Data Designer FAQs
Gainsight NXT
Data Designer Help and FAQs
Below are some frequently asked questions about Data Designer. If you have a question that's not answered here or through related support articles, please email If you have enhancement suggestions, please post them to Gainsight's Community.
How Data Spaces 2.0 created from Data Designer are different from the earlier version of Data Spaces?
The earlier version of Data Spaces helps merge two similar/related objects from Salesforce. But, you cannot link two unrelated/different objects in Salesforce with MDA and vice versa. With Data Designer, you can merge two unrelated/different objects in Salesforce with MDA and vice versa, to create a Dataset.
Once a dataset is created, you can explore and analyze the data to see if it’s valuable, and then make it permanent and universally available across Gainsight. Once a dataset is permanent, it is saved as a Dataspace under MDA data source. You can then use this Data Space in other functionalities of Gainsight like, Reporting, Rules, and Journey Orchestrator (JO).
Note: Gainsight strongly recommends you to use Data Designer as a primary method of building Data Spaces for your business requirement.
For more information on the overview details of Data Designer, refer to the Data Designer Overview article.
Can I merge objects from Salesforce with MDA and Vice Versa?
Yes. In Data Designer, you can merge different objects in Salesforce with MDA, and vice versa.
What is the maximum number of objects that I can merge in Data Designer?
A maximum of two objects can be combined in a single step (task). However, there is no limit on the number of merge tasks in a Data Designer dataset.
Can I directly publish the Reports created in Data Designer to Report Builder Repository?
Yes, you can publish the reports created in Data Designer to Report Builder Repository. For more information on how to publish the report to Report Builder Repository, refer to the Explore Details in Data Designer article.
Where can I consume the Data Spaces 2.0 in Gainsight?
All the datasets that are made permanent and available across Gainsight are saved as Data Spaces 2.0 under MDA Data Source. You can consume all these Data Spaces in Gainsight’s Reporting, Rules Engine and Journey Orchestrator.
How Formula Fields and Case Fields work in Data Designer?
Preparation page: Formula Fields and Case Fields in the Preparation Details of Data Designer work as the Formula Fields and Case Fields in Bionic Rules. For more information on how to create Formula Fields and Case Fields, refer to the Formula Fields and Case Fields article.
Explore page: Formula Fields in Explore Details of Data Designer work as the Formula Fields in Gainsight’s Reporting. For more information on how to create a Formula Field, refer to the Formula Fields in Reporting article.
How do Visualizations in Data Designer work?
Visualizations in Data Designer work as the visualizations in Reporting. For more information on Visualization Types, refer to the Visualization Types in Reporting article.
How long the temporary dataset is valid?
The temporary dataset is valid for seven days. If required, you can make it permanent before seven days.
Is there any visual indication in the report builder that the source is a regular MDA object versus a Dataspace 2.0 object?
Currently, you cannot see any indication that differentiates the MDA Object versus Data Spaces 2.0. But, we are working on creating a new Data Source Category namely Data Spaces 2.0 that includes all the Data Spaces created from Data Designer.
Does Data Designer imports the Mappings information?
Yes, Data Designer auto imports the mapping information present in Gainsight Data Management. For more information on mapping, refer to the Preparation Details in Data Designer article.
Can I use external source Data in Data Designer?
Yes, you can use data from Salesforce, Amazon S3, and Snowflake in Data Designer.
Can I use Data from Amazon S3 in Data Designer?
Yes, you can use data from S3 in Data Designer. For more information on how to use data from S3 in Data Designer, refer to the Use Data from S3 in Data Designer article.
Can I use Data from Snowflake in Data Designer?
Yes, you can use data from Snowflake in Data Designer. For more information on how to use data from Snowflake in Data Designer, refer to the Use Date from Snowflake in Data Designer article.
Can I pull larger data exceeding 5GB to Data Designer using Snowflake Connector?
Yes, Gainsight has the capability to pull data exceeding 5GB using the Snowflake connector, provided you grant the permission of 'create stage' on the schema.
Can I Map SFDC Picklist to Gainsight’s Dropdown List in Data Designer
Before you map the Salesforce Picklist to Gainsight’s Dropdown list, ensure that you have already created an equivalent Dropdown list in Gainsight. If you have not created an equivalent MDA Dropdown in Gainsight and mapped to the required Salesforce Picklist, the values are shown as null.
- For more information on how to set-up Salesforce Picklist/Multi-picklist fields in Data Designer, refer to the Preparation Details in Data Designer article.
- For more information on how to create a Dropdown/Multi-select Dropdown list, refer to the Dropdown List and Multi Select Dropdown List article.