API for Company Team Record
This article explains about the Gainsight Company Teams REST APIs and its functionality.
Admins can use Company Teams REST external APIs to delete, bulk delete, upsert, and fetch company teams records.
Prerequisite: To use these APIs, ensure that the company team is enabled for your tenant. Failure to do so can result in an exception/error.
To use these User Management APIs, ensure that you generate Access Token:
API Authentication: API access is controlled using a unique Access Key. Contact your Gainsight Admin to get an access key for the Gainsight tenant to which you want to send REST API requests. For more information on how to generate or share an access key, refer to the Generate API Access Key article.
Once you get the access key, you must pass the access key as part of the request header accesskey for all of your API requests into Gainsight. The Access Key does not expire.
Key | Value |
content-type | application/json |
accept | application/json, text/plain, */* |
accept-language | en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8 |
<authentication> | <Access Key> |
Throttling Limits
The following are the overall recommended API limits in Gainsight (The exact limits can vary based on your package):
Synchronous API Calls: 100 API calls per min / 50,000 API call per day
API | Rate Limit |
External User Management APIs | 100 requests per hour / 1000 requests per day |
Note: All of the above API limits are *Fixed window rate limits.* Fixed window rate limiting restricts the number of API requests at a specific time. For example, a server can have a rate limiting component that implements a fixed window algorithm that only accepts 100 requests per minute. The time-frame is fixed, and it starts at a specific time. For example, the server will only serve 100 requests between 10:00 am, and 10:01 am.
Delete Company Teams Records
The Delete REST API of the Company Teams record allows the deletion of company team records within Gainsight. Many Gainsight customers use external applications, such as Microsoft Dynamics, to manage account teams, and synchronize this information with the company teams object in Gainsight. The Delete API helps automate the deletion of company team records in Gainsight whenever a corresponding record is deleted in source systems such as Microsoft Dynamics.
Endpoint URL
Parameter (*Mandatory) |
Data Type |
Description |
GSID* | String | A String value that contains the GSID of a company team record. |
Sample Success Response
{ "result": true, "errorCode": null, "errorDesc": null, "requestId": "8863e73c-a465-4fc6-a385-f7b3200720dc", "data": "Record with GSID: 1I0054U9FAKXZ0H26H4H0U5VRD65H9JW66FJ successfully deleted.", }
Sample Failure Response
{ "result": false, "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1XXX", "errorDesc": "No data found for given criteria", "requestId": "58222b97-eaf0-402e-854d-1914987c4b49", "data": null, }
Bulk Delete Company Teams Records
The Bulk Delete REST API of the Company Teams record allows the deletion of company team records in bulk within Gainsight. Many Gainsight customers use external applications, such as Microsoft Dynamics, to manage account teams and synchronize this information with the company teams object in Gainsight. The Bulk Delete API helps automate the deletion of company team records in Gainsight whenever corresponding records are deleted in source systems such as Microsoft Dynamics.
Endpoint URL
Sample Request Body
Parameter (*Mandatory) |
Data Type |
Description |
List of company Team GSID* | List of String | A list of String value that contains the list of GSID of a company team record to be deleted in bulk. |
Sample Success Response
{ "result": true, "errorCode": null, "errorDesc": null, "requestId": "8863e73c-a465-4fc6-a385-f7b3200720dc", "data": { "success": { "gsid": [ "1P01936XHTA4SF76ZU5RWZWIMDDL54UB7UF9", "1P01936XHTA4SF76ZUUXHOUMVVSFH9YJM15A" ] }, "errors": [ { "gsid": [ "1P01936XHTA4SF76ZU5RWZWIMDDL54UB7UF9", "1P01936XHTA4SF76ZUUXHOUMVVSFH9YJM15A" ], "errorCode": "GSOBJ_1XXX", "errorDesc": "No data found for given criteria" } ] } }
Sample Failure Response
{ "result": false, "errorCode": "GU_1129", "errorDesc": "Invalid GSID value.", "localizedErrorDesc": "Invalid GSID value.", "requestId": "a0f958fb-fee7-4a15-8029-e334350ce1b7", "data": null, "message": null, "localizedMessage": null }
Upsert Company Teams Records
The Upsert API serves a dual purpose. It enables the insertion of new company team records and updates existing ones in Gainsight.
Endpoint URL
v1/teams/services/companyTeam?key=CompanyGsid,UserGsid or v1/teams/services/companyTeam?key=Gsid
- Key Options:
- The key parameter can be either Gsid (key=Gsid) or a combination of CompanyGsid and UserGsid (key=CompanyGsid,UserGsid).
- Required Fields:
- If Gsid is provided as the identifier (key=Gsid), it is mandatory to include the Gsid field in the request body.
- If CompanyGsid and UserGsid are provided as the identifiers (key=CompanyGsid,UserGsid), it is mandatory to include CompanyGsid and UserGsid in the request body.
- Default Identifier:
- If no key parameter is provided in the endpoint URL, CompanyGsid and UserGsid are taken as the default identifiers. Therefore, if no key is passed in the endpoint URL, it is mandatory to provide the CompanyGsid and UserGsid fields in the request body.
Sample Request Body
The following is a sample request body with CompanyName and UserName in the Request Body.
{ "records": [ { "UserRole" : "Account Manager", "CompanyName": "IBM", "UserName": "Sandeep Kumar", "TeamAdmin" : "true", "Custom_String1__gc" : "hello", "Custom_Picklist__gc" : "Account Manager", }, { "UserRole" : "Account Manager", "CompanyName": "Youtube", "UserName": "Sandeep Kumar", "TeamAdmin" : "true", "Custom_String__gc" : "hello", "Custom_Picklist__gc" : "Account Manager" } ], "lookups": { "CompanyGsid": { "fields": { "CompanyName": "Name" }, "lookupField": "Gsid", "objectName": "Company", "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH" }, "UserGsid": { "fields": { "UserName": "Name" }, "lookupField": "Gsid", "objectName": "GsUser" } } }
The following is a sample request body with CompanyGsid and UserGsid in the Request Body.
{ "records": [ { "UserRole" : "Account Manager", "CompanyName": "IBM", "UserName": "Sandeep Kumar", "TeamAdmin" : "true", "Custom_String1__gc" : "hello", "Custom_Picklist__gc" : "Account Manager", }, { "UserRole" : "Account Manager", "CompanyName": "Youtube", "UserName": "Sandeep Kumar", "TeamAdmin" : "true", "Custom_String__gc" : "hello", "Custom_Picklist__gc" : "Account Manager" } ], "lookups": { "CompanyGsid": { "fields": { "CompanyGsid": "Gsid" }, "lookupField": "Gsid", "objectName": "Company", "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH" }, "UserGsid": { "fields": { "UserGsid": "Gsid" }, "lookupField": "Gsid", "objectName": "GsUser" } } }
The following are the list of parameters when key = CompanyGsid, UserGsid.
Parameter (*Mandatory) |
Data Type |
Description |
CompanyGsid* or CompanyName * |
String |
UserGsid* or UserName* |
String |
UserRole |
String |
A String value that contains the role of the user in the company team record. |
TeamAdmin |
Boolean |
A Boolean value indicating whether the user is an administrator of the company team or not. |
ObjectName |
String |
A String value that contains the lookup object name. |
String |
String |
The following are the list of parameters when key = Gsid.
Parameter (*Mandatory) |
Data Type |
Description |
Gsid* |
String |
A String value that contains the GSID of the company team record. |
UserRole |
String |
A String value that contains the role of the user in the company team record. |
TeamAdmin |
Boolean |
A Boolean value that indicates whether the user is an administrator of the company team or not. |
Sample Success Response
{ "result": true, "errorCode": null, "errorDesc": null, "localizedErrorDesc": null, "requestId": "6672f3fd-f049-4434-8a4b-46a1b7b09308", "data": { "success": { "records": [ { "UserGsid": "1P01A7JNOWRLONI81IADNSU9OSAE8VW22OGV", "Custom_Picklist__gc": "Account Manager", "CompanyGsid": "1P02EWJH7V1ARTU135948UTCK78QC96QL78G", "CreatedBy": "123", "UserRole": "Account Manager", "TeamAdmin": "true", "Custom_String1__gc": "hello", "ModifiedBy": "Sandeep Kumar" }, { { "UserRole" : "Account Manager", "CompanyGsid": "1P02EWJH7V1ARTU135948UTCK78QC96ABCWE", "UserGsid": "1P01A7JNOWRLONI81IADNSU9OSAE8VW22OGV", "TeamAdmin" : "true", "Custom_String__gc" : "hello", "Custom_Picklist__gc" : "Account Manager" } ] }, "errors": null }, "message": null, "localizedMessage": null }
Sample Failure Response
{ "result": false, "errorCode": "GU_2403", "errorDesc": "Lookup objects [Company1] are not valid", "requestId": "0bf61426-63ad-4774-ad95-4bd2f6c43c25", "data": null, "message": null }
Fetch Company Teams Records
The Fetch API allows to retrieve specific details of company teams stored in Gainsight.
Endpoint URL
Sample Request Body
{ "limit": 25, "page": 0, "orderBy": { "ModifiedDate": "desc" }, "select": [ "Gsid", "CompanyName", "UserName", "UserRole", "ModifiedDate" ], "where": { "conditions": [ { "name": "CompanyName", "alias": "companyNotIn", "value": [ "Youtube" ], "operator": "NOT_IN" }, { "alias": "companyIn", "name": "CompanyName", "operator": "IN", "value": [ "IBM" ] } ], "expression": "companyNotIn AND (companyIn)" }}
Parameter (*Mandatory) |
Data Type |
Description |
limit |
Number |
A Number value that contains a maximum number of records sent in one API call. |
page |
Number |
A Number value that contains the next set of records based on the limit. |
orderBy |
Map |
A Map value that contains a field name order by ascending or descending order. |
select* |
List of fields |
A List to fetch the fields from an object. |
where |
Map |
A Map value that is used to filter records and extract only those records that fulfil a specified condition. |
Conditions |
List |
A List of conditions used to filter out the company team records. |
expression |
String |
A String value that contains AND/OR operation. |
Sample Success Response
{ "result": true, "errorCode": null, "errorDesc": null, "localizedErrorDesc": null, "requestId": "b518fb98-336d-404f-83ab-40fb01730867", "data": { "page": 0, "size": 1, "limit": 25, "records": [ { "Gsid": "1P071TST1Z6DTGBG44KDYJG9KBNTDQMQ3QHO", "UserRole": "Pre-Sales Consultant", "ModifiedDate": "2023-10-03T10:03:32Z", "Name": "Admin User", "CompanyName": "IBM" } ] }, "message": null, "localizedMessage": null }
Sample Failure Response
{ "result": false, "errorCode": "GU_1707", "errorDesc": "Failed to fetch records.", "localizedErrorDesc": "Failed to fetch records.", "requestId": "667951ba-b04f-4407-b326-1347645efdc6", "data": null, "message": null, "localizedMessage": null }
Error Codes
Error Code |
Error Message
Reason |
HTTP Status Code |
GU_8002 |
At least one GSID should be provided |
When no GSID is passed in bulk delete. |
400 |
GU_8003 |
No data found for the given criteria |
When the given GSID in bulk delete is either already deleted or not present in the company record. |
400 |
GU_8004 |
Request exceeds maximum allowed limit of: 50 records to delete records |
When the given request in bulk delete contains more than 50 records. |
416 |
GU_8005 |
Company team is currently not enabled |
When the company team feature toggle is not enabled in delete or bulk delete. |
400 |
GU_2400 |
Too many requests, Request limit reached |
When the rate limit is exceeded in delete or bulk delete. |
429 |
GU_1129 |
Invalid GSID value |
When GSID is invalid in delete or bulk delete. |
400 |
GU_3014 |
Lookups should not be null or empty if CompanyGsid/CompanyName or UserGsid/UserName are passed in request body |
When the CompanyGsid/ CompanyName/ UserGsid/ UserName fields are included in the request body without passing the required lookup information. |
400 |
GU_3017 |
Gsid is invalid |
When GSID is not valid. |
NA |
GU_3018 |
Identifier {} should not be null or empty
When the identifier is not valid. |
NA |
GU_3019 |
Passed key : {} is not allowed, allowed keys are : Gsid or CompanyGsid,UserGsid
When identifiers are unrecognizable. |
400 |
GU_3006 |
{} should not be null or empty.
When the request payload is empty. |
400 |
Company Team Upsert Operation Failed
When the upsert company team request is failed. |
NA |
{} should not be null or empty if CompanyGsid/CompanyName or UserGsid/UserName are passed in request body
When the request lookup is empty. |
NA |
Request exceeds maximum allowed limit of: {} records to upsert records
When the limit for company teams upsert records exceeds. |
416 |