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Gainsight Object Glossary

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Customer data is stored in different Gainsight objects. Each of these objects contains standard fields shipped by Gainsight to store customer data. In addition, Admins can add custom fields and update the schema of the custom fields. 

Following are some of the modules in which Gainsight objects are used:

Gainsight Standard Objects 

These standard objects store important customer data like Company and User information in Gainsight. This lets the users perform actions from other functionalities in Gainsight application directly on the standard objects.


This object is used in Scorecards, Surveys, and Journey Orchestrator modules. For example; to tie scorecards built on specific Company records in Gainsight.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
ARR Used to store the average recurring revenue (ARR) of the customer.
Company Id Unique GSID of the Company, this Relationship is associated with.
CSM CSM information of the Relationship record. This field has a lookup to the User object. Values in this field are populated using derived mappings in the data ingestion channel.
Current Score Health score of a customer. This is overall health score of the current scorecard for a company.
Lifetime in Months The number of months from the original contract date.
MRR Current Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) of the Customer, net of all transactions to-date.
Name Used to store the name of a Company.
NPS® Used to store the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) of the Customer. This field cannot be editable.
Onetime Revenue Onetime Revenue of the Relationship.
Original Contract Date Original Contract Date of a Relationship (Customer acquisition date based on the first transaction (New Business)).
Previous Score Previous Health Score of a Customer.
Scorecard Id Fields from the Scorecard Master like Name, entity type, modified by, etc. can be fetched into this object through this unique Id. This field mentions from which scorecard the score is being fetched. This is the active scorecard id for the respective Relationship, there can be multiple scorecards in the system, but only one can be active at a time.
GSRelationship Id Equivalent unique Id from Gainsight object Relationship.
Stage Stage of the Customer. Customer Stage is a configurable attribute that provides additional information on the customer journey/status. The default values of this field include New Customer, Kicked Off, Launched, Adopting, Will Churn, Churn.
Status Describes if the customer is Active or Inactive. The default values for this field include Active, Inactive, and Churn.
Trend Trend of a score. Up/Down/Same. This field is not editable and shows the difference between previous score and current score.
Type Id A unique Id from Relationship Type object.
Managed By Used to identify the Partner managing the Company record.


This object is used in Scorecards, Surveys, Journey Orchestrator, Timeline, and Dashboard Builder modules. For example; to store information about users in Gainsight

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company ID It is of datatype GSID. This has a lookup to Company object.
Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
Email It is of datatype Email. Stores the Email address of the user.
External ID It is of datatype String. A unique company identifier in an external system. It identifies an company uniquely apart from Email and Name.
First Name It is of datatype String. It stores first name of a user.
Gainsight License Enabled It is of datatype Boolean (True/False). It indicates whether a Gainsight License is assigned to this Gainsight User or not.
GSID GSID of a user record. For example: CSM in a Relationship or Company has a look up to this record in User object.



Active (Display Name)

It is of datatype Boolean (True/False). It indicates whether a user is active in Gainsight or not.

Note: IsActive (Deprecated) will be soon deprecated and this field is visible in Rules Engine, Data Management > User fields, Data Designer, and Reporting features.

Last Name It is of datatype String. It store the last name of a user.
Modified Date It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.
Name It is of datatype String. It store the name of a user.
GS User Id It is of datatype GSID. It stores the equivalent User Id of a user in Gainsight.
Username It is of datatype Email. Stores username of a User. Username is unique in Gainsight and is used as a key to identify a user in Gainsight.
Manager It is of data type GSID. This field helps Admins to create User - Manager hierarchies, ‘My team’, and ‘Portfolio view’ reports.
Timezone It stores the Timezone of a user’s location. Admins can ingest a user’s timezone value from the User Management page > Manual page and through Rules Engine (Load to User Action).
Is Super Admin This field is of data type Boolean (True/False). It indicates whether a user is identified as Super Admin who has superior permissions on Dashboards and Dashboard Folders.
System Type It is of datatype Dropdown list to choose either Internal or External. A user is identified as an internal user when the user is part of your organization. A user is identified as an external user when the user is part of your customer’s organization. "External" users are created automatically when a Dashboard or C360 page is shared with people. To enter external user information into User object, user’s organization should have a record in the Gainsight object Company.
Is Partner Used to differentiate between the normal user and the Partner User.
Partner ID Used to identify which Partner a Partner User belongs to. This field has a look up to the Company and Relationship objects.


This object is used in Scorecards, Surveys, and Journey Orchestrator modules. For example; to store information about Relationships context in Gainsight.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
ARR Used to store the average recurring revenue (ARR) of the customer.
Billing Address Used to store the billing address of the customer.
Company Type Used to store the type of company.
CSM CSM information of the Company record. This field has a lookup to the User object. Values in this field are populated using derived mappings in the data ingestion channel.
Current Score Health score of a customer. This is overall health score of the current scorecard for a company.
Customer Lifetime in Months The number of months from the original contract date.
Employees The number of Employees in the Company.
Industry Industry of the company belongs to, ex: Software, Networking, Automobile, etc.
Lifecycle in weeks Lifetime of a customer in weeks.
MRR Current Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) of the Customer, net of all transactions to-date.
Name Used to store the name of the Relationship.
NPS® Used to store the Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) of the Customer. This field cannot be editable.
Original Contract Date Original Contract Date of the customer (Customer acquisition date based on the first transaction (New Business)).
Parent Company Parent company of the customer. This field has a lookup to self object Company. This field is populated using derived mappings in the data ingestion channel.
Previous Score Previous Health Score of a Customer.
Renewal Date Next Renewal Date of the customer.
Scorecard Id Fields from the Scorecard Master like Name, entity type, modified by, etc. can be fetched into this object through this unique Id. This field mentions from which scorecard the score is being fetched. This is the active scorecard id for the respective company; there can be multiple scorecards in the system, but only one can be active at a time.
Managed By Used to identify the Partner managing the Relationship record.

Relationship Type

This object is used in Scorecards, Surveys, and Journey Orchestrator modules. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Name Name of a Relationship.
GS Relationship Type Id A unique Id of a Relationship Type in Gainsight.


Person is a standard object in Gainsight that stores unique records of the people in the real world. Let’s consider a person named John Damon, his personal attributes like his Name, Email, Mobile phone, Twitter profile, LinkedIn profile, etc. are stored in this object.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
GS Created By Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.
GS Modified By Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.
Currency ISO Code For a multi currency tenant, this field stores the currency code (currency symbol) based on the user input. If a tenant does not specify any currency during data load, the value in this field is set to the corporate currency by default.
Email Opt-Out This field allows an admin to opt-out users from all non-operational emails. Emails are usually sent through Journey Orchestrator programs.
LinkedIn URL This field captures the Linkedin url of the person.
Created Date It indicates when the record was created.
Email Email address of the person
External ID A unique person identifier in an external system. It identifies a person uniquely apart from Email and Name.
First Name First name of the person
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Last Name Last name of the person
Middle Name Middle name of the person
Modified Date It displays the date when the record was last modified.
Name Name of the person
Location It stores the location of a person. Admins can map this field in the Rule action types: Load to Company Person and Load to Relationship Person.
Timezone It stores the Timezone of a person. Admins can map values in this field and load data in the Bionic Rule action types: Load to Company Person and Load to Relationship Person.
Dynamic Resolution Key It is used by Gainsight for internal Master Data Management (MDM) process, not to store any person data for customer usage.
Master Avatar Type Code It is used by Gainsight for internal MDM process, not to store any person data for customer usage.
Master Record ID It is used by Gainsight for internal MDM process, not to store any person data for customer usage.
Comments It enables CSMs to view or add any additional information about a person such as personal interests/hobbies, temperament, current concerns, etc. You can capture unique characteristics of a Person (such as conversation tips), to help you or colleagues in future conversations with that individual in the newly introduced Comments field of the C360 Person section. Comments made here about that Person will be available across all contexts of Companies and Relationships that the Person is associated with.

Company Person 

Company Person is a standard object that stores attributes of the people in association with a company. Let’s consider John Damon works at Acme, his attributes while working at Acme that includes Company name, Title/Designation, Office phone, Manager, etc. are stored in this object.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company ID It contains the IDs of the companies, a person is associated with. This field has lookup to GSID field in the Company object.
Created Date It indicates when the record was created
GSID GSID of a company person record
IsPrimaryCompany Flag that indicates whether a company record is the person’s primary company
Role It stores the Role of a Person associated with a company. Gainsight is shipping five Roles out of the box: User, Admin, Executive Sponsor, Decision Maker, and Power User. You can create custom Roles as per your requirement.
Title It stores the Title of a person in association with a company.
Manager It stores the GSID of a person’s manager in association with the company. It has lookup to another person record (manager of the user) in the same object (Self object lookup).
Active Flag that indicates whether a person is associated with a company. Status of a person if he/she is associated with a company is True and status of all the previous associations with other companies are False.
Modified Date It displays the date when the record was last modified.
Person ID It has lookup to GSID field in the Person object.

Relationship Person 

Relationship Person is a standard object that stores attributes of the people in association with a Relationship. Let’s consider John Damon at Acme is working with a project implementation which is represented as a relationship. John’s attributes in association with this Relationship, such as Business unit name, Relationship ID, Role played by John in that Relationship, etc., are stored in this object.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company ID It contains the IDs of the companies a Relationship is associated with. This field has lookup to GSID field in the Company object.
Company Person ID GSID of a Company Person record that this Relationship person is associated with
Created Date It indicates when the record was created
GSID GSID of a Relationship person record
IsPrimaryCompany Flag that indicates whether a record is the person’s primary company
Role It stores the Role of a Person associated with a Relationship. Gainsight is shipping five Roles out of the box: User, Admin, Executive Sponsor, Decision Maker, and Power User. You can create custom Roles as per your requirement.
Title It stores the Title of a person in association with a Relationship.
Manager It stores the GSID of a person’s manager in association with the Relationship. It has lookup to another person record (manager of the user) in the same object (Self object lookup).
Active Flag that indicates whether a person is associated with a Relationship. Status of a person if he/she is associated with a Relationship is True and status of all the previous associations with other Relationships are False.
Modified Date It displays the date when the record was last modified
Person ID It has has lookup to GSID field in the Person object
Relationship ID It has lookup to GSID field in the Relationship object.
Relationship Type ID It has lookup to GSID field in the Relationship Type object.

Company Teams

This Standard object is used in the Teams feature. You can create reports using this object to view the list of users for each company. The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Access level Displays the level of access in Gainsight.
Company GSID Displays Gainsight Identification (GSID) number of the company.
Created At Displays the date and time when the record was created.
Created By Displays the GSID of the user who created the record.
Deleted Displays whether the user is deleted from Company teams:
  • True: User is deleted from the company teams.
  • False: User is not deleted from the company teams.
GSID Displays GSID of the company team object.
Modified At Displays the data and time when the record details were modified.
Modified By Display the GSID of the user who modified the record record.
User GSID Displays the GSID of the user.
User Manage Role 1 Displays the level 1 manager of the assigned user in a company team.
User Manage Role 2 Displays the level 2 manager of the assigned user in a company team.
User Manage Role 3 Displays the level 3 manager of the assigned user in a company team.
User Role Displays the role of the user in a company team.
User Source

Displays the source from which the user was added.


People Maps Objects

The Gainsight objects that are used in the People Maps module are Person, Company Person mentioned in the Gainsight Standard Objects section and People Maps Influencers.

People Maps Influencers 

This object is used in the People Management module to store information of the customers. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Standard Fields
Influencer ID Company Person ID of the influencer. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the Company Person object.
Company Person ID Company Person ID of the subject of influence. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the Company Person object.
Sentiment This field stores the sentiment of the Influencer, either Positive, Negative or Neutral
Type This field stores the type of Influencer, either Within your Organisation (any Company Person) or Within Company (any Gainsight User)
Notes This field stores any Notes that CSMs have added about the Influencer.
System Fields
GS Created Date Indicates when the record was created.
GS Modified Date Indicates the date when the record was last modified.
GSID Unique GSID of every record in the object. This is generated automatically.
GS Created By Indicates who has created the record. This field has lookup to the GSID field of the User object.
GS Modified By Indicates who has last modified the record. This field has lookup to the GSID field of the User object.

User Management Objects

User Login History is the object used in the User Management and track the history of user logins.

User Login History 

This object is used in User Management, Data Management (new object), and Report Builder.

The User login history captures various information such as:

Field Name Description
Application It displays the browser name from which the User is attempting to login to the Gainsight application.
Location It displays the location name from where the User is attempting to login to the Gainsight application.
Log ID It displays the log ID number for the login attempt by the User.
Login Time It displays the login time of the login attempt by the User.
Login Type It displays the login method used by the User to login to Gainsight application.
Message It displays the failure message for each failed login attempt.
Source IP Address It displays the Source IP address of the computer used by the User.
Source Session It displays the login platform such as Gainsight NXT and Mobile.
Status It displays the result of login attempts like Success or Failure.
User It displays the User ID.

Cockpit Module Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Cockpit and Success Plans modules are described here. 

Call To Action 

This object is used in Cockpit and Call to Action (CTA). For example; Rules/Reports on CTAs and Success Plans (complete or incomplete, overdue, etc).

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company The name of the Company.
Age For how long a CTA is open (Closed Date - Created Date) or (Today - Created Date).
Assignee The assignee of the CTA. User information from the Gainsight object User is fetched here. This field is under the Owner (Lookup) object as Name field.
Call To Action Parent Id This is used to store the parent CTA Id from which the current CTA is generated. This field is applicable to Recurring Lifecycle CTAs.
Closed Date CTA Closed Date.
Closed Overdue Flag that indicates whether a task is closed after the Due Date.
Closed Task Count The number of CS Tasks that are closed in a CTA.
Close Source This indicates how a CTA was closed. For example; Manually, By Rules, etc.
Created Date Created date of a CTA.
CTA Group This field helps fetch fields from the CTA Group object that has Success Plans information.
Days Due The number of days due to close a CTA (Original Due Date - Created Date).
Days Past Due Date The number of days past the due date of a CTA.
Days Until Close Number of days due to close a CTA from today (Due date - Today).
Due Date Due date of a CTA.
Due Date Variance Number of days that a CTA due date is changed by (New Due Date - Old Due Date).
Entity Type Company/Relationship.
Final Milestone It stores the Closed Milestone information (Name, etc.) associated with a CTA (If it is associated).
Flagged It indicates whether a CTA is flagged.
GS Recommended Flag that Indicates whether a CTA is recommended by Gainsight, prioritized according to ARR, customer health, renewal date, NPS® score, CTA due date and priority.
GS Score Score assigned to a CTA for Gainsight recommendation based on the above parameters.
GS Score Updated on The date on which a CTA score is updated.
Is a Draft Flag that indicates whether an objective which is linked to a success plan is in Draft state.
Is Closed It indicates whether a CTA is closed.
Is Recurring Flag that indicates whether a CTA is part of Recurring CTAs (True/False).
Milestone It stores the Open Milestone Information (Name, etc.) associated with a CTA.
Milestone Enabled Flag that indicates whether a Milestone is associated with a CTA (True/False).
Open Task Count The number of Tasks currently in an ‘Open’ state in a CTA.
Original Due Date The original due date of a CTA.
Overdue Status of a CTA whether it is past the due date (True/False).
Overdue Type Overdue/Due in Next 7 Days/Open (Due in more than 7 days).
Percent Complete The Percentage of the Tasks closed in a CTA (Closed Task Count/Total Task Count).
Playbook Name of a Playbook.
Priority The priority status of a CTA.
Reason The reason of a CTA.
Relationship Name of Relationship to which the CTA belongs.
Relationship Type Name of a Relationship Type to which a CTA type belongs.
Rule Action Id Rules Action from which a CTA is generated.

Note: When a Rule or Action setup is updated, corresponding Rule ID and Action ID are not updated. Value in this field is not changed for a specific CTA record.
Snoozed Flag that indicates whether a CTA is snoozed (True/False).
Snoozed on Date on which a CTA is snoozed.
Snoozed until Date & Time until which a CTA is snoozed.
Snooze Reason The reason of snooze for a CTA
Source Source from which a CTA is generated (Manual/Rules/Survey/Activity/Advanced Outreach (Program)/Zendesk).
  • Manual: refers to the CTAs that were created by a User, manually.
  • Rules: refers to the CTAs triggered  automatically via business rules based on customer data or time factors.
  • Survey: refers to the CTAs triggered from Surveys.
  • Activity: refers to the CTA's that were created from a Timeline Activity.
  • Advanced Outreach: refers to the CTA's that were triggered from Journey Orchestrator Programs.
  • Zendesk: refers to the CTA's that were triggered from Zendesk. 
Status The status of a CTA.
Task Count The number of Tasks in a CTA.
Type Name The CTA type name.

CS Task 

This object is used in Calls to Action and CS Tasks. For example; Reports on the CS Tasks (complete or incomplete, overdue, etc).

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Company Name in Gainsight (GSID).
Assigned To whom a CS Task is assigned (GSID). This field helps fetch the user information from the Gainsight object User.
Auto sync Flag that indicates whether a task is auto synced to Gainisght or not.
Call to Action It contains parent CTA to which this task belongs.
CTA Status It indicates status of parent CTA.
Closed Date Closed date of a CS Task.
Closed Overdue Flag that indicates whether a task is closed after the Due Date.
Created Date Created date of a CTA Task.
Days Due The number of days assigned to close a CS Task from created date (Original Due Date - Created Date).
Days Past Due Date The number of days that a CTA Task passed the due date.
Days to Close The number of days that a CS Task is open from the created date. (Closed Date - Created Date).
Days Until Close The number of days due to close from today (Due date - Today).
Delta days The number of days that a Task is open between the Due date and created date. (Due Date - Created Date).
Due Date The due date of a CTA Task.
Due Date Variance The number of days that a Task due date is changed by (New Due Date - Old Due Date).
Is Closed Status of a Task whether it is Closed or not.
Is Email Sent Indicates whether email is sent from Cockpit for this task (Email Assist Tasks).
Original Due Date The original due date of the CTA Task.
Overdue The status of a Task whether it is past the due date.
Parent Dependent Task name to which current task has a dependency. (For example: If a task due date is scheduled in dependence with another task closed date).
Playbook The name of the Playbook that the Task is retrieved from.
Priority Priority of a Task (Low/Medium/High/etc).
Source The source from which the CS task is created. Manual = created by a user, Activity = created from a timeline entry, from Rules, Survey, etc.
Status Indicates the status of a Task (Open/Closed/etc.).
Subject The subject of the task name.
Timeline Activity Id This field helps fetch information of an email activity in Timeline that the current CS Task is generated from.
To Email Type The type (Contact/User/Manual) of To email address used to send email.
Type The type of a CTA Task.
Type Name Indicates, if this is a standard task or an email assist task.
Unique Identifier with in playbook The Unique identifier of a Playbook.
Next Action Due Date This  object stores information about the upcoming actions and their corresponding due dates.

Success Plan

This object is used in Success Plans. For example; Rules/Reports on Success Plans (complete or incomplete, overdue, etc).

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company The name of the Company.
Action Plan The information stored in the Plan Info > Action Plan section in a Success Plan.
Active Date The date on which status of a Success Plan is changed to Active from Draft.
Closed Date The date on which a success plan is closed.
Closed Lost Objective Count The number of objectives of status Closed Lost in a success plan.
Closed Overdue Flag that indicates whether a success plan is closed after the Due Date.
Closed Task Count The number of Tasks that are closed in a success plan (Closed tasks from all objectives in a success plan).
Closed Won Objective Count The number of objectives of status Closed Won in a success plan.
CTA Group Category The name of a success plan (number of objectives are categorized as a success plan).
Days Due The number of days due to close a success plan (Original Due Date - Created Date).
Days Past Due Date The number of days past the original due date of a success plan.
Due Date The due date of a success plan.
Due Date Variance The number of days that a success plan due date is changed by (New Due Date - Old Due Date).
EntityType Company/Relationship.
Open Objective Count The number of objectives currently in an ‘Open’ state in a success plan.
Open Task Count The number of Tasks currently in an ‘Open’ state in a success plan (Open tasks from all objectives in a success plan).
Original Due Date The original due date of a success plan.
Overdue Flag that indicates whether a success plan is past the due date (True/False).
Overdue Type Overdue/Due in Next 7 Days/Open (Due in more than 7 days) of a success plan.
Owner The owner of a success plan.
Percent Complete The percentage of completed objectives in a success plan. (Total number of closed objectives/Total number of objectives in a success plan).
Plan Description The description of a Success Plan.
Relationship The name of Relationship to which a success plan belongs.
Relationship Type The name of a Relationship Type to which a success plan belongs.
Source The source from which a success plan is generated (Manual/Rules).
Status The status of a success plan (Draft/Active/Closed).
Success Plan Type Type that a success plan is associated with. Success plan types are created by Admins, and CSMs assign a success plan to a type.
Total Objective Count The total number of objectives in a success plan (Open Objective count + Closed Lost Objective Count + Closed Won Objective Count).


This object is used in Playbooks.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Created By The user who created the Playbook.
Created Date The date on which the Playbook was created.
CTA Type The CTA type name.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the Playbook is deleted.
Description The information related to the Playbook.
Entity Type Account/Relationship.
Id This is used to store the parent CTA Id from which the current playbook is generated.
Is Active It is of datatype Boolean (True/False). It indicates whether a user is active or not.
Is Auto Sync Enable Flag that indicates whether a playbook is auto synced to SFDC or not.
Modified By User who last modified the Playbook.
Modified Date The date on which the Playbook was last modified.
Name The name of the Playbook.
Relationship Type Name of a Relationship Type to which Playbook belongs.
Sync Status The sync status of a Playbook.
Task Count The total number of CS Tasks in which this Playbook is used.
Used Count The total number of CTA in which this Playbook is used.

Cockpit Associated Records 

This object is used to get data on SP templates and linked objects. For example; how to build report on SP templates and Linked Objects.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Created By The user who created this record.
Created Date The date on which this record was created.
CTA The name of the CTA associated with this record.
External Object The object that is used to store external IDs associated with this record.
Id This is used to store the parent CTA Id from which the current playbook is generated.
Modified By User who last modified the record.
Modified Date The date on which the record was last modified.
Success Plan The name of the success plan template that is associated with this record.
Task The name of the task that is associated with this record.

Reporting Category 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Display Order Display order of the library questions while configuring a reporting category.
Id This is used to store the parent CTA Id from which the current playbook is generated.
Name The name of the category.
Type The type of reporting category.

Journey Orchestrator Module Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Journey Orchestrator module are described here. 

Note: The Gainsight feature 'Advanced Outreaches' or 'AO' is renamed to 'Programs' in the application but the application object and field names for Advanced Outreaches feature will have the term 'Advanced Outreaches' (Ex: 'AO Emails' is an object name but is not renamed to Program Emails). 

Email Logs 

Email Log contains an aggregated entry for a single recipient email. There will be only one entry in the Email Log for a recipient email irrespective of the number of events that occur for that email.

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator, Advanced Outreaches (Programs)Email Assist. For example; Rules/Reports based on success of email campaigns, number of Email Assist tasks sent, types of error messages being returned by systems, etc.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Associated Field Field from the associated object.
Associated Object Object name to which an email log is associated.
Associated Value The value stored in associated field from associated object.
Batch Name The name of the Batch.
Contact Name or User Name Recipient of the email - if sent internally, User Name is populated, if sent externally, Contact Name is populated.
Event Message An error message returned by the receiving email system.
Opened Binary value, 1 = the email was opened, 0 = the email was not opened.
Open Count Number of times the email was opened.
Template Name The name of the template.
Triggered Date Date/time at which the email was scheduled to go out.
Triggered On Actual date/time that the email was sent.
Use Case

The options are:

  • Advanced Outreach (programs)
  • Campaigns (outreach)
  • Cockpit (email assist)
  • External sharing (sharing a feature)
Variant Name The name of the variant used (Default = no variant or default variant triggered).

Email Logs V2

Email Log V2 object contains an aggregated entry for a single recipient email as well as for analytics information. This object is used in Journey Orchestrator Programs and  Email Assist. The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

The name of the email template version.

Fields Description
Address Type This field stores the type of influencer, either within your Organization (any Company Person) or within the Company (any Gainsight User).
Bounce Type The type of an automated message from an email system, either Hard or Soft bounce.
Bounced A bounced email is an automated message from an email system, informing the sender of a previous message that the message has not been delivered.
Bounced Date The date on which the email was bounced.
Bounced Reason The actual reason why the email has bounced.
Category Ids IDs of an opt-out page category.
Company Id Unique GSID of the Company.
Company Person Id A unique Id from the Company Person object, details of a participant associated with a Company.
Created Date The date on which the email logs are created.
Email Content Id A unique identifier of the email.
Email Id Email address of the participants.
Email Id in Lower Case Indicates whether the email address of a sender is in lower case.
Email Template Id A unique identifier of the email template.
Email Template Name The name of the email template.
Email Template Version Id A unique identifier of the email template version.
Email Template Version Name  
External Company Id The external Id of a company.
External Company Person Id A unique Id of a person from the external company.
External Relationship Id A unique relationship identifier in an external system. It identifies a relationship uniquely apart from Email and Name.
External Relationship Person Id A unique relationship identifier in a person in an external system.
External Relationship Type Id An external GSID field in the Relationship Type object.
External User Id The unique identifier of the external user.
First Opened Date The date on which the email was first opened.
From Email Id An email id of a sender.
From Name The name of a sender.
GSID A unique GSID.
Latest Open Date The date on which the email was last opened.
Link Click Date The date on which the link was last opened.
Link Clicked Count The total number of clicks used to open the link.
Link Clicked JSON The linked clicked date in JSON format.
Modified Date The date on which the email was last modified.
Name The name of the email recipient.
Number of Opens The total number of opens recorded for the email.
Opened Indicates whether the email was opened or not.
Page Id A unique Id of the page.
Parent Recipient Id The unique Identifier of the parent user.
Person Id A unique Id from a Person object.
Person Type This field helps to join the AO Participants object with either Person object or Person Avatar (User, etc) object.
Recipient Id A unique Id of a person who received the email.
Record External Id A unique company identifier record in an external system. It identifies a company uniquely apart from Email and Name.
Record External Name The  name of the external record.
Record Id A unique Id of the record.
Rejected A flag that indicates whether an email is rejected due to an incorrect recipient address.
Rejected Date The date on which an email is rejected by a participant.
Relationship Id GS Relationship Id from Gainsight.
Relationship Person Id A unique identifier of the Relationship person.
Relationship Type Id A unique Relationship Type Id of a participant.
Reply-to Email Id A unique email Id of a reply-to email address.
Reply-to Name The name of the person to whom the email was replied.
Request Id The unique identifier helps to probe the Sumologic logs to figure out what has happened as a part of that request.
Sent Indicates whether the email is sent.
Sent Date The date on which the email was sent.
Source The source from which the CS task is created. Manual = created by a user, Activity = created from a timeline entry, from Rules, Survey, etc.
Source Id This field helps to join the AO Participants object with a specific record in the MDA standard object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participants object and join the selected fields from the MDA standard object.
Source Name Name of the participant source.
Spam Indicates whether the email was spammed.
Spam Marked Date The date on which the email was marked as spammed.
Triggered Date The date on which the email was last triggered.
Unsubscribed A flag that indicates whether an email address is unsubscribed from outreaches/programs.
Unsubscribed Date Date and Time on which an email address is unsubscribed from a program.
User Id A unique Id that helps to fetch user information (User Name, Email, Company Name, etc.) from the Gainsight object User.

GS Asset Usage Tracking

GS Asset Usage Tracking object contains information around reports and dashboards usage. When a dashboard or report is visited by a user or is created, we create a row in this object with information on who is accessing what asset. This object only has usage of Horizon Analytics. The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
API Version Internal version of assets.
Asset Id This differentiates between assets with the same name created by cloning etc.
Asset Name The name of the asset.
Asset Type The type of asset.
Event Count This is the rolling aggregate of times you have accessed a particular asset in a particular manner (see below).
Event Type How an asset is being accessed. We have basic Create, Run, Update, and Delete along with clone and share.
Last Used Timestamp The date and time on which the asset was last used.
Request Source This informs users about how the asset was accessed during a session.
Source Type The type of source that is based on field values.
User Id A unique Id that helps to fetch user information (User Name, Email, Company Name, etc.) from the Gainsight object User.

Advanced Outreach (Programs) 

This object is used to store important information about Programs. For example; create reports on important parameters of Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advanced Outreach Id An unique Program Id.
Advanced Outreach Code A code used for unique identification of Programs in Reporting.
Advanced Outreach Model Name Model name of a Program (NPS® Survey/CSAT Survey/Generic Survey/Email Chain).
Advanced Outreach Model Type Transactional (CSAT)/Non-Transactional (NPS®, Generic, Email Chain, etc.)
Advanced Outreach Name An unique name of a Program.
Advanced Outreach Start Date Published date of a Program.
Advanced Outreach Status Draft (NEW in Reports)/Active (PROCESSING in Reports)/Pause/Scheduled/Stop.
Advanced Outreach Type Customer/Relationship
Log Emails To Salesforce Flag that indicates whether emails sent as part of programs are stored in SFDC.
Relationship Type Id Relationship Type Id associated with a program. This field helps fetch information of a Relationship type from the Gainsight object Relationship Type.
Relationship Type Name The name of the Relationship Type associated with a program.
Survey Closed Date Closed date of the Survey attached to the Program.
Survey Name The name of the Survey sent through Programs.

AO Participants (Program Participants)

This object is used to store information about the Participants in Programs. For example; to retrieve information about the participants in a Program through Report Builder.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Name Name of a company that a participant is associated with.
Advanced Outreach Id A Unique Program Id.
First Name First name of a Participant.
Last Name Last name of a Participant.
Full Name Full name of a Participant.
Context Id A unique ID that can be configured to tie a participant's response back to a specific activity/service offered. For example, the Context ID could be a support ticket number or a webinar code.
Last Email Link Clicked The last instance of a clicked link displayed in email.
Last Email Sent (DateTime) The last instance of an email sent from a program.
Last Email Status Delivered/Not Delivered to the Participant.
Manager First Name First name of participant’s manager.
Manager Last Name Last name of participant’s manager.
Manager Full Name Full name of participant’s manager.
Manager Email Address Email address of a participant’s manager.
Participant State Indicates the state of a Participant in the journey of a Program: Review/Active/Completed/Drop (by system due to token mismatch, incorrect email address, etc.)/Knocked-off (Manual removal of participants from a Program).
Participant Id Unique Id of a participant.
Recipient Email Address Email address of a Participant.
Relationship Contact Name Name of the Relationship Contact.
Relationship Name Name of a Relationship.
Relationship Status Status of a Relationship.
Relationship Type Name Name of the Relationship type.
Sender First Name First name of the organizer/Administrator who sends a Program.
Sender Last Name Last name of the organizer/Administrator.
Sender Full Name Full name of the organizer/Administrator.
Sender Email Address Email address of the organizer/Administrator.
Gainsight Company Id Gainisght Company Id for which a participant is associated with.
Gainisght Contact Id Gainisght contact Id of a participant.
Gainisght User Id Gainisght user Id of a participant.
Survey Page Open Count The survey page count open of the participant.
Survey Page Opened Flag that indicates whether a specific survey page is opened by the participant.
Survey Responded Flag that indicates whether a specific survey is responded to by the participant.
Survey Responded Date The date on which a specific survey is responded to by the participant.
Survey Response Status Submit/Partial Submit (Responded to a survey but not submitted) of a survey by the participant.
Survey Score NPS® score (0-10) of a survey submitted by the participant.
Survey Send Date The date on which a survey is sent by Program to the participant.
Total Email Sent Total number of emails sent to a participant during a Program journey.
Person Type (Who ID) This field helps to join the AO Participants object with either Person object or Person Avatar (User, etc) object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participant object and join the selected fields from the Person or Person Avatar object.
GS Person Id (Who ID) This field helps to join with a specific record in either Person object or Person Avatar (User, etc) object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participant object and join the selected fields from the Person or Person Avatar object.
Source Type (What ID) This field helps to join the AO Participants object with the Gainsight standard object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participants object and join selected fields from the Gainsight standard object.
GS Source Id (What ID) This field helps to join the AO Participants object with a specific record in the Gainsight standard object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participants object and join the selected fields from the Gainsight standard object.

AO Emails (Program Emails) 

This object is used to store information about emails in Programs. For example; to create a report on the information about emails sent by Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advanced Outreach Id A Unique Program Id.
Bounce Date The date on which a specific email is bounced.
Bounce Type

Hard/Soft Bounce type:

  • Hard Bounced: The number of emails where the address is invalid / deleted / inactivated / etc.
  • Soft Bounced: The number of emails bounced because the recipient's inbox is full, or the exchange server is not accepting any more email due to various other reasons.
Email Clicked Flag that indicates whether a specific email is clicked by the participant.
Email Clicked Date Date on which a specific email is clicked by the participant.
Email Id Email address of the participants.
Email Open Count The total number of instances a specific email is opened by the original recipient.
Email Opened Flag that indicates whether a specific email is opened.
Email Send Flag that indicates whether a specific email is sent to the participants in a Program or not. If the flag is True then the email is sent successfully to the participant and vice versa. 
Email Template Id Id of the email template.
Email Template Name Name of the template.
From Address Sender’s email address.
Last Email Opened Date (DateTime) The last instance of an email opened by a participant.
Link Clicked Count The number of instances that a link shared by an email is clicked by the participants.
Page Open Count The number of instances that a Survey Page is opened by the participants.
Participant Id Unique Id of a participant.
Rejected Flag that indicates whether an email is rejected due to incorrect recipient address.
Rejected Date The date on which an email is rejected by a participant.
Spam Flag that indicates whether an email is marked as spam by a participant.
Spam Date The date on which a participant is marked an email as spam.
To Address Recipient (Participant) email address.
Undelivered Flag that indicates whether an email is not delivered to the participants in a Program.
Undelivered Reason Email delivery failure reason.
Unsubscribed Flag that indicates whether an email address is unsubscribed from outreaches/programs.
Unsubscribed Date (DateTime) Date & Time on which an email address is unsubscribed from a program.

AO Link Clicked Analytics (Program Analytics) 

This object is used in Analytics on Programs. For example; to retrieve the analytics on URLs clicked in the Programs through Report Builder.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advance Outreach Id A Unique Program Id.
Linkclickedcount The number of times an individual Link is clicked attached in an email.
Url The URL for which the clicked count is tracked.

AO Participant Activity Analytics (Program Analytics) 

This object is used in Analytics on Programs. For example; to retrieve analytics on Program Participant Activities through Report Builder.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advance Outreach Id A Unique Program Id.
Current Step Name where the participant is in the journey of a Program.
Distinct Count of Participants The total number of participants who executed a specific step.

AO Analytics (Program Analytics) 

This object is used in Analytics on Programs. For example; to retrieve analytics on Programs through Report Builder.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advanced Outreach Id A Unique Program Id.
Advanced Outreach Name Name of a Program.
Open Rate Ratio of emails opened by the participants to the emails sent in the journey of a program.
Survey Clicked Through Rate Ratio of the number of survey links clicked to the number of Survey links sent through a program.
Survey Conversion Rate Ratio of the number of Surveys submitted to the number of Surveys Opened.
Total Active Participants The total number of participants that are active in a specific Program.
Total Email Bounced In a specific Program.
Total Email Opened In a specific Program.
Total Email Send Emails sent as part of a specific Program.
Total Number of Participants In a specific Program.
Total Participant Responded To Survey The total number of participants who submitted the Survey in a Program.
Total Participants Opened Survey Page The total number of participants who opened the survey page in a Program.

AO Participant Activity (Program Participant Activity) 

This object is used to store activities of the Participants in the Programs. For example; to create reports on tracking the journey of participants.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advanced Outreach Id A unique Program Id.
Current Step Name Current step of the participant in the journey of a Program.
Participant Id Unique Id of a participant.
Previous Step Name With respect to the current step of the participant in the journey of a Program.

AO Participant Source Configuration (Program Participant Source Configuration) 

This object is used to store information about the source of participants in a Program. For example; to fetch the Program participant list based on its source of ingestion in the Reports.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advanced Outreach Id A unique Program Id.
Event Name Name of the Event used to collect the participants.
Participant Operation Type One-time (Add All Participant in Power list in Reports)/Scheduled (Add All Participant in Power list and any in Future in Reports). Indicates whether all the Participants are added into Powerlist now or it’s scheduled.
Participant Source Name Name of the Power List.
Participant Source Type CSV/Power List/Query Builder/Event.

AO Predefined Advanced Outreach Model (Program Model) 

This object is used to store Model information of a Program. For example; to create model information in the Reports.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Advanced Outreach Model Name Model Name of a Program (NPS® Survey/CSAT Survey/Generic Survey/Email Chain).
Advanced Outreach Model Type Transactional (CSAT)/Non-Transactional (NPS®, Generic, etc).

AO CTA (Program CTA) 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about CTAs Triggering from Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Company Name. It fetches Company details through lookup from Company.
Action Type Upsert (Create) or Close CTA.
Area Name The product in which a CTA is triggered, CTA in Standard Edition.
CTA Id Unique GSID of a CTA created or closed.
CTA Name Name of the CTA created or closed.
CTA Status Status of a CTA.
Entity Type Company or Relationship.
Is Name Identifier True/False. While creating CTA, when you click ‘include in identifiers’ checkbox to trigger a CTA with unique identifier, CTA is recorded as True in this field.
Relationship Id GS Relationship Id from Gainsight for Relationship CTAs in Standard Edition.
Source Step Id A unique GSID from AO Participant Activity object to fetch details of a step from which a CTA is triggered from a Program.

AO CTA Mapping (Program CTA Mapping) 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about CTAs triggered against the respective source Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
GS Advanced Outreach Id A unique GSID from AO Advance Outreach object to fetch details of a JO Program.
GS CTA Id Unique GSID of a AO CTA record that fetches details of this record.
GS Participant Id A unique GSID from AO Participant object to fetch details of a Participant.
Step Id A unique GSID from AO Participant Activity object to fetch details of a step from which a CTA is triggered from a Program.

Opt-out Pages 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information opt-out pages.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Category Ids IDs of an opt-out page category.
Created At It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the opt-out page was created.
Created By User who created an opt-out page.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether an opt-out page is deleted.
Description Description to an opt-out page.
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Language Ids A unique Is of a Language that is created by Admin.
Last Update Date The date on which it was last updated.
Modified By User who last modified the opt-out page.
Name The name of the opt-out page.
Page Type The type of the opt-out page created by the user.

Opt-out Emails 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about opt-out emails.

Note: Gainsight recommends users to use Opt-Out Emails instead of Unsubscribed emails.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Category Id ID of opt-out emails category
Company Id Unique GSID of the Company.
Created At It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the opt-out email was created.
Created By User who created an opt-out email. 
Deleted Flag that indicates whether an opt-out email is deleted.
Email Address It is of datatype Email. Stores the Email address of the user who opted out. 
Email Log Id It displays the Email log ID number for the login attempt by the User.
Entity ID The ID of the associated opt-out email activity.
Entity Name Name of the Event used to collect the participants.
Entity Type Company or Relationship. 
Full Name Full name of a Participant.
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Language Id A unique Id of a Language that is created by Admin.
Last Updated Date The date on which it was last updated.
Modified By User who last modified the opt-out email.
Page Id A unique Id of an opt-out page.
Person Id A unique Id from Person object.
Person Type This field helps to join the AO Participants object with either Person object or Person Avatar (User, etc) object.
Reason The reason why the participant opted out.
Reason Text The detailed information on why the participant opted out. 
Reason Type The reason type for which the participant opted out.

Opt-out Categories 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about opt-out categories.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Code A simple unique identifier of a Static Text.
Created At It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the opt-out category is created.
Created By User who created an opt-out category.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether an opt-out category is deleted.
Description Description to an opt-out category.
Disabled Flag that indicates whether an opt-out category is disabled.
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Last Update Date The date on which it was last updated.
Modified By User who last modified the opt-out email.
Type The type of opt-out category created by the user.

AO Failed Participants 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about failed participants in Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Account Name Name of an account that a participant is associated with.
Advanced Outreach Id A Unique Program Id.
Company Id Unique GSID of the Company, this Relationship is associated with.
Context Attribute Boolean It is a custom Boolean field used for participant mapping.
Context Attribute Date It is a custom Date field used for participant mapping.
Context Attribute Decimal It is a custom Decimal field used for participant mapping.
Context Attribute Email It is a custom Email field used for participant mapping.
Context Attribute Integer It is a custom Integer field used for participant mapping.
Context Attribute String It is a custom String field used for participant mapping.
Context Display Name Account/Relationship Type to which participant belongs.
Context Id A unique ID that can be configured to tie a participant's response back to a specific activity/service offered. For example, the Context ID could be a support ticket number or a webinar code.
Context Name Account/Relationship Type to which participant belongs.
Context Object Source The context source of the participant.
Context Url The context URL for which the clicked count is tracked.
Created At It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the participant failed.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether a participant is deleted.
External Id A unique person identifier in an external system. It identifies a person uniquely apart from Email and Name.
Failure Reason It displays the failure message for each failed participant.
Failure Reason Json The failure reason in Json format.
First Name First name of a Participant.
Full Name Full name of a Participant.
GS Advanced Outreach Id A Unique Program Id.
GS Manager User Id A unique Id of a participant’s GS manager.
GS Relationship Id GS Relationship Id from SFDC for Relationship CTAs in Salesforce Edition. Relationship Id from MDA for Relationship CTAs in Standard Edition.
GS Relationship Type Id A unique GS Relationship Type Id of a participant.
GS Source Id This field helps to join the AO Participants object with a specific record in the MDA standard object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participants object and join the selected fields from the MDA standard object.
GS User Id This field helps to join with a specific record in either Person object or Person Avatar (User, etc) object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participant object and join the selected fields from the Person or Person Avatar object.
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration which Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Last Name Last name of a Participant.
Last Update Date The date on which it was last updated.
Manager Email Address Email address of a participant’s manager.
Manager First Name First name of participant’s manager.
Manager Full Name Full name of participant’s manager.
Manager Last Name Last name of participant’s manager.
Manager User Id A unique Id of a participant’s manager.
Occurrence Count The total number of instances that the participant occurred.
Participant Created By The participant who entered the program.
Participant Json The participant Json code.
Participant Source Name Name of the participant source.
Participant Source Type CSV/Power List/Query Builder/Event.
Person Id This field helps to join with a specific record in either Person object or Person Avatar (User, etc) object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participant object and join the selected fields from the Person or Person Avatar object.
Person Type This field helps to join the AO Participants object with either Person object or Person Avatar (User, etc) object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participant object and join the selected fields from the Person or Person Avatar object.
Recipient Email Address Email address of a Participant.
Relationship Contact Id A unique identifier of the Relationship Contact.
Relationship Contact Name Name of the Relationship Contact.
Relationship Name Name of a Relationship.
Relationship Person Id A unique identifier of the Relationship person.
Relationship Status Status of a Relationship.
Relationship Type Name Name of the Relationship type.
Sender Email Address Email address of the organizer/Administrator.
Sender First Name First name of the organizer/Administrator who sends a Program.
Sender Full Name Full name of the organizer/Administrator.
Sender Last Name Last name of the organizer/Administrator.
SFDC Account Id SFDC Account Id for which a participant is associated with.
SFDC Contact Id SFDC contact Id of a participant.
SFDC Relationship Id SFDC Relationship Id of a participant.
SFDC Relationship Type Id SFDC Relationship Type Id of a participant.
SFDC User Id SFDC user Id of a participant.
Source Type This field helps to join the AO Participants object with the MDA standard object. This helps to build reports on the AO Participants object and join selected fields from the MDA standard object.
Unique Criteria An unique criteria defined for the participant.

AO Engagement Mapping

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about engagement mapping in Programs. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Completed Date The date on which the triggered engagement completed.
Created At The date on which the engagement was triggered.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the engagement is deleted.
Engagement Event Type The type of PX engagement event.
Engagement Id The unique identifier of the engagement.
Engagement Name The name of the engagement.
Engagement Type Type of engagement triggered.
GS Advanced Outreach Id A unique GSID from AO Advance Outreach object to fetch details of a JO Program.
GS Participant Id A unique GSID from AO Participant object to fetch details of a Participant.
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration which Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Last View Date The date on which the triggered engagement was last viewed.
Modified At The date on which the triggered engagement was last modified.
Parent Event Id The unique identifier of the parent engagement event.
Parent External Id The unique identifier of the external user.
PX User Id The unique identifier of a PX user.
Status The status of an engagement.
Step Id A unique GSID from AO Participant Activity object to fetch details of a step from which a CTA is triggered from a Program.
Triggered Date The date on which the engagement is triggered.
Viewed Count The total number of views for the triggered engagement.
Viewed Date The date on which the engagement was viewed.

AO CTA Events 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about CTA Events in Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Created At It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
CTA Id Unique GSID of a CTA created or closed.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the event is deleted.
Event Name Name of the Event used to collect the participants.
Event Time The time at which this event occurred.
Event Type Company or Relationship.
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Modified At It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was modified.

Email Raw Events 

Email Raw Events contains records of all the events of a recipient's email such as Sent, Opened, Bounced, Link clicked. The number of records present in the email raw events of a single email is equal to the number of events that occur for that email.

This object is used in the Journey Orchestrator module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Account ID Account Id associated with a participant.
Address Type This field stores the type of Influencer, either Within your Organisation (any Company Person) or Within Company (any Gainsight User).
Batch Id The unique identifier of the Batch.
Batch Name The name of the Batch.
Clicked Url The URL for which the clicked count is tracked.
Company Id Unique GSID of the Company, this Relationship is associated with.
Company Name The name of the company.
Contact Id Contact Id of a participant.
Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
Email Address It is of datatype Email. Stores the Email address of the user.
Email Log Id The unique identifier for the email log. 
Event Name of the Event used to collect the participants.
Event Date The date on which this event occurred.
Event Message An error message returned by the receiving email system.
External Email Id It is of datatype Email. Stores the external Email address of the user.
GS Relationship Id GS Relationship Id from SFDC for Relationship CTAs in Salesforce Edition. Relationship Id from MDA for Relationship CTAs in Standard Edition.
IP Address It displays the Source IP address of the computer used by the User.
Metadata A set of data that describes and gives information about other data.
Parent GSID Parent GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Parent Name The name of the parent company.
Template Id Id of the email template.
Template Name The name of the template.
Use Case Cockpit = email was sent via Email Assist task, Program = email was sent via Program, and External sharing = sharing a feature.
Variant Id If of the variant.
Variant Name The name of the variant used (Default = no variant or default variant triggered)

GS Error logs 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about Gainsight error logs in Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Area Name The product in which a CTA is triggered,  CTA in NXT Edition.
Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
Entity ID The ID of the associated Activity entity.
Entity Type Company or Relationship.
Error Count Number of times the sync failed
Exception Type This field is always set to ACTIVITY_SFDC_SYNC_FAILED.
Last Modified Date The Date time when the sync last failed.
Message The actual failure message.
Name The Name or Subject of the Activity.

Unsubscribed Emails 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about unsubscribed emails.

Note: Gainsight recommends users to use Opt-Out Emails instead of Unsubscribed emails.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Account ID Account Id associated with a participant.
Account Name Name of an account associated with a participant.
Category Category of an Activity.
Contact ID Contact Id of a participant.
Contact Name Name of the participant contact.
Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
Email Address It is of datatype Email. Stores the Email address of the participant.
Reason The reason why the participant was unsubscribed.
Reason Text The detailed information on why the participant was unsubscribed.

Anonymous Person 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Created Date It indicates when the record was created.
Dynamic Resolution Key It is used by Gainsight for internal Master Data Management (MDM) process, not to store any person data for customer usage.
Email Email address of the person.
External ID A unique person identifier in an external system. It identifies a person uniquely apart from Email and Name.
First Name First name of the person
GS Created By Indicates who has created the record. This field has lookup to the GSID field of the User object.
GS Modified By Indicates who has last modified the record. This field has lookup to the GSID field of the User object.
GSID GSID of an anonymous person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Last Name Last name of the person.
Master Avatar Type Code It is used by Gainsight for internal MDM process, not to store any anonymous person data for customer usage.
Master Record ID It is used by Gainsight for internal MDM process, not to store any anonymous person data for customer usage.
Modified Date It displays the date when the record was last modified.
Name Name of the anonymous person.

Program External API Logs 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about external API logs in Programs.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Config Id The unique identifier of an external API configuration.
Config Name The name of the external API configuration.
Created At The date on which the external API configuration was created.
Deleted Flag that indicates the external API configuration deleted.
Execution Date The date on which the external API configuration was executed.
Execution Id The unique identifier of the external API configuration execution.
Failure Reason The external API configuration execution failure reason.
GS Advanced Outreach Id A unique GSID from AO Advance Outreach object to fetch details of a JO Program.
GS Participant Id A unique GSID from AO Participant object to fetch details of a Participant.
GSID GSID of a person record. For example: Usage Data ID in the data from Segment integration with Gainsight has a look up to this record in Person object.
Last Response Date A datetime when a participant has responded to a program.
Modified At The date when the external API configuration was modified.
Response S3 Id The unique identifier of the S3 response.
Status Indicates the status of the executed external API configuration.
Status Code The code that identifies the status of the executed external API configuration.
Step Id A unique GSID from AO Participant Activity object to fetch details of a step from which a CTA is triggered from a Program.
Type The type of the external API configuration.

AO Failed Participants History 

This object is used in Journey Orchestrator module. For example; stores information about failed participants history.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Created At It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
Failure Reason The detailed reason why the Email was not delivered.
GS Failed Participant Id A unique GSID from AO Participant object to fetch details of a failed Participant.
Participant Source Name Name of the participant source. 
Participant Source Type The type of source. CSV/Query Builder/Event.

Timeline Module Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Timeline module are described here.

Activity Timeline 

This object is used as Timeline Activity in C360/R360 and Email Assist Tasks. For example; reports based on Timeline Activities and associated information fetched from other objects.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Id An unique Id that helps to fetch customer information (Company Name, CSM, Current Score, etc.) from the Gainsight object Company.
Activity Date The date on which an Activity occurs.
Context Id Company Id/Relationship type Id/CTA Id to which an Activity belongs. This helps to fetch information from the objects Company, Relationship Type, etc.
Context Name Company/Relationship Type/CTA to which an Activity belongs.
Created by The name of the user who created an Activity.
Created Date The date on which an Activity is logged in Gainsight.
Duration (in Mins) Duration of a call or meeting in an Activity.
Last Modified By The name of the user who last modified an Activity. Currently, only the user who created an Activity can modify it.
Last Modified Date The date on which the Activity was last modified.
Notes Important notes of the Activity.
Relationship Id An unique Id that helps to fetch information about Relationship (Relationship Name, CSM, Current Score, etc.) from the Gainsight object Relationship.
Reporting Category Category of an Activity (Standard or Custom).
Source The source from which an Activity is generated: Company/Relationship/CTA/Account Widget/Opportunity Widget.
Subject Subject of an Activity.
User Email An email of a user who created an Activity.
User Id An unique Id that helps to fetch user information (User Name, Email, Company Name, etc.) from the Gainsight object User.
User Name The name of a user who created an Activity.

Activity Attendee 

This object is used as Timeline Activity in Reporting and Rules Engine modules. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Activity Id The ID of the associated Activity.
Attendee Type This field describes if the Attendee is internal or external.
External Attendee GS Id The Gainsight ID of the associated External Attendee.
External Attendee GSID The GSID of the associated External Attendee.
Internal Attendee GSID The Gainsight ID of the associated internal Attendee.
Internal Attendee GSID  The GSID of the associated internal Attendee.

Scorecard Module Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Scorecards module are described here. 

Scorecard Fact 

This object is used to store the scores of the measures in the Scorecards module. For example; Mass Edit view in Reports, C360/R360.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Id Unique Id of a Company from the Gainsight object Company. This field helps to fetch information of an account from the Gainsight object Company.
Created Date The date on which a Scorecard is created.
Current Score Id Fields from the Scorecard Scheme Definition like Color, Name, Score, etc. can be fetched into this object through this unique Id.
Measure Id Fields from the Scorecard Measures like Name, Nature, etc. can be fetched into this object through this unique Id.
Modified Date The date on which a Score is modified.
Previous Score Id Fields from the Scorecard Scheme Definition like Color, Name, Score, etc. can be fetched into this object through this unique Id.
Score Modified By User who last modified the score.
Scorecard Id Fields from the Scorecard Master like Name, entity type, modified by, etc. can be fetched into this object through this unique Id.
Trend Trend of the score. Up/Down/Same.

Relationship Scorecard History   

This object is used to store the historical scores of the measures in the Scorecards module. For example; R360 and Habits Reports.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Id Unique Id from the Gainsight object Company from which details about Company will be fetched into this object.
Created By User who created a Scorecard.
Created Date The date on which a Scorecard is created.
Modified By User who last modified the scorecard.
Modified Date The date on which a Scorecard is modified.
Overall Score (Relationship) Overall score of a specific Relationship.
Relationship Id Unique Id from the Gainsight object Relationship from which details about the Relationship are fetched into this object.

Account Scorecard History 

This object is used to store the historical scores of the measures in the Scorecards module. For example; C360 and Habits Reports.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Id Unique Id from the Gainsight object Company from which details about Company will be fetched into this object.
Created By User who created a Scorecard.
Created Date The date on which a Scorecard is created.
Modified Date The date on which a Scorecard is modified.
Modified By User who last modified the scorecard.
Overall Score (Company) Overall score of a specific Company.

Scorecard Master 

This object is used to store all the scorecards in the Scorecards module. For example; used in Reporting.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active Flag that indicates whether a specific scorecard is in use.
Created By User who created a Scorecard.
Created Date The date on which a Scorecard is created.
Entity Type Company/Relationship.
Is Default Flag that indicates whether a specific scorecard is marked as the default among multiple scorecard.
Modified By User who last modified the scorecard.
Modified Date The date on which a Scorecard is modified.
Name Name of the Scorecard.

Scorecard Measures 

This object is used to store the measures in the Scorecards module. For example; used in Reporting.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active Flag that indicates whether a specific scorecard is in use.
Created By User who created a Scorecard.
Created Date The date on which a Scorecard is created.
Entity Type Company/Relationship
Input Type Manual/Calculated
Level Type Measure/Group/Rollup (Overall)
Modified By User who last modified the scorecard.
Modified Date The date on which a Scorecard is modified.
Name Name of a Scorecard.

Scoring Scheme Definition 

This object is used to store the definition of the scores and scoring bands in the Scorecards module. For example; used in Reporting.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active Flag that indicates whether a scheme definition is in use.
Color Defined for a scheme definition.
Created By User who created a Scorecard.
Created Date The date on which a Scorecard is created.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether a scheme definition is deleted.
Label Range from which the score is extracted (Example: If score is 55, defined Range can be 50-75).
Modified By User who modified a Scorecard.
Modified Date The date on which a Scorecard is modified.
Name Name of the score.
Range From First value of the Range assigned to a scorecard.
Range To Last value of the Range assigned to a scorecard.
Score Score values.

Unified Scorecard Fact-Company

Multiple Scorecards can be assigned to each Company. Every scorecard has multiple Measures which are assigned with individual scores. Records of each score for the respective measure for a specific company inherited from a specific Scorecard is stored in this object.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active If a specific Scorecard Fact is Active that means If a Scorecard is assigned to at least one Company.
Comments Comments entered while changing a score in a Scorecard for a specific Company.
Company Id GSID of the Company with an associated Scorecard.
Created By Id GSID of a user who created a score manually. If it is created through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Created Date Date on which a record is created on this object.
Current score Id Id of a score from Scoring Scheme Definition object which fetches the current score value.
Id Populates unique id of each record, starts with 1, 2, 3,....
Measure Id Stores the GSID of a Measure and is fetched from the Scorecard Master object. It fetches details of a Scorecard from this object.
Modified By Id GSID of a user who has last modified a scorecard manually (Ex: Comments), without updating a score. If it is modified through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Modified Date Date on which a scorecard is last modified (Ex: Comment), without updating a score.
Previous score Id Id of a score from Scoring Scheme Definition object which fetches the previous score value.
Score Modified At Date on which a score was last modified.
Score Modified By Id GSID of a user who last modified a score manually. If it is modified through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Scorecard Id Stores the GSID of a Scorecard and is fetched from the Scorecard Master object. It fetches details of a Scorecard from this object.
Trend Trend of a score: Up or Down or Neutral. Stored as 1, -1, and 0 respectively.

Unified Scorecard Fact-Relationship

Multiple Scorecards can be assigned to each Relationship. Every scorecard has multiple Measures which are assigned with individual scores. Records of each score for the respective measure for a specific Relationship inherited from a specific Scorecard is stored in this object.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active If a specific Scorecard Fact is Active that means a Scorecard is assigned to at least one Relationship.
Comments Comments entered while changing a score in a Scorecard for a specific Relationship.
Company Id GSID of the Company with an associated Scorecard.
Created By Id GSID of a user who created a score manually. If it is created through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Created Date Date on which a record is created on this object.
Current score Id GSID of a score from Scoring Scheme Definition object which fetches the current score value.
Id Populates unique id of each record, starts with 1, 2, 3,....
Measure Id Stores the GSID of a Measure and is fetched from the Scorecard Masters object. It fetches details of a Measure from the object.
Modified By Id GSID of a user who last modified a scorecard manually (Ex: Comments), without updating a score. If it is modified through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Modified Date Date on which a scorecard was last modified (Ex: Comment), without updating a score.
Previous score Id GSID of a score from Scoring Scheme Definition object which fetches the previous score value.
Relationship Id GSID of the Relationship with an associated Scorecard.
Score Modified At Date on which a score was last modified.
Score Modified By Id GSID of a user who last modified a score manually. If it is modified through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Scorecard Id It stores the GSID of a Scorecard and is fetched from the Scorecard Master object. It fetches details of a Scorecard from the object.
Trend Trend of a score: Up or Down or Neutral. Stored as 1, -1, and 0 respectively.

Scorecard Timeline Mapping 

Details of Timeline Activity created for a Measure from the specific Scorecard.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Account Id GSID of the Company for which a Timeline Activity entry from Scorecard is associated.
Activity Id It stores GSID of the Timeline Activity which is created for a Measure from Scorecard while logging a Comment of Activity type.
Automated It represents whether the comment of type Activity is logged through a Rule (Automated) or manually into a specific Scorecard. - True/False
Comments Note entered in the Timeline Activity created for a Measure from the Scorecard, which is stored as Comment in this object.
Created By Id GSID if the user who has created the Activity for a Measure from the Scorecard.
Created Date Date on which an Activity created for a Measure from Scorecard.
Deleted True/False. It stores whether a Comment of type Activity is deleted.
Fact Id Unique Fact Id created for each record, starts with 1,2, 3,....
Id Unique Id created for each record in this object, starts with 1, 2, 3,...
Measure Id Stores the GSID of a Measure and is fetched from the Scorecard Masters object. It fetches details of a Measure from the object.
Modified By Id GSID of a user who has last modified a scorecard manually (Ex: Comments), without updating a score. If it is modified through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Modified Date Date on which a scorecard is last modified (Ex: Comment), without updating a score.
Relationship Id GSID of the Relationship to which a Timeline Activity entry from Scorecard is associated.
Score Id It stores GSID of a score from the Scoring Scheme Definition object which fetches the measure score value.
Score Modified At Date on which a score was last modified.
Score Modified By Id GSID of a user who last modified a score manually. If it is modified through a Rule, system user id is populated.
Scorecard Id It stores the GSID of a Scorecard to which Timeline Activity entry is logged and is fetched from the Scorecard Master object. It fetches details of a Scorecard from the object.

Surveys Module Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Surveys module are described here. 

Survey User Answer 

This object is used to store information about answers responded to Survey questions in the Surveys module.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Answer Id Unique Id of a Survey answer from the Survey User Answer object. Id of an each allowed answer.
Answer Rank Sequence Number of an answer for Ranking question.
Answer Text To store Comment of an answer.
Participant Id Unique Id of a Participant from Survey Participant object.
Question Id Unique Id of a Question from Survey Question object.
Responded Date* DateTime when an answer was responded.
Survey Id Unique Id of a Survey from Survey View object.

*In case if the survey is partially responded, Responded Date takes the date of the last time when the survey was partially responded.

Survey Translation 

This object is used to store information about the translation of survey data when a survey is multilingual in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Answer Id Unique Id of a Survey answer from Survey User Answer object. Id of an each allowed answer.
Category Category of a survey that is translated: Static Text/Survey/Question/Library Question/Allowed Answer.
Code A simple unique identifier of a Static Text.
Language Id A unique Id of a Language that is created by Admin.
Library Question Id A unique Id from Library Question object.
Survey Id A unique Id from Survey View object.
Survey Question Id A unique Id from Survey Question object.

Survey Question Library 

This object is used to store information on reusable questions that can be used in multiple surveys in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active Flag that indicates whether a library question is Active or not. You can use only use Active questions. 
Allow Comment Flag that indicates whether a library question allows to insert comments or not. 
Comment Label Label of a comment box that displays before you add any comment in the comment box.
Display Order Display order of the library questions while configuring a survey.
Reporting Label Label of a library question in Reporting on any flattening object.
Selector To store different kind of options to select either a single select or multi select items, Ex: Radio/Multi select checkbox/Single Select Checkbox.
Title To store title of a Library question.
Type To store the type of a Question: Single select/Multi select/NPS®.
Folder Id A unique Id of a Folder from Survey Folder object in which a library question is stored.

Survey Page 

This object is used to store information about Survey pages in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Display Order Display order of Survey pages.
Title Stores title of a Survey page.

Survey Question 

This object is used to store information on a survey question that is used in a Survey in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active Flag that indicates whether a question is Active or not. You can use only use Active questions. 
Allow Comment (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether a question allows to insert comments or not. 
Comment Label Label of a comment box that displays before you add any comment in the comment box.
Display Order Display order of the questions while configuring a survey.
Page Id A unique Id of a Page where a specific question is used.
Reporting Label Label of a question in Reporting on any flattening object.
Select to To store different kind of options to select either a single select or multi select items, Ex: Radio/Multi select checkbox/Single Select Checkbox.
Survey Id A unique Id from Survey View object.
Title To store title of a Survey Question.
Type To store the type of a Question: Single select/Multi select/NPS®.

Survey Folder 

This object is used to store information on a Survey folder that is used to store multiple library questions in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Name Name of the Survey Folder that stores few library questions

Survey View 

This object is used to store information of each Survey in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Allow Internal Submission (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether a survey allows Internal Submission (internal employee to respond to a Survey on behalf of another user).
Category To store category of a Survey Anonymous/non-anonymous/partial anonymous.
Code A simple unique code to identify a survey.
Description Description to a Survey. Displayed as Header in the Survey Page.
End Date Survey Expire date (Date by which a participant has to respond to a Survey).
Entity Type Company/Relationship
Last Response Tracked At To store DateTime when a Survey has been responded last time.
Link Expiry Days To store the number of days that a Survey link is active (after which the survey expires).
Name Name is mandatory. It appears to the end user when you do not assign a Title to a Survey.
NPS® Survey (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether a Survey is of type NPS®. It is true if a Survey has NPS® question.
Owner Id A unique Id of owner who created the survey.
Partial Submit Days The number of days after which a survey that has been partially saved is responded as partially submitted.
Published Date Date on which the survey is published to send across.
Published URL Site URL of a Survey.
Question Count The number of Questions in a Survey.
Relationship Type Id A unique Id of a Relationship Id.
Start Date The date by when you can publish a Survey. Unless a Survey is published, you cannot send it across from any distribution channel.
Status of a Survey: Design/Published/Closed (Expired).
Title Display Name in UI and it is shown as Survey Title in the end user Response page.
Type of a Survey: Transactional (A survey that is sent on a specific context)/Non-Transactional.

NPS® Survey Response 

This object is used to store information about an NPS® Survey and its Response in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Comment The NPS® comment
Company Id A unique Id from the Company object that a survey is associated with.
Company Person Id A unique Id from the Company Person object, details of a participant associated with a Company.
Email Email Id of the participant which is fetched from Survey Participant object.
Language Id Details of a language in which an end user has responded.
Name Participant Name.
NPS® Score NPS® Score of a Survey.
Participant Id A unique Id of a Participant fetched from the Survey Participant object.
Person Id A unique Id from Person object.
Relationship Id A unique Id from the Relationship object that a Survey is associated with.
Relationship Person Id A unique Id from the Relationship Person object, details of a participant associated with a Relationship.
Responded Date The date on which an NPS® Survey is responded.
Score Type Score type of an NPS® survey: Promoter/Detractor/Passive.
Sentiment Sentiment is stored from the analytics on the Survey comments.
Survey Id A unique Id from the Survey view object that helps fetch Survey details.
True NPS® Stores the value 100 (Promoter) / 0 (Passive) / -100 (Detractor) for the NPS® response. Average the values of this field to compute the True NPS® categorized by Participant / Company attributes.

Survey Allowed Answer 

This object is used to store information about the number of answers supported for any Survey (for an NPS® Survey, the number of allowed answers is 11 (0 to 10)) in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Answer Score Score assigned to each answer.
Display Order The display order of the answers that are displayed in a Survey.
Other Option (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether a Survey question has other option (true/false).
Survey Id A unique Id from the Survey view object that helps fetch Survey details.
Survey Question Id A unique Id from the Survey Question object that helps fetch Survey question details.
Title The title of the answers.

Survey Text Analytics 

This object is used to store information about analytics applied to the Survey comments in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Aspect System dynamically analyses the Survey comments and provides a random Aspect (Ex: If system identifies a word ‘Cockpit’ in the survey comment, the Aspect can be ‘Cockpit’.
Aspect Group Logical groups of Aspects. Ex. the Aspects “business partner” and “business need” would be grouped together under the "business" Aspect group as this is a logical way of categorizing them together.
Company Id A unique Id from the Company object that fetches details of a Company.
NPS® Response Id A unique Id from the NPS® Survey Response object that fetches details about NPS® Survey.
Run Date The date on which Analytics applied on the Survey comments.
Sentence It stores each Sentence in a Survey comment.
Sentence Category It stores either Positive, Negative, or any suggestions that system dynamically categorizes.
Survey Id A unique Id of a Survey that helps fetch details of a Survey.
Survey User Answer Id A unique Id from Survey User Answer object that fetches details of a Survey answer from each user.
Participant Id A unique Id of a participant fetched from Survey Participant object and helps fetch details of a participant.

Survey Participant 

This object is used to store details of Survey Participants in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
AO Participant Id A unique Id of a participant from AO Participants object if the survey is sent from Journey Orchestrator.
Company Id A unique Id from the Company object that fetches details of a company, a survey is associated with.
Distribution Channel A channel from which a survey is distributed: AO (Program)/Email Assist/any anonymous channel.
Email Email Id of a participant.
External Id External Id of a participant when the participant details are fetched from. 
External Source External source of Participant when surveys are migrated: It can be either Salesforce or SurveyMonkey.
First Name The first name of a participant.
Full Name The full name of a participant.
Internal Question Submission Date When a survey is responded internally by another person (Ex: CSM) as a survey response to end user’s survey submission. The date on which an internal question is submitted.
Internal Question submitted (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether an internal question is submitted or not. (true/false)
Internal Question Submitted By It stores the user details who submitted the internal question. This field fetches details from the User object.
Language Id A unique Id of Language in which a participant has responded in.
Last Name The last name of a participant.
Last Response Record Time A datetime on which a participant has responded to a Survey.
Person Id A unique Id from Person object that this participant is tied to. This field fetches details from the Person details of this participant.
Relationship Id A unique Id from Relationship object that this participant is associated with. This field helps fetch details from the Relationship object.
Responded (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether a participant has responded to a specific Survey or not.
Responded By User details of a person who has responded to a Survey on behalf of a participant. This field fetches details from the User object through Lookup (internal Submission).
Responded Date The date on which a participant has responded to a specific Survey.
Response Status Partially saved/Partially submitted/Submitted.
Survey Id A unique Id of a Survey from the Survey View object that helps fetches details of a specific Survey.
Survey Opened Date The date on which a participant has opened a Survey.
Survey Sent Date The date on which a Survey is distributed to the participants.
Survey Opened (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether a Survey is opened by a participant or not.
Test Participant (Boolean) Flag that indicates whether a Survey sent to a participant is Test Participant.
Token A unique identifier from which a Survey is distributed from.
Response URL This field helps to view the Survey Response provided by the Survey Participant.
Note: This URL will be populated only when a participant responds to a Survey (when submits the Survey Response).

Survey PX Execution Log 

This object is used to store details of Survey PX execution log in the Surveys module.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. It indicates when the record was created.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the Survey PX Execution Log is deleted.
Email It is of datatype Email. Stores the Email address of the user.
Engagement Id The unique identifier of the engagement.
Error Message It displays the error message for each failed response.
Event Date The date on which the Survey PX engagement event was executed.
Event Id The unique identifier of the Survey PX engagement event.
Event Name The name of the Survey PX engagement event.
Event Type The type of the Survey PX engagement event.
Execution Id The unique identifier for the execution of the Survey PX engagement event.
GSID GSID of a user record. For example, CSM in a Relationship or Company has a lookup to this record in the User object.
Modified Date It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.
PX User ID The unique identifier of a PX user.
Questions Added The number of Questions added in a Survey.
Questions Failed The number of Questions failed in a Survey.
Request Id The unique identifier that helps to probe the Sumologic logs to figure out what has happened as a part of that request.
Retry Count The number of attempts participant tried to respond to a Survey.
Status The status of a Survey: Design/Published/Closed (Expired).


This object is used to store details of language in the Surveys module. 

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active Flag that indicates whether the language is Active or not.
Code The unique identifier used for the language.
Created By The user id who created the language.
Created Name The user name of the person who created the language.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the language is deleted.
Display Order Display order of the questions while configuring a survey
GSID Unique GSID of the Company/Relationship associated with this language.
ISO Code The unique identifier for the ISO code.
Modified By User id who last modified the language.
Modified Date The date on which the language was last modified.
Name Used to store the language code.
Source Source of Participant when surveys are migrated.

Survey Audit Log 

This object is used to store details of survey audit logs in the Surveys module.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Action Type Action type of a Survey (Transactional/Non-Transactional) 
Created By The user id who created the survey audit log.
Created By Name The user name of the person who created the survey audit log.
Created Date The date on which the survey audit was created.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the survey audit log is deleted.
Log Id Unique Id of a person who logged the audit.
Modified By User id who last modified the audit log.
Modified By Name The user name who last modified the audit log.
Modified Date The date on which the audit log was last modified.
Participant Id Unique Id of a Participant from Survey Participant object.
Person Id Unique Id from Person object.
Survey Id Unique Id of a Survey from Survey View object.

CSAT Survey Response MDA Object

This object is used to store information about responses to CSAT Survey questions in the Surveys 2.0 module.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Comment The CSAT survey response comment.
Company ID A unique Id from the Company object that a survey is associated with
Company Person ID

A unique Id from the Company Person object, details of a participant associated with a Company.

Created By The user id who created the CSAT survey.
Created Date

It is of datatype DateTime. It indicates when the CSAT survey was created.

CSAT Percent The percentage of CSAT survey.
CSAT Score CSAT Score of a survey.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the CSAT Survey is deleted or not.
Email Email Id of the participant which is fetched from Survey Participant object.
External ID External ID of a participant when the participant details are fetched from.
External Source External source of Participant when surveys are migrated: It can be either Salesforce or SurveyMonkey.
GSID GSID of a user record. For example, CSM in a Relationship or Company has a lookup to this record in the User object.
Language ID Details of a language in which an end-user has responded.
Modified By User id who last modified the survey.
Modified Date It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the survey was last modified.
Name The name of the participant.
Participant ID A unique Id of a Participant fetched from the Survey Participant object.
Person ID A unique Id from the Person object.
Question ID Unique Id of a Question from Survey Question object.
Relationship ID A unique Id from the Relationship object that a Survey is associated with.
Relationship Person ID A unique Id from the Relationship Person object, details of a participant associated with a Relationship.
Responded Date The date on which the CSAT Survey is responded.
Survey ID A unique Id from the Survey view object that helps fetch Survey details.
User Answer ID A unique Id from the Survey User Answer object.
Role Role of the Participant while submitting the Survey Response

Score Type

Score type of a CSAT survey, below are possible values:

  • SATISFIED (when CSAT Score is 4 or 5 )
  • NEUTRAL(when CSAT Score is 3),
  • DISSATISFIED(when CSAT Score is 1 or 2)

Text Analytics 

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Text Analytics module are described here. 

Takeaways Overall Summary

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
Error Message This field displays the error message for each failed response.
GSID GSID of the record for overall summary.
Negative Summary This field provides insights into areas that require improvement to meet customer needs.
Positive Summary This field provides details about positive outcomes, enabling administrators to pinpoint effective aspects that meet customer needs.
Status This field provides the status of a Survey.
View ID This field displays the ID of the selected view.
View Name This field displays the name of the selected view.

Takeaways Key Opinions

Fields Description
Category Category is the theme based names for key opinions.
Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. Indicates when the record was created.
Error Message This field displays the error message for each failed response.
GSID GSID of the record for key opinions.
Key Opinion The key opinions field provides concise users opinions from all the available customer feedback offering precise insights on service, product, and process.
Sentiment The Sentiment field displays the relevant sentiment status.
Status This field provides the status of a Survey.
Summary The summary field provides a brief overview of what works well and what needs improvements.
View ID This field displays the ID of the selected view.

Renewal Center Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Renewal Center module are described here. 

GS Opportunity

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Change Amount Forecast Amount - Target Amount when an Opportunity is open. Final Amount - Target Amount when an Opportunity is closed (Closed Won or Closed Lost)
Close Date Date when the opportunity is expected to close. This field is synced from SFDC.
Company GSID of Company in Gainsight with an associated Opportunity.
Deleted It is marked as True or False when an Opportunity is deleted. Deleted opportunities are synced from SFDC to Gainsight through Connector.
Description Description for the Opportunity. This field is synced from SFDC.
DS Forecast Amount Forecast amount for an opportunity derived through Data Science calculations in Gainsight.
DS Likelihood Score Probability score of winning an opportunity derived through Data Science calculations in Gainsight.
DS Score Updated At The last time a score was derived by Data Science calculations. When there are any changes in the Opportunity, it triggers Data Science to update the score through calculations.
Due Date The Due Date for a renewal opportunity. This field supports the summary calculation for “Renewals Due” and “Gross Renewal Rate.” This date is used to calculate if a renewal is early or late, as compared to the Close Date.
Expected Forecast Currency value populated by multiplication of Forecast Amount and Probability (%).
External Id SFDC Id of the Opportunity. This field is synced from SFDC.
Final Amount The official amount that the opportunity closed. This amount is compared to the Target Amount for closed opportunities to calculate if a renewal has increased in value (upsell) or reduced in value (downsell).
Forecast Amount Forecasted Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR) or Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) amounts.
Forecast Category Name of the Forecast category. Each opportunity stage is associated with a specific forecast category, defined in the system. This field is synced from SFDC.
GS Booking Type It stores either Renewal, Upsell, or Downsell. Booking type is a Gainsight category used to help Renewal Center identify opportunities that are Renewal, Upsell, and Downsell.
Has Line Item It marks whether an Opportunity is a current line item or not. This field is synced from SFDC.
Inferred Booking Type It stores five values; Renewal, Upsell, Downsell, Renewal with Upsell, and Renewal with Downsell depending on the Change Value, positive, negative, or zero respectively.
Name Name of the Opportunity. This field is synced from SFDC.
Next Step Description of next task in closing opportunity. This field is synced from SFDC.
Opportunity Owner GSID of the user who has created an Opportunity.
Probability (%) Probability score in %, associated with each Opportunity Stage.
Record Type Type which helps to control the set of Opportunity stages (Example: One set of Opportunity stage: Renewal, Upsell, Downsell). The record types are synced from SFDC.
Stage Current stage of this Opportunity record. This field is synced from SFDC.
Target Amount Target renewal dollar amount for opportunity. This field supports the summary calculation for “Renewals Due.” “Renewals Due” is the denominator in the calculations for Gross and Net Renewal Rates.
Type Type of opportunity. For example, Existing Business or New Business. This field is synced from SFDC.

GS Opportunity Stage

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active This field indicates whether an opportunity stage value is active (True) or not (False). Inactive opportunity stage values are not available in the dropdown and are retained for historical purposes only.
ApiName Uniquely identifies an Opportunity Stage dropdown value so it can be retrieved without using an id.
Closed This field Indicates whether an opportunity stage value represents a closed opportunity (True) or not (False). Multiple opportunity stage values can represent a closed opportunity.
DefaultProbability (%) The default percentage estimate of the confidence in closing a specific opportunity for an opportunity stage value.
Deleted It is marked as True or False when an Opportunity stage is deleted.
Description Description added to an opportunity stage.
External Id SFDC Id of an opportunity stage synced from Salesforce.
Forecast Category The default forecast category for an opportunity stage value. The forecast category automatically determines how opportunities are tracked and totaled in a forecast.
MasterLabel Master label for an opportunity stage value.
SortOrder Number used to sort an opportunity stage value in the opportunity stage dropdown.
Won This field indicates whether an opportunity stage value represents a won opportunity (True) or not (False). Multiple opportunity stage values can represent a won opportunity.

GS Opportunity Prediction

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Deleted It is marked as True or False when a prediction record is deleted.
Description Description added to each prediction record in this object.
DS Forecast Amount Forecast amount for an opportunity derived through Data Science calculations in Gainsight.
Ds Likelihood Color It stores the hex code of the color associated with each score derived through Data Science calculations in Gainsight.
DS Likelihood Score Probability score of winning an opportunity derived through Data Science calculations in Gainsight.
Opportunity It stores the GSID of an opportunity with associated data science prediction values.

GS Record Type

Data in all of the fields are synced from SFDC.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Active This field indicates whether a record type is active (True) or not (False). Inactive record type values are retained for historical purposes only.
Deleted It is marked as True or False when a record type is deleted.
Description Description added to each record type.
External Id SFDC Id of a Record Type synced from Salesforce.
GS Object Name Name of the Gainsight object to which a Record Type is associated with (GS Opportunity for Renewal Center).
Name Label of the record type on the user interface while adding an Opportunity stage.
SObject Type Name of the Salesforce object to which a record type is associated with (Opportunity in Renewal Center)

C360 > Sponsor Tracking Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the C360 > Sponsor Tracking module are described here. 

Sponsor Tracking

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Changed (Boolean) True or False
Changed Info Changes from (old value) and to (new value). If there are any changes in the profile tracked, the changes are stored as Json doc against this field.
Contact Id N/R
Deleted (True or False) If a Sponsor is deleted
entityType Company or Relationship
Last Change Details Accepted change details from previous version to latest.
Last Change Modified By User who made changes to the specific Sponsor.
Last Change Modified Date Date when the last change was made to the specific Sponsor
LinkedIn Url URL of LinkedIn
Person Id GSID of Person in GS
Photo Url Linked Url of a Photo
Relationship Id GSID of Relationship in GS.
sfdc account id N/R
Sfdc Id N/R
Sfdc Relationship Id N/R
Social Profile Array of urls (FB, Twitter, etc.)
Source Type N/R
Sponsor Full Name Full Name captured from LinkedIn
Status Track or Pending or Match Found

Sponsor Tracking Log

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Changed Attribute Any changes exist when profile is refreshed - true/false
companyId GSID of Company
Deleted (True or False) If a Sponsor is deleted
entityType Company or Relationship
Person Id GSID of Person in GS
Relationship Id GSID of a Gainsight Relationship
Sponsor Tracking Id GSID of a Sponsor in Sponsor Tracking object

Shared 360 Object

Gainsight object User Shared Detail used for Shared 360 is described here. 

User Shared Detail

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Shared with User Id GSID of the User (Recipient) of the external sharing link.
Shared User Id GSID of the User (Sender) of the external sharing link.
Company Id GSID of the Company to which each shared link is associated with.
Relationship Id GSID of the Relationship to which each shared link is associated with
Relationship Type Id GSID of the Relationship Type to which a Relationship belongs to.
Token Status ACTIVE, REVOKE, and BLOCKED depending on whether the external shared link is active or revoked by sender, or blocked by system after multiple wrong password entries respectively.
Token Expiry Expiration date of the external sharing link.
Link Send Status Status of the email delivery to the user.
Comments It stores the reason for the link revoked or blocked.
Link Viewed It stores the number of times that a link is viewed/clicked
Deleted It stores the Delete status of the external link sharing instance.
Created At It stores the created date of the link.
Distribution Type ADHOC or JO for Sharing from Shared 360 or through JO Program respectively.
Modified At It stores the modified date of the link.
Gsid Unique id to identify each record in this object.
Revoked_expiry (Not available on UI) date when the link is revoked
Blocked_expiry (Not available on UI) date when the link is blocked

Company Intelligence Objects

This section describes some of the most important MDA objects used in the Company Intelligence module.

Company Intelligence Actions Object  

This object stores the information about the actions taken on the Company Intelligence posts.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Action Type The type of action taken on the post by the user. Either CTA or Timeline activity created.
Created Date The date on which the user created the action.
GSID A unique identifier for the table.
Modified Date The date on which the action was last modified by the user.
Source Indicates the source from which the actions are created for the news posts. Either Slack or C360.
Activity ID The ID of the associated Activity.
CTA ID Unique GSID of a CTA created or closed.
Created By The name of the person who created the action.
Modified By The name of the person who last modified the created action.

Company Intelligence Configuration  

This object stores the information about the Company Intelligence configuration done by admins.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Companies Type It is the type of selection made while creating the configuration, possible options are FILTERED/ALL.
Created Date The date on which the configuration is created for the Company Intelligence feature.
Description A brief description of the configured companies.
GSID A unique identifier for the table.
Modified Date The date on which the Company Intelligence configuration was last modified.
Name The name of the configuration created.
Url Field The Url provided for easy identification of companies in the configuration.
Companies A list of companies added to the configuration.
Created By The name of the person who created the configuration.
Modified By The name of the user who last modified the configuration.
Signals The type of signals configured to receive posts.

Company Intelligence Configuration History

This object stores information about the history of how many companies got added on any given day and how many companies got removed on any day.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Companies Added The total number of companies added to the configuration.
Companies Removed The total number of companies removed from the configuration.
Companies Resolved The total number of companies that are resolved as part of the configuration.
Created Date The date on which the current record is created. This is historical record data that captures the changes happening in configuration. So, this will have a record depicting the state of the configuration on this date.
Event Name Indicates any changes in the configuration such as configuration created, updated, or Daily scheduler is triggered.
GSID A unique identifier for the table.
Save Status It displays the status of the configuration.
Total Companies The total number of companies added to the configuration includes; resolved, mapped, and removed.
Created By The name of the person who created the configuration.
Opt-In ID A unique ID used to distinguish the configuration.

Company Intelligence Mapping

This object stores the information about the status of the companies that got added during the configuration.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Domain The domain of the configured company.
Mapping Status The status of the companies, whether they are mapped or not.
Not Found Reason The reason provided if the company is not found at the time of mapping the companies.
Opt-In notes Notes added to the company mapping record by the admin to help with finding the company.
Company ID Unique GSID of the Company.
Opt-In ID A unique ID used to distinguish the configuration.

Company Intelligence News Posts

This object stores the information about the total number of news posts received for each configured signal for a mapped company.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Content The content of the news post.
Created Date The date on which the Company Intelligence news posts are received.
GSID A unique identifier for the table.
Is Pulled Indicates whether the news posts are pushed or prefilled.
Link The link of the received Company Intelligence news post.
Modified Date The date on which the Company Intelligence news post was last modified.
Published Date The date on which the Company Intelligence news post was published in the external source.
Publisher The name of the source who published the Company Intelligence news post.
Title The title of the Company Intelligence news posts.
Actions The type of actions taken on the news posts.
Companies The list of companies that are configured.
Created By The name of the user who has taken action on the news posts.
Modified By The name of the user who last modified the action.
Signals The type of signal targeted by the news post.

Company Intelligence Platforms

This object stores the information about the Company Intelligence feature usage in platforms such as Slack, Email, or C360.

The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
GSID A unique identifier for the table.
Is Configured Indicated whether the Company is configured for Company Intelligence posts or not.
Platform Name The name of the platform in which the Company Intelligence feature is used, such as Slack, Email, or C360.


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Cases Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Connectors module are described here:

This is a standard object which stores support tickets data in the tenant.

Field Name Description
Company ID Companies Ids, a case associated with. This field has a lookup to the GSID field in the company object.
Case Type Stores information about the type of cases - Problem, Incident, Question, and so on.
Case Priority Priority of a case - High, Medium, or Low.
Case Parent ID Parent ID of the case.
Case Description Description of  the ticket.
Modified Date at source Last modified date at source.
Source Id Source of the ticket, such as email, phone, chat and so on.
External System Id Unique Id of the case record located at source.
Requester ID GS Id given to a Requester.
Assignee ID User Ids, a case associated with. This field has a lookup to the GSID field in the user object and relationship object.
Case Resolution Date Date on which the case is marked as resolved at the source.
Relationship ID Lookup to the GSID field in the relationship object.
Has Linked Issues Indicates whether there are any link issues or not. This field is of boolean data type (True / False).
Source Instance Id Instance identifier of the source connection from which the connector is authenticated.
Created Date Date and time at which the case is created at Gainsight.
Created Date at source Date and time at which the case is created at source.
Ticket Url URL of case record at source.
Source Org ID Source organization Id of the ticket.
GSID GSID of a case record.
External Id Ticket number at source.
Case Status Current state of the case such as  Open, In-progress, Closed and so on.
Source Type Connector type from where this case record is inserted to Zendesk, Freshdesk, and so on.
Modified Date Last modified date at Gainsight.
Case Subject Subject of the case.


While selecting Gainsight objects for Add to Destination for any job creation, only select Case object. Other objects such as Case Associations, Case Organization Mapper, and Case Level CTA are considered as reference objects and will be populated automatically when job runs.

Case Associations 

This object stores information of all the tickets and helps identify the relationship (parent - child) among the tickets, if any.

Field Name Description
Associated Case ID GSID of a case record.This field has a lookup to the GSID field in the case object
Source Associated ID Ticket number at source.It is same as External Id field in case object.
Source Parent ID Source of parent case record.
Resolved Indicates whether the case is resolved or not. This field is of boolean data type (True / False).
Source Instance Id Instance identifier of the source connection from which the connector is authenticated.
GSID GSID of a case association record.
Parent Case ID Stores the parent case Id from which the case has been generated.
Modified Date Displays the last modified date of the case association.
Source Type Connector type of the case records.
Created Date Date and time at which the case is created.

Case Level CTA

This object specifies the CTA which is generated in response to a company, which is exclusive to the Zendesk connector. CTAs generated by the Zendesk Gainsight widget are stored here.

Field Name Description
External Ticket ID Id of an external ticket at the source.
Source Instance ID Instance identifier of the source connection from which the connector is authenticated.
Modified Date Last modified date of the case level CTA.
GSID GSID of the CTA stored in this object.
CTA ID GSID of the CTA . It refers to the GSID field in the CTA object.
Case ID GSID field in the case object
Created Date Date and time at which the case is created.

Case Organization Mapper

This object contains mapping information between the external source organizations and Gainsight company.

Field Name Description
Source Instance ID Instance identifier of the source connection from which the connector is authenticated.
GS Company ID GSID of company record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field in the company object.
GS Company Name Company name in Gainsight.
GS Relationship ID GS Relationship Id.
GS Relationship Name GS Relationship name
Source Org ID Source organization Id of the external system.
Source Organisation Name Source organization name.
Created Date Created date of the case organization mapper.
Modified Date Last modified date of the case organization mapper.
GSID GSID of the record.

Company Teams Object

This system object is used in the Teams feature. You can create reports using this object to view the list of users for each company. The following table lists the data fields available in this object:

Field Name Description
Company Access level Level of access in Gainsight.
Company GSID Gainsight Identification (GSID) number of the company.
Created At Date and time when the record was created.
Created By GSID of the user who created the record.
Deleted Displays whether the user is deleted from Teams:
  • True: User is deleted from the Teams.
  • False: User is not deleted from the Teams.
GSID GSID of the Company Teams object.
Modified At Data and time when the record details were modified.
Modified By GSID of the user who modified the record record.
User GSID GSID of the user.
User Manage Role 1 Level 1 manager of the assigned user in a team.
User Manage Role 2 Level 2 manager of the assigned user in a team.
User Manage Role 3 Level 3 manager of the assigned user in a team.
Team Role Role of the user in a team.
User Source

Source from which the user was added.

Unification Objects

Unified Company

This object stores information related to Record Groups

Field Description
Id Displays the ID of the individual Record.
Record Group Id Displays the ID of the Record Group.
Error Code

Displays Error occurred during the Record process


Display the State of the Record:
1. PROMOTED - Record promoted to Standard Object.
2. PROCESSED - Record processed successfully and resides in unification system.
3. SYSTEM_FAILED/FAILED - Record failed during unification process.

Request Id Latest Request Id in which the record is modified.
Relationship Identifier Hash Hash maintained for internal relationship computation.
Source Identifier Identifies the Source object of the record.
Company Id Displays the ID of the Company.
Relationship Id Displays the ID of the Relationship Id.
Relationship Type Id Displays the ID of the Relationship Type.
Created By Displays Record Created By User.
Modified By Displays Record Modified By User.
Modified Date Displays Record Modified Date.
companySFDC Account Id Displays the Salesforce Account ID of the company.
companyName Displays the name of the company.
companyIndustry (Dropdown) Displays the industry type of the company.
companyStatus Displays the status of the company.
companyStage Displays the stage of the company.
companyARR Displays the Annual Recurring Revenue of the company.
companyMRR Displays the Monthly Recurring Revenue of the company.
relationshipName Displays the name of the relationship.
companyCompany Type Displays the type of the company.

Unified Company Registry

This object stores information about all the contributing source values for a Record Group.

Field Description
Registry Id Displays the ID of the registry.
Record Group Id Displays the ID of the Record Group.

Display the State of the Record in unification process

1. PROCESSED - Record processed successfully
2. PROCESSING - Record currently in process
3. CREATED - Record just got created
4. FAILED - Record failed during unification process

Request Id Request Id in which the record is processed
Created By Displays the name of the user who created the record.
Modified by Displays the name of the user who updated the record.
Created Date Displays the date when the record is created.
Modified Date Displays the date when the record is updated.
Confidence Factor Stores the matching score of the record.
Is Automated Displays if the record came as part of automated run.
Company GSID Displays the ID of the Company.

Customer Goals Objects

Some of the most important Gainsight objects used in the Customer Goals module are described here. 

Customer Goals Object

This object stores information on Goals added for a Company or Relationship.

Field Name Description

Created Date

Date when the Goal was created


Description entered for the Goal by the user

Due Date

Date by when the Goal is expected to be achieved

Entity Type 

Indicates if the  Goal was created on Company or Relationship


Unique GSID of the Goal

Modified Date

Date when the Goal record was last modified.


Name of the Goal


The company for which the Goal was created. Lookup to Company object

Created by

The user who created the goal. Lookup to User object

Goal template 

The template using which the goal was created. Lookup to Customer Goal Template object

Modified by

The user who last modified the goal record. Lookup to User object.


The opportunity for which the goal was created. Lookup to GS Opportunity object. Not mandatory


The relationship for which the goal was created. Lookup to Relationship object. Not mandatory

Relationship type

Name of the relationship type when a Goal is created for a relationship. Lookup to Relationship Type object


Current status of the Goal 

Custom fields

Any fields created by the admin


Customer Goals Template

This object stores information of Goals created in the Goals Library by the admin.

Field Name 


Created date

Date when the Goal was created in the library


Description entered for the Goal in the library by the admin

Due date 

Number of days from when the Goal is added from Library to arrive at the due date


Unique GSID of the Goal in the library

Modified Date

Date when the library Goal record was last modified


Name of the Goal in the library 

Created By

User who created the Goal. Looks up to user object

Modified By

User who last modified the goal in the library. Looks up to user object


Current status of the goal in the library

Customer Goals Association

This object stores information on CTAs & Success Plans associated to the Goal.

Field Name


Associated Date

Date when the CTA or Success plan was associated to the Goal

Association type

The association type to view look up to CTA or Success Plan object 


False indicates that the CTA/Success Plan is still associated with the goal.
True indicates that the CTA/Success Plan is no longer associated with the goal.


Unique GSID for the association record

Modified date

Date when the association record was last updated updated 

Created By

User who associated the CTA/Success plan to the Goal. Look up to User object  


Name of the Goal to which the CTA/Success Plan is associated. Look up to Customer Goal object

Modified By

User who last modified the association record. Look up to User object  

Association type (when whoID/ what ID field is resolved)

Fields from CTA or Success Plan object when the association type is selected

Product Requests Objects

Following are Product Requests objects:

Enhancement Request Object

This object stores Enhancement Request in GS. These are the product requests raised by CSMs in Gainsight and gets pushed to Product Board.

Field Name Description


A unique identifier for the table.


Name of the Enhancement Request


GSID of company record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field in the company object.


It has lookup to GSID field in the Relationship object.


GSID of person record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field in the person object.


Priority of an Enhancement Request - Critical, High, Medium, or Low.


Source of an Enhancement Request - Customer Call, Email, QBR, Community, Slack/ Microsoft Teams


Multiselect Dropdown list to add tag(s)


Status of an Enhancement Request - Pending Review, Accepted


Description of the Enhancement Request

Gainsight DataPoints

Gainsight DataPoints contains the field from Company object CSM Name: CSM Email ID, Customer Renewal Date, ARR, and so on.

Business Objectives

Business Objectives related to Enhancement Request

External Id

Unique Id of the Note created in ProductBoard

External Url

Link to navigate to ProductBoard Note

Currency ISO Code

For a multi currency tenant, this field stores the currency code (currency symbol) based on the user input. If a tenant does not specify any currency during data load, the value in this field is set to the corporate currency by default.

Created Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was created

Modified Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.

Created By

Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object

Modified By

Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.


Flag that indicates whether the record is deleted.

Insight Object

This object stores Enhancement Request and Roadmap Items Associations. Insight Object is a bridge object that stores M-M relationship between Enhancement Request records and Roadmap Item records.

Field Name Description


A unique identifier for the table.


Name of the Insight

Enhancement Request Id (ERId)

GSID of Enhancement Request associated with the Roadmap Item

Roadmap Item Id (RIId)

GSID of the Roadmap Item associated with Enhancement Request

ER External Id

Unique Id of the Note associated to Feature in ProductBoard

RI External Id

Unique Id of the Feature associated to Note in ProductBoard

External Id

Unique Id for Insight in ProductBoard

Created Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was created

Modified Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.

Created By

Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object

Modified By

Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.


Flag that indicates whether the record is deleted.

Roadmap Item Object

This object stores Roadmap Items. Roadmap Item object is similar to Feature in Product Board.

Field Name Description


A unique identifier for the table.


Name of the Roadmap Item


Description of the Roadmap Item


Status of the Roadmap Item - Fetched from ProductBoard


Type of Roadmap Item - Feature, Sub-feature

Internal Status

Internal Status of the Roadmap Item - COMPLETED, NONE

External Id

Unique Id of the Feature created in ProductBoard

External Url

Link to navigate to ProductBoard Feature

Currency ISO Code

For a multi currency tenant, this field stores the currency code (currency symbol) based on the user input. If a tenant does not specify any currency during data load, the value in this field is set to the corporate currency by default.

Created Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was created

Modified Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.

Created By

Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object

Modified By

Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.


Flag that indicates whether the record is deleted.

Roadmap Config Object

This object stores Roadmap configurations. This object is SYSTEM object that stores Product Requests configurations (layout, table).

Field Name Description


A unique identifier for the table.


Name of the Config - Enhancement Request, Pending Request, Roadmap Item, Delivered Item



Object Name

Name of the Object - enhancement_rquest, roadmap_item


Configuration json

Default Layout

Default layout Configuration boolean

Created Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was created

Modified Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.

Created By

Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object

Modified By

Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.


Flag that indicates whether the record is deleted.

Roadmap Status Object

This object stores Roadmap Item statuses. This is to store Product Board Feature statuses.

Field Name Description


A unique identifier for the table.


Name of the Status


Status of a particular  Roadmap Status as COMPLETED, NONE

External Id

Unique Id of the Status in ProductBoard

Picklist Item Id

Picklist ld of the RMT Roadmap Status picklist

Created Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was created

Modified Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.

Created By

Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object

Modified By

Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.


Flag that indicates whether the record is deleted.

Enhancement Request Status Object 

The object stores Enhancement Request Statuses.

Field Name Description


A unique identifier for the table.


Name of the Status


Status of a particular  Roadmap Status as COMPLETED, NONE

External Id

Unique Id of the Status in External System

Created Date It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was created
Modified Date It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.
Created By Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.
Modified By Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.
Deleted Flag that indicates whether the record is deleted.

RMT ER Vote Object

The object stores Enhancement Request and Proxy/Idea Vote association.

Field Name Description


A unique identifier for the table.

Enhancement Request

Gainsight Enhancement Request Id


Gainsight Company Id


Gainsight Person Id

Vote External Id

External System Vote Id


Where this vote is being cast


Description of Er vote


Link related to ER vote

Created Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was created

Modified Date

It is of datatype DateTime. Displays the date when the record was last modified.

Created By

Indicates the person who has created the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object

Modified By

Indicates the person who has last modified the record. This field has a lookup to the GSID field of the User object.


Flag that indicates whether the record is deleted.

GS Calendar Objects

Following are the Calendar Objects:

GS Calendar Attendee

This object stores information related to the attendee who is associated with an Event.

Field Name Description

Company Name

Name of the Company.


Contact Id of the attendee.

Created Date

Create date of the event.


Email address of the attendee.

Found Duplicates

A boolean value field and returns true if an email is mapped to multiple user records or Company Person record.


Unique identification code assigned to each record in Gainsight objects.


A boolean value field and returns true if an attendee is not a part of Company and Company Person records.

Modified Date Last modified date of the record.
Name Stores the attendee's full name if  the email of the attendee matches with any of the users in the org or a person associated with the company.
SFDC Account ID SFDC Account ID associated with the  participant.
SFDC User ID SFDC User ID of the participant.

GS Calendar Event

This object stores information related to an Event.

Field Name Description

Created Date

Create date of the event.


Provides detailed Event information.

Event End Date

End date of the Event.

Event Id Unique identifier of Google or Outlook calendar event.

Event Start Date

Start date of the Event in milliseconds.


Start date of the Event in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Unique identification code assigned to each record in Gainsight objects.


Hashcode generated for the Event.

IsAllDay A boolean value field that returns true if the event is set to schedule all day.
IsOrganizer A boolean value field and returns true if it identifies the organizer of the Event.
Link Stores the Link to GS Calendar Event.
Location Location of the Event.
Master Id Unique identifier code for series of recurring events.
Modified Date Last modified date of the record.
SchedulerId Stores the unique identifier code of a Scheduler.
SchedulerStatus Status of the scheduled Event.
Source Source from which an Event is generated.
SourceId Unique identifier code generated for the source.
Status Describes if the Event is active or not.
Subject Summary of the Event.
Timezone Id Timezone code of the Event.

GS Calendar Events Attendees

This object stores the information related to the event's attendees.

Field Name Description

Created Date

Create date of the event.


Unique identification code assigned to each record in Gainsight objects.


A boolean value field and returns true if the attendee can participate or not in an event.

Modified Date

Last modified date of the record.

Response Status

Describes if an event is accepted, or declined, or set to tentative by the attendee.

Customer Communities (CC) Objects

Following are the Community objects:

Community User Object

The Community User object  stores all the Community user details sync from the Community tenant.

Field Description
Community User ID Specifies the unique identifier for the community user in Community.
Username Specifies the chosen name for the user's account.
Email Specifies the email address registered with the account.
Registered On Specifies the date when the user registered.
Is a Moderator Specifies whether the user holds a moderator role.
Profile Picture Specifies the URL of the image selected for the user's profile.
Last Active On Specifies the date and time of the user's last activity.
Signature Indicates the user's custom signature text.
Title Specifies the user's current role or designation.
Company Associates with the Company object.
Person Associates with the Person object.
Company Person Associates with the Company Person object.
Source Hub Name Stores the Customer Communities username.

Community Content Object

The Community Content Object stores and manages various types of content, including topics, replies, and posts, within the community platform.

Field Description
Author Id A lookup object to the Community User representing the creator of the content.
Category Name Specifies the name of the category defined in Community.
Category SubType Specifies subtype or type of the post.
Closed At Indicates the date when a Topic was closed, applicable only to Topic.
Company Lookup to GS Company record.
Company Person Lookup to Company Person record.
Content Created At Indicates the date and time when the content was posted.
Content Data Identifier Used for mapping connections between Community Activity and Community Trend data.
Content ID Serves as a public ID assigned to a community post, simplifying the referencing of specific content within the community.
Content Moderated At Specifies the date and time when the content was moderated or reviewed.
Content Moderated By Identifies the user responsible for moderating the content.
Content Modified At Indicates the date and time when the content was modified.
Content Subtype Specifies the type of Topic or Category, such as Article, Discussion, Idea, Product Update, or Question.
Content Type Includes Topic for thread starting content and Topic Reply for replies to posts, ideas, and questions.
GS Created By Indicates who created the record in Gainsight.
GS Created Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was created
GS Modified By Indicates who last modified the record in Gainsight
GS Modified Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was modified in Gainsight
Highlighted response Content ID Refers to the comment or answer pinned as the best within a Topic.
Idea Status Indicates the latest status of the Idea Post.
Idea Status Changed At Displays the date and time when the status was last updated.
Last Activity At Indicates when any activity such as Like, Vote, Edit, Reply etc. was last done on the post.
Main Topic Content ID Specifies the parent thread ID for a reply in Topic.
Marked Spam At Indicates the date and time when a topic reply was flagged as spam.
Marked Spam By Indicates the user responsible for marking content as spam.
Person ID Lookup to Person Object.
Published At Indicates the date and time a topic was published.
Source Hub Name Stores the Community Tenant ID.
Subject Specifies the post title; empty for replies.
Trashed At Indicates the date and time the content was deleted.
URL Specifies the complete URL for the post.
First Reply At Indicates when the first response was posted.
First Reply ID Indicates the specific user ID associated with the first reply.
Total Replies Indicates the total response count.

Community Activity Object

The Community Activity object stores user activity/interactions (currently limited to only View) within the CS community.

Field Description
Activity Date Indicates the time when the activity took place.
Community Content Id Works as an identifier for community content.
Community User Id Indicates the User ID found in the Community User Object.
Company Associates with the Company object.
Company Person Associates with the Company Person object.
Content Type Specifies if it is categorized as Topic, Reply, Category, or Page.
ContentIDType Signifies the lookup to the community content object.
Operation Indicates the viewed items.
Person Id Associates with the Person object.
SEO Url Comprises the path portion without the domain in the source data.
Source Hub Name Indicates the Customer Community Tenant name.

Community Trend Object

The Community Trend Object captures and presents trends related to user activity and content engagement within the community platform.

Field Description
Activity Date Displays the date when the activity took place.
Articles Created Indicates the number of articles created.
Articles Views Indicates the number of views for articles.
Category Views Indicates the number of views for a category.
Community User ID Indicates the User ID found in the Community User Object.
Company Associates with the Company object.
Company Person Associates with the Company Person object.
Discussions Created Indicates the number of discussions created.
Discussions Views Indicates the number of discussions viewed.
Idea Views Indicates the number of ideas viewed.
Ideas Created Indicates the number of ideas created.
Page / Post Views Represents the aggregate of Topic Views, Reply Views, and Category Views.
Person Id Associates with the Person object.
Product Update Created Indicates the number of product updates created.
Product Update Views Indicates the number of product updates viewed.
Questions Created Indicates the number of questions created.
Questions Views Indicates the number of questions viewed.
Source Hub Name Indicates the Customer Community Hub name.
Topic Replies Created Indicates the number of topic-replies created.
Topic Reply Views Indicates the number of topic-replies viewed.
Topic Views Indicates the number of topics viewed.
Topics Created Specifies a count that merges all topic subtypes, determined through a distinct grouping of Created Time, Community user and Source Hub Name.
Topics Viewed Indicates the number topics viewed
User Created Represents users created based on the activity date and company ID.

Product Experience (PX) Objects

Following are the PX Objects:

Account Engagement Data

The Account Engagement Data Object stores all the PX Account Engagement details sync from the PX subscription.

Field Name Description
Tracked Account ID Specifies the Account iD for the PX subscription (Lookup to tracked account)
Product ID Specifies the Product ID linked with the account for the subscription.
7 day NPS Score Specifies the 7 day NPS score.
30 day NPS Score Specifies the 30 day NPS score.
90 day NPS Score Specifies the 90 day NPS score.
7 day NPS Responses Specifies the 7 day NPS responses
30 day NPS Responses Specifies the 30 day NPS responses
90 day NPS Responses Specifies the 90 day NPS responses.
Percentage change in 7 day NPS Score

Specifies the change in NPS score in 7 days.

Percentage change in 30 day NPS Score Specifies the change in NPS score in 30 days.
Percentage change in 90 day NPS Score Specifies the change in NPS score in 90 days.
Percentage change in 7 day NPS Response Specifies the change in NPS responses in 7 days.
Percentage change in 30 day NPS Response Specifies the change in NPS responses in 30 days.
Percentage change in 90 day NPS Response Specifies the change in NPS responses in 90 days.

Account Usage Data

The Account Usage Data Object stores all the Account Usage Data details synced from the PX subscription.

Field Name Description
Tracked Account ID Specifies the Account ID for the PX subscription (Lookup to tracked account)
Product ID Specifies the Product ID linked with the account for the subscription.
1 Day Visits Count Specifies the count of 1 day visits of user
1 Day Active User Count Specifies the count of 1 day active of user
30 Day Active User Count Specifies the count of 30 day active of user
30 Day Visits Count Specifies the count of 30 day visits of user
90 Day Active User Count Specifies the count of 90 day active of user
90 Day Visits Count Specifies the count of 90 day visits of user
7 Day Active User Count Specifies the count of 7 day active of user
7 Day Visits Count Specifies the count of 7 day visits of user
Percentage change in 7 Day Active User Specifies the change in active user in 7 day.
Percentage change in 30 Day Active User Specifies the change in active user in 30 day
Percentage change in 90 Day Active User Specifies the change in active user in 90 day.


The Engagement Object stores all the PX engagement details sync from the PX subscription.

Field Name Description
Audience URLs Specifies the list of audience urls linked with engagement.
Channel Specifies the channel through which engagement came.
Engagement ID Specifies the unique ID for the engagement.
Environments Specifies the environment like production,stage etc.
Product ID Specifies the product ID linked with engagement.
Status Specifies the status of the engagement.
Name Specifies the name for the engagement.

Tracked Account

The Tracked Account object stores all the PX account details sync from the PX subscription.

Field Name Description
Account ID Specifies the Account Id for the PX subscription.
Name Specifies the name for the subscription.
Customer ID Specifies the Customer ID attached with the account.
Number of Employees Specifies the number of employees linked with the account.
Parent Group ID Specifies the parent group Id attached with the account.
Company Specifies the Company GSID linked with the account (Lookup to Company).
SFDC ID Specifies the SFDC ID attached with account.
Monthly Active Users Monthly Active User associated with the account.

Tracked Account Product

The Tracked Account Product Object stores all the PX account and product details sync from the PX subscription.

Field Name Description
Account ID Specifies the Account ID for the PX subscription (Lookup to tracked account).
Product ID Specifies the Product ID linked with the account for the subscription.
Company Specifies the Company GSID linked with the account.
Relationship Specifies the Relationship GSID linked with the account (GSID will be resolved if the Relationship is selected in Connector mapping).

Tracked User

The Tracked User Object stores all the PX user details sync from the PX subscription.

Field Name Description
Aptrinsic ID Specifies the aptrinsic or user Id for the PX subscription.
Identify ID Specifies the unique ID for the user in the PX subscription.
Tracked Account ID Specifies the Account ID with which the user is linked in the PX subscription (Lookup to tracked account).
SFDC Contact ID Specifies the Contact ID linked with the user.
Email Specifies the email ID attached with user.
Company Specifies the Company GSID linked with the account (Lookup to company).
Company Person Specifies the Company Peron GSID linked with the account (Lookup to the company person).
Person Specifies the Person GSID linked with the account (Lookup to person).
First Name Specifies the first name of the user.
Last Name Specifies the last name of the user.

Tracked Account Product User

The Tracked Account Product User Object stores all the PX user and product details sync from the PX subscription.

Field Name Description
Account ID Specifies the Account ID for the PX subscription (Lookup to tracked account)
Product ID Specifies the Product ID linked with the account for the PX subscription.
User Id Specifies the User ID linked with the account (Lookup to tracked user).
Company Specifies the Company GSID linked with the account.
Company Person Specifies the Company Person GSID linked with the account.
Person Specifies the Person GSID linked with the account.
Relationship Specifies the Relationship GSID linked with the account (GSID will be resolved if Relationship is selected in Connector mapping)
Relationship Person Specifies the Relationship Person GSID linked with the account (GSID will be resolved if Relationship is selected in Connector mapping)

Customer Education (CE) Objects 

Following are the CE Objects:

Field Name Description
CE Certificate The CE Certificate object stores information related to educational certificates, including the certificate's name, issuer, Credential ID, and School ID, which identifies the associated school.
CE Certificate Achievement The CE Certificate Achievement object records details about certificate achievements, such as Achievement ID, type of certificate, expiration date, criteria, and a Download URL for users to obtain their certificates.
CE Course The CE Course object stores information on courses, including the course name, description, enrollment count, enrollment code, price, and sales information.
CE Learner The CE Learner object stores personal details of the learner, such as name, Learner ID, and email address.
CE Learning Path The CE Learning Path encompasses a sequence of courses a learner may undertake, detailing the collection of courses included.
CE Learning Path Item The CE Learning Path Item stores details on specific items within a learning path, including the Resource ID (related to a course or training) and School ID.
CE Learning Progress The CE Learning Progress keeps track of a learner’s progress, including content type, mode of education, enrollment date, source, current progress, and number of attempts.
CE School The CE School object stores information about the CE tenant, such as School Name, School ID, Admin URL, and Admin Email.
CE Training Event The CE Training Event stores information on various aspects of training events, including the event name, types of events, and registration type.
CE Training Session The CE Training Session records specifics of training sessions, such as start and end dates, associated training event name, and Session ID.


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