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Gainsight Inc.

Embedding Content into Course Activities

Integrations that are supported within Northpass' course activities and how to embed them.

Integrations that are supported within Northpass' course activities and how to embed them.

Embed Content into Gainsight CE Course Activities

Content can be embedded in most types of activities, including Video, Audio, Document, Presentation, Survey, and Website activities. Different activities will accept different types of files. You can check which format is accepted by clicking on the embed option in the selected activity.

To show how to embed files into an activity, we will use a Website activity as an example.

  1. Create an activity, pick its type and name it
  2. In the activity click on Create Embed 
  3. Paste the URL address for the website/asset you want to embed in the activity
  4. Save the changes
  5. After saving you will see a page preview in the activity settings
  6. You can change the width, and height or maximize content in the settings on the right.
  7. If you want to see how the website will be displayed to your Learners, click on the Preview button in the top right corner of the course creator.

Supported Integrations

We support embedding from various providers. The list includes, but is not limited to:

  • GoogleSuite
  • OneDrive
  • Scribd
  • SlideShare
  • Prezi
  • Typeform
  • Qualtrics
  • SoundCloud
  • Vimeo
  • Youtube
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