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Gainsight Inc.

Configure Customer Goals

Gainsight NXT


This article explains how admins can configure the Customer Goals settings and set up a Goals Library.


Customer Goals provides a shared space to capture all of your customer’s goals from a specific page in C360. 

Key Benefits: 

  • Capture, plan and prioritize the goals with your customer, using Cockpit CTAs and Success Plans.
  • Present the business goals achieved by the customers using your products and services.
  • Provide visibility on prioritized and associated work, across multiple teams.

Admins can create a library of widely used goals making it easier for the CSMs to capture goals. They can configure the detail view layout for goals, customize the status options, create new fields, and display goals created on Relationships in C/R360 and Opportunity in Salesforce.

License Specifications

Customer Goals is available for all the pricing and packaging plans. Permissions associated with each License-Type are as follows: 

  • Viewer: Create, update and delete customer goals. Associate or remove associated CTAs and Success Plans from Customer Goals.
  • Viewer+Analytics: Create, update and delete customer goals. Associate or remove associated CTAs and Success Plans from Customer Goals.
  • Full License: Create, update and delete customer goals. Associate or remove associated CTAs and Success Plans from Customer Goals. Create or update Cockpit CTAs and Success Plans. 

Goals Library

You can create a set of standard goals in the Goals Library. CSMs can modify and use these goals as per their requirement. These goals also serve as examples, that the CSMs can refer to while creating goals.                            

View Goals Library

The Goals Library consists of all the goals added by the admins. To view the Goals Library, navigate to Administration > Customer Goals > Goals Library. A list of goals added to the library is displayed. 

To add more columns to the view, click the Plus icon and select the required column from the dropdown menu.

  • The Usage column displays the number of times a goal has been used since it was created.
  • The 90 Day Usage column displays the number of times a goal was used in the last 90 days.

You can use the columns to sort the goals in the library.

IMPORTANT:  Dropdowns and multi-select dropdown columns do not have the sort option.

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Add Goals to the Library

To create and add goals to the library: 

  1. Navigate to Administration > Customer Goals​​​​​​.
  2. Click Add Goal.
  3. Enter the following details.
  4. Enter the required details. 
  • Name
  • Status
  • Due Date
  • Description

Note: The above details are system requirements. You can add additional fields from the Settings page. For more information, refer to the Detail View Layout section.

  1. Click Add Goal, the goal is added to the library. 


Customer Goals Settings

Navigate to Administration > Customer Goals. From the Settings tab, configure Detail View layout, manage status options, create custom fields and status options, and configure other settings.

Detail View Layout

The detail view layout helps the end-users to view the attributes related to a goal. Add or remove fields to customize the layout. 

IMPORTANT: There are seven out-of-the-box fields that are available by default and cannot be edited or deleted permanently. They are as follows:

  • Goal Name
  • Status
  • Created Date
  • Relationship
  • Due Date
  • Description
  • Opportunity

For more information about fields on the Customer Goals objects, refer to the Gainsight Object Glossary article.

You can also create custom fields to capture additional information. All the fields (including the out-of-the-box and custom fields) can be found under Available Fields

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Add/ Remove Fields

To add or remove fields from the detail view layout:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Customer Goals.
  2. Click Settings tab.
  3. From the Available Fields panel, use the drag-and-drop method to add the fields into the Detail View Layout

To remove fields:

  1.  Click the three horizontal dots menu on the field.  
  2. Select Remove. The field is removed from the layout but can still be found under Available Fields.

Delete Fields

To delete fields permanently from the system: 

  1. Click the three dots horizontal menu on the field. 
  2. Select Delete.

Note: System fields cannot be deleted.

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View Field Details

To view field details:

  1. Click the three horizontal dots menu on the field.
  2. Select View Details to view the Field Name, Default Value, and Description.
  3. (Optional) To create a dependent picklist, select the controller picklist from in the Controller Field dropdown.
  4. (Optional) To make this field mandatory for the end users, select the Mark it as a mandatory field option. 
  5. (Optional) To make this field unique to Customer Goals, you can select the Hide this field in other application areas option. 
  6. Click Save.

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Reorder Fields in Detail View Layout

Use the drag-and-drop method to rearrange the fields. In the detail view layout, the fields will be visible in the order defined here. 

Note: Goal Name and Created Date are always displayed on the top of the detail view and cannot be modified.

Create Custom Fields

To create custom fields:

  1. Click Create Field. The Create Field slide-out panel appears.
  2. Provide the required details. 

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  1. (Optional) Click Show Advanced Options to configure advanced settings.
  • If you want to ensure that a value for this field is provided, click the Mark it as a mandatory field checkbox
  • If you do not want this field to appear in any other application area except Customer Goals, select the Hide in other application areas checkbox.
  • In the Lookup section, create lookups by selecting the object and the field. For more information refer to the Data Import Lookup  article.

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Note: Multi-Currency is not supported for Customer Goals.

Status Options

Status options provide an insight into the current state of the goal. These appear as options in the Status dropdown menu. There are five out-of-the-box status options available in the Status dropdown menu:

  • New
  • On track 
  • Off track 
  • Achieved 
  • On hold 

IMPORTANT: The New and On Track status options cannot be deactivated or deleted but can be renamed.

Create Status Options

To create custom status options:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Customer Goals.
  2. Click Settings tab.
  3. In the Status section, click Create Status.
  4. Provide a name for the status.
  5. Select a color.
  6. Set the toggle to Active. The status option is not visible to the users in the Status dropdown menu if it is not active.
  7. Click Save. 
Reorder Status Options

Change the order in which the status options are listed in the Status dropdown menu. Use the drag-and-drop method to define the order. 

Customize Status Options

Customize the name or the color associated with existing status options.

To edit the name:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Customer Goals
  2. Click Settings tab.
  3. In the Status section. hover over the status option that you wish to edit
  4. Click the edit icon that appears.
  5. Enter the new name. 

To change the color:

  1. Hover over the status option.
  2. Click the dropdown icon.
  3. Select a color.

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Activate/Deactivate Status Options

All the active status options are displayed in the Status dropdown menu that is used by CSMs in the detail view page. Deactivating a status option removes it from this dropdown menu i.e. CSMs cannot use this option to indicate the status of their goals.

Note: Deactivating a status option does not affect the goals that are currently using this status option.

Delete Status Options

Deleting a status option removes it permanently from the system i.e. once deleted, the status options cannot be recovered.  

To delete a status option, hover on the respective option and click the delete icon that appears. Select Confirm in the confirmation box.

IMPORTANT: Before you delete a status option, update the status of the existing goals wherever the status option is currently in use.

Other Settings

The following options help you view an aggregation of goals in the company’s 360 page.

  • View goals created on Relationships in C360: Select this option to view goals created on relationships. 
  • View goals created on Opportunity in C360: Select this option to view goals created on Opportunity in Salesforce. 

Customer Goals Metrics

Admins can configure various metrics to effectively track and assess customer goals. These metrics also serve as templates, allowing CSMs to customize and track progress towards new customer goals.

To manage metrics, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Customer Goals > Metrics tab.
  2. In the Metrics section, locate predefined metrics. These include:
    • NPS (Net Profit Scheme)
    • GRR (Gross Revenue Rate)
    • Revenue Per Employee
    • NRR (Net Revenue Rate)
  3. To set the predefined metrics, turn the metrics on or off as required.


  1. (Optional) To create custom metrics, click Create Metric and provide the following details:
  • Metric Name
  • Unit of Measure (Choose from: Percentage, Decimal, or Currency)
  • Description

Create Metric interface lets you enter a metric name, select a unit of measure, add a description, and save the metric with the Save Metric button

  1. To save any changes, click Save Metric. The configured metrics are available for CSMs to use.


  • Edit metrics in-line directly and reorder them to suit preferences.
  • Clone metrics for reuse or delete them when they are no longer needed.
  • Easily edit and maintain the properties of custom metrics.

Customer Goals Admin interface with a section called Metrics. Each metric has options to Clone or Delete.

Use Rules Engine to Create and Update Goals

Horizon Rules Engine empowers users to streamline and optimize their customer goal management processes. The Customer Goals Rule Action Type helps admins to create and update goals using rules. This capability enables teams to effectively track and manage customer objectives, fostering better collaboration and improving overall customer success outcomes.

For more information, refer to the Configure Customer Goals  Action Type article.

Enable Customer Goals in C360/R360

To view the Customer Goals tab in your C360/R360, use the drag-and-drop method to add the Customer Goals widget to your C360/R360 layout. For more information refer to the Create and Assign Multiple C360 Layouts  article.

Create Reports on Customer Goals

Navigate to Analytics > Reports in Gainsight to create reports on Customer Goals. Reports can be created on the following Customer Goals objects:

  • Customer Goals
  • Customer Goal Template
  • Customer Goal Association

For more information on the Customer Goals objects, refer to the Gainsight Object Glossary article.

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For more information on how to create and share reports, refer to the Create and Share Reports article.