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Gainsight Inc.

Scorecard FAQs

Gainsight NXT


What are the most important scores for customers?

There is no easy way to determine what scores are most relevant to you, but we would be more than happy to work with you to assess your business needs and translate those into meaningful scorecards.

Which range does the “From” value fall into when using the Numeric (0-100) ranges?

Except for the 0-X range, the “From” value is not included in the scoring scheme ranges. So in the case of:

  • 0 - 50 range, scores 0 - 50 are considered as Red.
  • 50 - 75 range, scores 51 - 75 are Yellow.
  • 75 - 100 range, scores 76 - 100 are Green.
What should CSMs do when a score is red?

Your Gainsight Admin can set up CTAs (Calls to Action) to trigger based on certain scores. If an action is required when a score turns red, you will receive a CTA in Cockpit.

What’s the relationship between a measure and a CTA?

Measures and CTAs are independent of each other, but they do interact in two ways:

  1. Measures -> CTAs: Your Gainsight Admin may set up CTAs to trigger based on certain values for specific measures.
  2. CTAs -> Measures: Some measures may set their values based on the status of CTAs (e.g. number of Risk CTAs).
Can data from custom connectors be used in Scorecards?

Yes, the data looks the same in Gainsight and can be used in Scorecards.

The Scorecard is not very accurate.

Review the existing measures and adjust the Scorecard to more accurately reflect the health of your customers. Your team should consider:

  1. Adjusting the measures, thresholds, and/or weightings.
  2. Ensuring that there are no data issues with automated measures.
  3. Ensuring that manual measures are being properly updated.
  4. Removing inaccurate measures.
The Scorecard is not actionable.

Set up CTAs so that your team can follow up on certain scores. For example, when customer sentiment is low, you can trigger a CTA to ask the CSM to reach out to the customer to address any issues they are currently experiencing. When customer sentiment is high, you can trigger a CTA to ask the CSM to consider the customer as a candidate for a sales reference. These CTAs can help direct the team to perform actions based on different scenarios.

There are too many measures.

Having too many measures can be overwhelming for the team and can dilute the value of the most important measures. Review the existing measures and identify the measures that are not critical to your business. Consider removing these measures, especially if they are rarely used.

I have certain scores that apply to some customers but not others.

You can configure multiple scorecards for different types of customers (by lifecycle stage, segment, industry, etc.). First, segment your customers based on the types of scores that you need. Then, design an optimal scorecard for each segment. For more information on how to do this, refer the Create Scorecards article.

What are the capabilities of Scorecards?

Scorecards are built on top of Gainsight's tech stack (MDA). It is built with Gainsight standard Company and Relationship objects. Using Scorecards, you can create Company and Relationship scorecards at one place. Following are some benefits of Company and Relationship Scorecards.

  Company Scorecards Relationship Scorecards
Tech Stack Relational Data Store (Postgres) Relational Data Store (Postgres)
Object Structure Linked with GS Company Object Linked with GS Company, Relationship Object
UI New UI Look and feel of the current UI
Multiple Scorecards Yes Yes
Scheduler (automatic scorecard assignment) Yes Yes
Reporting Scorecard Fact and History in Postgres Scorecard Fact and History in Postgres
Scorecard Mass Edit

Previous: UI Views
Now: Configure using Report Builder

Note: Starting with the 6.22 release, early access to new options for scorecard reports and dashboards, called Scorecard Widgets, will be rolled-out in phases to the existing Horizon Analytics preview phase participants. Scorecard Widgets have enhanced capabilities and tools designed specifically for scorecard data. For more information on Scorecard Widgets or Horizon Analytics, refer to Scorecard Widgets Overview or Horizon Analytics, respectively.

No change. Configure using Report Builder.

Note: Starting with the 6.22 release, early access to new options for scorecard reports and dashboards, called Scorecard Widgets, will be rolled-out in a phases to the existing Horizon Analytics preview phase participants. Scorecard Widgets have enhanced capabilities and tools designed specifically for scorecard data. For more information on Scorecard Widgets or Horizon Analytics, refer to Scorecard Widgets Overview or Horizon Analytics, respectively.

Group Scoring Yes Yes
Score Overrides (Exceptions) Yes Yes
Smart Signs No No
How do I access Scorecard Widgets?

Starting with the 6.32 release, Visualization tab is renamed as Scorecard Widgets. Scorecard Widgets are available in Administration > Analytics. It is now merged with all other report building features to make the experience more intuitive. For more information on Scorecard Widgets, refer to Scorecard Widgets Overview article.

Does every Scorecard need to have separate measures?

No. The measures are common and can be included in multiple scorecard configurations. Within individual scorecard configurations, the measure weights can vary.

If a customer moves from stage A to stage B, do the Measures from A move to B or have an influence on those in B?

Scorecard configurations do not influence each other. The measures are tied to the specific scorecard configuration, but the same measures may be included in multiple scorecard configurations.

What happens to the historical data if a customer moves from stage A to stage B?

There is no impact on scorecard history.

What would the out-of-the-box health score report look like when customers across stages have multiple scorecard configurations?

The scorecard mass edit view will be available for each scorecard configuration.

Does Scorecard utilize UI Views that display in the Customers Tab?

No. Scorecard uses a Mass Edit Report feature, available in Create Reports on Scorecards Widgets screen, to display the consolidated scorecard view on the Gainsight Home Dashboards.

Note: Starting with the 6.32 release, Visualization tab is renamed as Scorecard Widgets. Scorecard Widgets are available in Administration > Analytics. It is now merged with all other report building features to make the experience more intuitive. For more information on Scorecard Widgets, refer to Scorecard Widgets Overview article.

Where does Scorecard store its data?

Structural data and Snapshots are stored on MDA only and the data is also integrated with GS Standard Objects.

Can Scorecard Data be used in Power Lists?

Currently, Scorecard objects cannot be referenced in Power lists. However, with Program Query builder can access Scorecard data, which can be merged with Company data to bring in participants.

Why do I still see a Numeric value even when I am using a Color or Grading scheme?

The numeric value you see in Color of Grading schemes is the average value of the Range, to which your Measure belongs. This value is considered to be the Score of the Measure. Depending on the Range to which this score belongs to, the respective Color (if using Color scheme) or Color and letter (if using Grading scheme) is displayed. The weightage of this Score is considered while calculating Group and Overall Score.

Why does a Standard report built on the Account Scorecard History object automatically convert to a Scorecard Habit report?

By definition, any report built on the Account Scorecard History object will be considered a HABIT report if the following criteria is applied:

Group By Fields:

  • Snapshot Date (or any date field)
  • Overall Score (or any scorecard measure)

Filtered On:

  • Scorecard Name

If you wish to create a standard report, ensure that this criteria is not met.

Note: Starting with the 6.32 release, Visualization tab is renamed as Scorecard Widgets. Scorecard Widgets are available in Administration > Analytics. It is now merged with all other report building features to make the experience more intuitive. For more information on Scorecard Widgets, refer to Scorecard Widgets Overview article.

In the Scorecard view, why does the score value for an automated measure differ from the score value in the latest timeline activity, before the data becomes consistent in both places?

Automated measure updates are driven by the "Set Score" Rule Action. This is an asynchronous operation that executes bulk updates on huge volumes of records. The Timeline Activity update is handled as a separate bulk update job that is also an asynchronous operation. These are discrete operations to maximize their performance. This can create a short window (nearly 10 to 15 minutes) where there may be data disparity. Scorecard viewers can refer to the last modified date of the measure, as well as its recent Timeline Activity to assess the status of the asynchronous job operations.

Does Gainsight support DRAFT activity for Health Score measures?

No. DRAFT activities are not yet supported for Health Score measure.

How do I enable the Horizon Colors in Scorecards?

The Horizon Colors make the Scorecard experience more accessible and user-friendly. Your Gainsight Admin can enable them by clicking on the Introducing Horizon Colors notification available on the top right corner of Gainsight Home and then clicking on Enable Horizon Colors, to update the old color palette for the users. The Horizon colors are visible in the Settings tab once your Gainsight Admin enables it.

How do I match the Mass Edit and Habits reports colors with the Horizon Scorecard colors?

The Mass Edit and Habit report colors can be changed from the custom color settings in Reports to match the Horizon Scorecard colors. Navigate to Reports > Settings > Custom Colors. Use the following hex codes and map them with required object and fields:

  • Green (Darkest to lightest)
    • #5AB08E
    • #3FCE96
    • #59E7AF
    • #90E2C2
  • Yellow (Darkest to lightest)
    • #E0A85F
    • #FCC642
    • #FFD46B
    • #FCDF91
  • Red (Darkest to lightest)
    • #D76E75
    • #F77271
    • #FE8C8B
    • #FAADAD
Where can I change the schedule time for Scorecard snapshot?

Scorecard snapshot runs are scheduled by default at 11:30 PM UTC. Currently, configuring a custom snapshot schedule run is not supported from the platform. You may reach out to the Gainsight Support team for updating the scorecard snapshot schedule.

Will any change in the Scorecard schema (grades, colors, numbers) lead to loss of historical data?

The data will be recalculated and represented with the updated Scorecard scheme. Any change in the schema will not lead to loss of historical data.

Does any configuration get affected in my Sandbox environment post the Sandbox refresh?

Yes, the following configurations are affected after the Sandbox refresh:

  • Scorecard Snapshot Schedules are not saved and copied. To create the snapshot schedules, clear the Enable Snapshot checkbox from the calendar settings in the Scorecard administration page, save the settings, and again select the checkbox and save. Post this configuration, Snapshot schedules are created in the Sandbox environment.
  • Scorecard Resolver Schedules are not saved and copied. To create the resolver schedules, save the Scorecard Resolver from the calendar settings in the Scorecard administration page. Post this configuration, Resolver schedules are created in the Sandbox environment.