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Gainsight Inc.

Web Application Performance

This article explains how Gainsight PX impacts the performance of your web application.

How Does Gainsight PX Tag Avoid Impacting Web Application Performance?  

The Gainsight PX Tag 

Tracking in-product usage requires installing a Javascript code snippet AKA Gainsight PX Tag, that can collect user interaction and send it to Gainsight PX tracking and personalization service.

Designed For Browser Resource Optimization  

  • Asynchronous Tracking - the PX tracking code uses non-blocking, async calls to avoid unnecessary latency from any application service used by the end-user.
  • Concurrent Connections - browsers have limited resources that are designed to serve the application's front-end by fetching the relevant data, code, and styling. Gainsight PX uses a single concurrent connection for tracking purposes to avoid resource hogging.
  • In-Product Engagements -  most in-product engagement solutions are using the browser to cache ahead in-product engagements when serving 'onboarding widgets' or 'knowledge centers' that may contain on-demand product tours. This leads to application page latency and resource-hogging since the browser is required to download and store all the relevant engagements even if the user never triggers any of them. Gainsight PX uses server-side caching to avoid that browser resource-hogging scenario.
  • CDN Service - Gainsight PX is using Google's Content-Delivery-Network to optimize the SDK serving. Once the SDK is loaded it will wait for the page to complete loading before tracking or serving in-product guides.

Server-Side Architecture 

Gainsight PX's real-time personalization engine is using a distributed micro-services architecture with auto-scaling (K8s). The server-side latency for any in-product engagement campaign evaluation is executed in parallel with an average latency of 1-5 milliseconds.

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