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Gainsight Inc.

What's New in Success Plan (Horizon Experience)

IMPORTANT - Articles Impacted due to 6.42 July CS Release

Due to the v6.42 July, 2024 release, this article has been impacted. Steps, images, and playable GIFs in this article will soon be updated to reflect the latest changes.

This article explains about the new capabilities, design improvements, and some changes that you will observe in the new Success Plan Horizon Experience.

Note: Success Plan Horizon Experience upgrade is available in NXT and Hybrid Edition (NXT inside Salesforce).

Newly Added Functionalities

Success Plan Horizon Experience is majorly dominated by the Horizon Design System. The main purpose of the Horizon Design System is to simplify the product and improve customer experience in every way possible such as improving existing functionalities or adding new enhancements. The following are the new functionalities and improvements:

Global Success Plans Page

A dedicated page for Success Plans is now introduced to view Success Plans across all customers and relationships in one place.

What's New in Success Plan (Horizon Experience) - Gainsight Inc. 2024-01-13 at 11.20.54 AM.jpg

Drag-and-Drop to Change Dates

In the Gantt Chart tab, drag-and-drop Objective CTAs/tasks bars to change Start Dates or Due Dates.

What's New in Success Plan (Horizon Experience) - Gainsight Inc. 2024-01-13 at 11.22.46 AM.jpg

Apply Multiple Templates through Rules Engine

In Rules Engine > Setup action, admins can now apply multiple Templates while setting-up a rule for creating Success Plans. For more information, refer to the Load to Success Plans 2.0 Action Type article.

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Add Dependency Manually

In Gantt Chart tab, CSMs can now manually add dependency between:

  • End date of an Objective CTA and Start Date of another Objective CTA.
  • End date of a task and Start Date of another task within the same Objective CTA.

To add the dependency between Objective CTAs/Tasks:

  1. Drag the end connector of the Objective CTA/Task to the start connector of the dependent Objective CTA/Task.

What's New in Success Plan (Horizon Experience) - Gainsight Inc. 2024-01-13 at 11.26.09 AM.jpg

To delete the dependency between Objective CTAs/Tasks:

  1. Double click the dependency. Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click Yes.

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  • After adding dependency, moving Objective CTA-2’s Due Date along the timeline will also move the Objective CTA-3’s Start Date to equal distance, but will not have any impact on the Objective CTA-1's Due Date or Start Date.
  • When the Objective CTA -2 is dependent on the Objective CTA -1, then the Start Date of the Objective CTA -2 cannot be before the Due Date of Objective CTA-1.

Configure Dependencies in Templates/ Playbooks

CSMs can add dependency between the Objective CTAs/tasks of Templates/Playbooks.

Success Plan Templates

In Success Plan Templates, CSMs can now configure:

  • Start Date of the Objective CTA to be dependent on any of the following two dates:
    • Assign date (date when the Success Plan Template is applied)
    • Due Date of the previous Objective CTA
  • Due Date of the Objective CTA to be dependent on any of the following two dates:
    • Assign date (date when the Success Plan Template is applied)
    • Start date of the same Objective CTA


In Playbooks, CSMs can now configure:

  • Start Date of the task to be dependent on any of the following three dates:
    • Assign date (date when the playbook is applied to task)
    • Due Date of previous task in the same Objective CTA
    • Start date of parent Objective CTA
  • Due Date of the task to be dependent on any of the following two dates:
    • Start date of parent Objective CTA
    • Start date of the task

To add dependency between the Objective CTAs in the Template:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Success Plan.
  3. Click on the required Success Plan Template to expand it.
  4. Click the three dots icon of the dependent Objective CTA and select Edit Objective.
  5. In the Start Date, select Objective Due Date.
  6. In the Select an Option, select the independent Objective CTA.
  7. Click Save.

What's New in Success Plan (Horizon Experience) - Gainsight Inc. 2024-01-13 at 11.29.58 AM.jpg

Horizon Experience in 360 > Success Plan

Customer 360 > Success Plan, Success Plan's Detail View, and the newly introduced Success Plans page are now on Horizon Experience.

What's New in Success Plan (Horizon Experience) - Gainsight Inc. 2024-01-13 at 11.32.34 AM.jpg

CSMs can now directly edit the following Standard fields from the Success Plans page using the Inline Editing feature:

  • Plan Status
  • Plan Owner
  • Due Date

Configure Custom Status for Success Plan

Admins can now configure custom statuses for Success Plan from the Administration >Success Plan page. These standard or custom statuses are displayed in the Success Plans and C360 > Success Plan page.

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To create custom status of Success Plan:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Success Plan.
  2. Click +STATUS. This opens the Add Success Plan Status window.
  3. Enter a unique name for the Success plan.
  4. Click the color icon and select the preferred color.
  5. In the Category dropdown list, select any of the following standard statuses:
    • Draft
    • Active
    • Closed

Note: Category is a means to choose how a custom status behaves. Any custom status must behave as one of three standard statuses (Draft, Active, or Closed).

For example, a Closed but incomplete custom status marked under the Closed category behaves like a Closed status.  Also, Success Plan with Closed but incomplete status shows up under the Completed Plans view in the Success Plans or C360 page.

  1. Click Save.


Create New Success Plan View

CSMs can create custom Views to see a specific set of Success Plans with predefined filters based on the Due Date, Owner, Type and Status.

To create a custom View:

  1. Navigate to Success Plans page from the global navigation pane or C360 > Success Plan section.
  2. Click the Success Plan Views dropdown list at the top left corner of the screen.
  3. Click Create New View. The Create New View page is displayed.
  4. In the Basic Details section, enter a unique name of the View in the View Name.
  5. In the Filters section, select the filter criteria in the following fields:
Fields Values
Due Date

Select any of the following options to filter the Success Plans by due dates:

  • Anytime
  • Today
  • Due This Week
  • Due This Month
  • Due This Quarter
  • Due Last Week
  • Due Last Month
Owner Search and select owners to filter the Success Plans by owners of them.
Type Select Success Plan's Type such as Global, Company, and Relationship to filter the Success Plans accordingly.
Status Select the status of the Success Plan such as Active, Draft, Closed, etc. to filter the Success Plans accordingly.
  1. Click Create.

Group By

Users can group list of Success Plans by the following options:

  • Plan Name
  • Plan Type
  • Company > Relationship
  • Plan Status
  • Due Date
  • Start Date
  • Relationship
  • None

To group Success Plans by status:

  1. Navigate to Success Plans page from the global navigation pane or C360 > Success Plan section.
  2. Click Group by and select Status. All the Success Plans are grouped by Status.


Users can filter the Success Plans by Due date, owner, type and status. You can save filters as  a custom view, which is added in the Success Plan Views.

To apply the filters:

  1. Navigate to Success Plans page from the global navigation pane or C360 > Success Plan section.
  2. Click the filter icon.
  3. Select the values in the following criteria fields as per your requirement:
  • Due date
  • Owner
  • Type
  • Status

Note: Changing the value in any of the above mentioned fields automatically filters the Success Plan and displays the Success Plans matching to the selected criteria.

  1. Click Save.
  2. (Optional) Click Save as New to save the applied filters as a View.
  3. (Optional) In the View Name, enter a unique name for the View.
  4. (Optional) Click Save.
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