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Gainsight Inc.

Gainsight PX Mobile SDK Data Collection


This article provides the Gainsight PX Mobile SDK data collection details. It also outlines the storage of the data collected from the SDK and the privacy perspective for App store.

Data Collection Details

IMPORTANT: Gainsight PX iOS SDK does not fall under Apple's definition of tracking and does not make use of any sort of advertising identifiers.

Data Details
Device Info identifierForVendor (used to collect the number of installations per device )
Manufacturer (Apple) Type(iPhone)
Model (iPhoneXR) Version (OS version)
Library Info Name of the SDK (Example: analytics-ios)
SDK Version (Example: "1.6.2")
Locale  Device Language
Network Info Cellular or Wifi
OS Info Name(iOS)
Type(APPLE_OS) Apple ecosystem
Screen Info Density(Example: @1x, @2x, @3x)
Height, Width
Engagement Info Analytics related to any Engagement
“Engagement ID”
"Engagement viewed"
“Engagement dismissed”
“Engagement button clicked”
 Any Engagement related Data
Screen Events* Screen Name (Example: Home)
Screen Title (Example: HomeViewController, HomeActivity)
Visitor ID Gainsight PX uses a Visitor ID, an ID for each visitor who logs into your application in order to work effectively. The Visitor ID can be anonymized.
Gainsight PX Identifier User identifier generated by Gainsight PX for each User ID and this will remain the same across the log-ins with the same User ID. The Gainsight PX Identifier can be anonymized.
Tap* Application screen tap events with structural details of each visual element.
Generic Analytics* Application in foreground
Application in background
Application Updated
Application Installed
User ID User ID is a consistent parameter set by customer to identify a user of their app. This is required so that PX can work effectively and this ID can be anonymized.

* - Data collection can be turned off using configurations while initialising the GainsightPX SDK.

Optional Data Collection

Data Details
User Info User-related optional information that may or may not be linked to their User ID.
Account ID Account ID is an optional parameter that the app might send to indicate a logical user group or an internal account ID.
Account Info Account-related optional information that may or may not link to their Account ID.

Data Storage

Gainsight PX SDK sends the collected event data to Google Cloud data centers where this data is stored and processed. The data centers are based in the US and EU regions, with the US being the default choice and the EU being the opt-in choice for Gainsight PX subscriptions. There is no data transfer between the data centers in the two regions.

Details on Event Data Sizes

The data sizes for different event types generated by the mobile app are listed as follows:

  • Basic Events: Events like SESSION_INIT, APP_OPENED, and APP_INSTALLED typically generate around 1.1K bytes of data.
  • Identify Events: These events can generate up to 2K bytes of data, depending on the User and Account fields included.
  • Tap Events: The data size for these events varies based on the depth of the UI view tree.
  • Custom Events: The size depends on the additional properties being sent.

Additionally, events are transmitted in bulk, with a maximum of 50 events per bulk transmission.

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