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Gainsight Inc.

User and Account Model

This article lists the User and Account attributes in Gainsight PX and explains how to track the attributes.


Gainsight PX provides a set of User and Account attributes by default, and allows admin to define Custom attributes. Admins can turn ON/OFF the user, account and custom attributes as required. This allows for the Personally Identifiable Information(PII) or sensitive information of the end-users not to be tracked.  

You can view the attributes by navigating to the Administration > Attributes page. Use the Attribute Name when sending data using the Gainsight PX Web SDK or the Gainsight PX REST API.

User Attributes

The following table lists the User Attributes:

View Name Attribute Name Data Type
Account id accountId String
City Name city String
Continent Code continent String
Country Code countryCode String
Country Name countryName String
Email email String
First Name firstName String
First visit firstVisitDate Date
Gender gender String
Guided Tours guidedTours Boolean
Id id String
Last name lastName String
Latitude latitude String
Lead date leadDate Date
Longitude longitude String
Number of visits numberOfVisits Number
Onboarding Bot onboardingBot Boolean
Phone phone String
Postal Code postalCode String
Product Updates productUpdates Boolean
Region Name regionName String
Role role String
Score score Number
Sign up date signUpDate Date
State Code stateCode String
State Name stateName String
Street street String
Subscription Id subscriptionId String
Surveys surveys Boolean
Time Zone timeZone String
Job title jobTitle String
Track Usage trackUsage Boolean

Account Attributes

The following table lists the Account Attributes:

View Name Attribute Name Data Type
City Name city String
Continent Code continent String
Country Code countryCode String
Country Name countryName String
Id id String
Industry industry String
NAICS Code naicsCode String
Name name String
Number of employees numberOfEmployees Number
Number of users numberOfUsers Number
Number of visits numberOfVisitors Number
Parent Group ID parentGroupId String
Plan plan String
Postal Code postalCode String
Region Name regionName String
Salesforce id sfdcId String
SIC id sicCode String
State Code stateCode String
State Name stateName String
Street street String
Time Zone timeZone String
Website website String

Auto-Populated Attributes

The following table lists the auto-populated User Attributes:

Attribute Name Type Value Source Valid Formats
Last Seen date Populated on every new session or identify  
Signed Up date Populated based on first identify of the user. If the user is created through another way such as REST, import this will not be populated.  
Email Unsubscribed String Populated when user clicked on unsubscribe in an email  
Inferred City string Based on last session IP address  
Inferred Country Code string Based on last user email List of country codes by alpha-2, alpha-3 code (ISO 3166)
Inferred Country Name string Based on last user email  
Inferred Continent string Based on last user email  
Inferrred Postel Code string Based on last user email  
Inferred State Name string Based on last user email  
Inferred State Code string Based on last user email Appendix D ‐ USPS State Abbreviations and FIPS Codes :  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Inferred Timezone string Based on last user email

No known limitation but here are valid timezones

Learn More

Inferred company NAICS

string Based on last user email  
Inferred company SIC code string Based on last user email  
Inferred company name string Based on last user email  
Inferred company industry string Based on last user email  
Inferred company revenue string Based on last user email  
Inferred company String Based on last user email  
webdomain   email  
Number of visits int Populated every two hours, counting the number of user sessions  

The following table lists the auto-populated Account Attributes:

View Name Attribute Name Data Type
Last seen date Populated on every new session or identify of a user associated to the account
Number of visits int Populated every two hours, counting the number of all users sessions associated with the account
Number of users int Number of all users associated with the account

Attributes List View Page

You can perform the following actions in the Attributes List View Page:

  • Create Custom Attributes
  • Set Attribute Status
  • Configure Historical Tracking for Attributes

Custom Attributes

If you do not see the field you like to pass into Gainsight PX in the available list of attributes, create a custom attribute.

To create a custom attribute:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Attributes.
  2. Click the +NEW button on the User or Account tab. The Create User/Account Attribute window appears.
  3. Enter the following details: 
    Attribute: Name Enter a custom attribute name
    API name:
    Enter a name for the identify call and the REST API when referring to this attribute.
    Data Type: Select a Data Type. 
    Default Value: Enter a Default value for the attribute.
    Note: When a custom attribute is used as a token and does not have a value then the default value replaces the token
    Description: Enter the Attribute Description.
  4. Click Save

Note: Gainsight PX allows you to add up to 50 custom attributes. To add more attributes, contact us at

Create attribute.jpg

Set Attribute Status

You can turn an attribute on or off from the Attribute List view page. This determines whether Gainsight PX captures data for that attribute.

The following apply if an attribute is turned off: 

  • The attribute will no longer receive updates from the Identify calls or other sources, effectively making it inactive.
  • Custom attributes are removed from filter drop-down menus.
  • The attribute remains visible in the user profile, but its value appears as a strikethrough text if a previous value exists.
  • Attributes that are turned off still count toward the attribute limit. To remove an attribute from the count, you must delete it.

Historical Tracking for Attributes

Gainsight PX has the capability of tracking the historical data for the Account and User Attributes. Users and Account properties such as roles, stage, and status change frequently. The tracking option allows you to trace back the values for an attribute easily. Gainsight PX stores the following details:

  • Past and current values of the attributes
  • The date on which the attribute was updated
  • The source from which the update was performed.

IMPORTANT: The global Historical Tracking switch enables historical tracking for the entire PX subscription.  The global Historical Tracking switch needs to be enabled at the global level first. It can then be enabled for each desired attribute.

Enable the Historical Tracking for each attribute while creating or editing the attribute.

historical tracking.jpg

Note: Historical tracking is supported up to 10 user attributes and 10 account attributes.

Attribute Limits

For information on the attribute limits, refer to the Gainsight PX Package Overview article.