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Gainsight Inc.

Bulk Mapping of Zendesk Organizations to Gainsight Companies

Gainsight NXT


IMPORTANT: Gainsight is upgrading Connectors 2.0 with Horizon Experience. This article applies to tenants which have been upgraded to the Horizon Experience for Connectors 2.0. If you are using Connectors 2.0 with the previous version, you can find the documentation here.

This article explains to admins about how to map all of the Zendesk Organizations to Gainsight Companies in a single configuration. This configuration helps automatically populate the Company name for each Zendesk ticket of a Zendesk Organization.

Note:  Gainsight automatically maps Zendesk Organizations to Gainsight Companies as part of the Cases Out of the Box (OOB) feature. However, you can use this feature to update the mappings if you want to change them.


The Org Mapping Setup feature enables you to accelerate and automate the process of mapping Zendesk Organizations to Gainsight Companies. You can upload a CSV file containing a bridge table for Zendesk Organizations and Companies.


  • If you already have the Zendesk Organization and Company stored in the Company object, you can use that object directly in Derived Mapping Options.
  • Data Upsert is performed when you choose Derived Mapping, Manual Mapping or Upload via CSV.
  • Validation is performed on Company Id when a CSV is uploaded.

Map Zendesk Organizations to Companies

In order to populate the Company name for each Zendesk ticket of a Zendesk Organization, you need to map all of the Zendesk Organizations to Gainsight Companies. The following are available mapping options:

  • Manually Add Mapping
  • Add via CSV file
  • Derived Mappings

Manually Add Mapping

To manually map Zendesk Organizations to Companies:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Connectors 2.0.
  2. Click Settings. Connectors 2.0 Settings page is displayed.


  1. Select the Zendesk Connection.
  2. Click Add Mappings and select Add Manually. The Add Mapping Manually page is displayed.
  3. Select the organization in the OrgName | Org ID.
    Note: This field only displays unmapped Organizations
  4. Select the Company in the Company Name | company ID.
  5. (Optional) Click +Add Mapping to map more organizations to the Company. A Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  6. Click Save. After successful mapping, all cases of the organization are mapped to the corresponding Company.

Add via CSV file

For CSV upload, create a list of all the Company IDs, Zendesk Organization IDs, and names to perform a successful mapping.

CSV format

The CSV file should be of the following format:

ZendeskOrganizationName, ZendeskOrganizationId, GainsightCompanyName, GainsightCompanyId


  • Supports CSV file size of up to 3 MB.
  • Validations are performed only on the CompanyId field.

To map Zendesk Organizations to Companies through a CSV file:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Connectors 2.0.
  2. Click Settings. Connectors 2.0 Settings page is displayed.


  1. Select the Zendesk Connection.
  2. Click Add Mappings and select Add via CSV file. The Add via CSV page is displayed.
  3. Click Click to Upload to select the CSV file from your local system.
    Note: Click Download Sample CSV File to download a sample of CSV file.
  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Field Mapping page, select the following Source fields from CSV to the Target fields in Gainsight:
Target Fields for Organization Mapper Source Fields from CSV
GSCompanyId GainsightCompanyId
GSCompanyName GainsightCompanyName
SourceOrgId ZendeskOrganizationId
SourceOrgName ZendeskOrganizationName

Note: You must use the following data types for mapping:

  • Company ID: GSID (If you consider Company object for mapping) or GSID having lookup to Company.
  • Company Name and Organisation Name: String fields.
  • Organisation Id: String or Number.
  1. Click Save.

Derived Mapping

Admins can use derived mappings to map all the Zendesk Organizations to Gainsight Companies. For more information on the Derived Mappings, refer to the Jobs List Page article in the Additional Resources section at the end of this article.

Additional Resources

For more information on Connectors, refer to the following article:

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