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Gainsight Inc.

Calculation of Measure Group Scores and Overall Score

Gainsight NXT



This article explains how Measure Group Score and Overall Scores are calculated in Scorecards. It is essential to understand the process of Score calculation so that Admins can set Measure Weights by considering the level of significance each measure holds.

Calculation of Score for Numeric Scheme

Calculation of Measure Group Scores

The Score of a Measure Group is calculated automatically based on two factors:

  • The weight of each Measure involved in the Group
  • The score of each Measure involved in the Group

The formula to calculate the Measure Group Score is

 { (W1xM1 + W2xM2 + W3xM3 +………….+ WnxMn) / (W1+W2+W3+……..+ Wn) }


W1, W2, W3…...Wn are the weights of the Measures, used in the Measure group.

M1, M2, M3…….Mn are the scores of the Measures, used in the Measure group.

Consider a Measure Group “Support” with the following details:

Measures Involved Weight Score
Number of support tickets 20 47
Avg Time to resolve the ticket 15 59
The frequency of Tickets logging 22 21

You can now substitute the values in the above equation to calculate the Measure Group Score:

= { (20x47 + 15x59 + 22x21) / (20+15+22) }

= { (940 + 885 + 462) / (57) } = 40.122

The Group score is rounded off and displayed as 40.

Calculation of Overall Score

The Overall Score of a Scorecard depends on the Weights of each Measure. The Overall Score is calculated using the formula given below:

{ (W1xM1) + (W2xM2) + (W3xM3) + ………….+ (WnxMn) } / 100


W1,W2,W3, ……..Wn are the Percentile contribution of the Measures, used in the Scorecard.

M1,M2,M3, ……....Mn are the scores of the Measures, used in the Scorecard.

Consider a Measure Group “Support” with the following details:

Measures Involved Percentile Contribution of the Measure Score
Number of support tickets 34% 46
Avg Time to resolve the ticket 29% 39
The frequency of Tickets logging 45% 21

You can now substitute the values in the above equation to calculate the Overall Score:

= { (34x46 + 29x39 + 45x27) / 100 }

= { (1564 + 1131 + 1215) / 100 } = 39.1

The Overall Score is rounded off and displayed as 39.

Calculation of Scores for Color and Grading Schemes

Consider the Scheme Color range: Red (0-50), Yellow (50-80), and Green (80-100). 

Further, consider the two Measure Groups “Customer Experience” and “Customer Success Efficiency” with the following Measures and Weights:

Measure Group Measures Involved Weight (%) Numeric Score Color Scheme
Customer Experience   60 65 Yellow
  Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) 40 65 Yellow

Customer Loyalty Index

60 65 Yellow
Customer Success Efficiency   40 40 Red
  Average Resolution Time 31.25 25 Red
  First Contact Resolution Rate 31.25 25 Red
  Customer Health Score 37.5 65 Yellow

Calculation of Measure Group Scores

Scores of Customer Experience and Customer Success Efficiency measure groups are calculated as follows:

  • Customer Experience: {(65*40 + 65*60) / (40+60)} = 65
    • Score 65 falls within the Yellow scheme color range, matching the average for this range (50-80). Hence, the score of 65 is displayed and considered in the Overall Score calculation.
  • Customer Success Efficiency: {(25*31.25 + 25*31.25 + 65*37.5) / (31.25+31.25+37.5)} = 40
    • Score 40 falls within the Red scheme color range. Hence, the displayed score is 25, the average for this range (0-50). However, the score of 40 is considered in the Overall Score calculation.

Calculation of Overall Score

Overall Score: {(65*60 + 40*40) / (60+40)} = 55

  • Score 55 falls within the Yellow scheme color range. Hence, the displayed score is 65, the average for this range (50-80).


  • The calculation of scores in the Grade scheme is the same as the Color scheme.
  • In both Color and Grade scheme, the score value that is displayed on mouse hover is the range average. However, for the calculation of Measure Group Score and Overall Score, the calculation method described above is considered at the backend.
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