynamically evaluated in real time, but only after completion of the ongoing engagement.

Enable content auto-save in the new Engagement Editor Indicate if modifications to the engagement content in the V2 Editor must be automatically saved every two minutes. This is only applicable when editing an engagement In-App. Off
Enable tooltips to be responsive based on viewport

Indicate if the position of tooltips in guide engagements should be dynamically adjusted based on the screen configuration.


Guide & Product Mappers

The Guide & Product Mappers section contains configurations that control the In-App editors for guide engagements and product instrumentation.


Configuration Description Default Value
Enabling floating editor mode (recommended) Enable floating mode in In-App Editor (V1) and Product Mapper. This also allows you to dock the panel to the top or bottom of the screen. On

Knowledge Center

The Knowledge Center section contains configurations related to the Knowledge Center Bot. 


Note: Modifications to SDK settings affect all bots in that subscription. It is not possible to alter the display type settings when a bot is operational, however, adjustments to the bot's position type can be made even while it is active.

Configuration Description Default Value
Knowledge Center Display Options

Choose between using a Floater KC Bot or an Embedded KC Bot for self-service.

  • Floater KC Bot: Activates upon user interaction with the Bot widget, providing a floating interface that appears over your web page or application.
  • Embedded KC Bot: Integrates directly within your application's user interface, requiring the bot to be mapped to specific UI elements for activation. For more information on how embedded bots work, refer to the Embedded Knowledge Center Bot article.

Floater KC Bot (Use the widget. The dialog will open when your users interact with the widget)

Knowledge Center Launch Options

Indicate if the KC Bot should automatically be triggered to all qualified users, or triggered using API calls.

For more information on how to use the API, refer to the Work with Knowledge Center Bot API article.

The KCB is visible automatically to qualified users
Knowledge Center Position type

Define the type of position for embedded KC Bot from one of the following options: 

  • Fixed: Render the bot at fixed X and Y coordinates, relative to the window, without affecting the DOM. While scrolling, the KC widget does not move instantly with respect to the page.
  • Absolute: Render the bot at fixed X and Y coordinates, relative to the document, without affecting the DOM. While scrolling, the KC widget moves with the page scroll if it is associated with an outer scroll. For inner scrolls like a sidebar, the floating element does not move.
  • Injection: PX injects the iFrame of the KC widget into the DOM element, while embedding the bot. While scrolling, the KC widget scrolls instantly with the page.

Note: The presence of a hidden overflow property (overflow: hidden;) in any of the parent DOM elements may affect how the bot is displayed. 
