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Gainsight Inc.

360 FAQs

Gainsight NXT


Can I edit the information in the Customer 360? 

Yes, you can (and should!) keep the information up to date, especially the information in the Summary (e.g. Stage), Attributes (e.g. Segment), and Scorecard (manual measures) sections. Note that some fields may not be editable, based on how your Gainsight Admin has configured them, so you need to make those updates in the actual data source.

Why would I use the Customer 360? 

The Customer 360 consolidates data from multiple sources, so you do not have to hop around to find it. From the Customer 360, you can easily find and update most of the customer information, without the need to collect from other areas in Gainsight as there is an integration with the rest of Gainsight (CTAs, Scorecards, Surveys, etc.)

Can I create different layouts for different customers or users? 

Yes, you can create multiple layouts for different companies (by segment, stage, industry, etc.) and different users (executives vs. CSMs).

What’s the difference between the Customer 360 and the Relationship 360? 

The Customer 360 is a 360-degree view of your Company, whereas the Relationship 360 is a 360-degree view of a single relationship with your customer. Relationships allow you to model and manage complex customer structures, such as multiple products or business units.For more information on Relationships, refer to Relationships Overview.

What is the maximum number of sections I can create in the Pre-built section? 

There is no limit. You can create any number of sections.

Can I edit the section in Global Sections after adding it to a Layout, if yes, what is the impact on the section added to the layout? 

After you add a Global section to the layouts, changes made at Global level are reflected in the Global section added to each layout. If you want to make any changes to a Global section and see the changes in a specific layout, decouple the Global section in the layout configuration and make the required changes. This breaks the link of the section in the layout configuration to Global Sections. The changes made are now applicable only to that particular section in the layout.

Can I add a Global Section to the Layout multiple times? 

No. You can add any Global section to a layout only once. You can add Local sections to a layout multiple times except the sections Person, Relationship, Scorecard, Sponsor Tracking, and Survey.  

What is the maximum number of 360 layouts I can create? 

You can create up to 50 360 layouts. Out of which, a default layout is offered out of the box by Gainsight.

Can I associate Relationship object with Salesforce objects? 

Yes, you can associate Relationship object with Salesforce objects, If a Salesforce connection is established in your org, using Salesforce Connector.

Can I add a Widget report created on a Salesforce object to the C360/R360 Summary section? 

Yes, you can add if you have created a Widget report on Salesforce objects and a Salesforce connection is established in your org, using the Salesforce Connector.

Can I add reports created on Salesforce objects to the Related List section in C360/R360? 

Yes, you can add reports created on Salesforce objects to the Related List section. If a Salesforce connection is established in your org, using the Salesforce Connector.

Common Issues 

The Attributes section has too many fields. 

Review the existing fields and identify the fields that are not critical to have in your Attributes section. In general, this section should only contain fields that frequently need to be accessed or updated. If a field does not fall into either of these criteria, you should consider removing it from the section. Alternatively, you can create multiple Attributes sections if you want to maintain these fields, but organize them in a way that is easier for your CSMs to use.

The Person section is not up to date. 

Person clean-up is an essential part of maintaining effective customer success processes. CSMs should be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of these persons, particularly their “roles”, which determine who receives what emails, surveys, etc. To help CSMs stay on top of their persons, consider implementing an ongoing notification to CSMs with a report of their latest persons, asking them to ensure that they’re up to date.

When I try to mail a Shared 360 view, I see the "No results found" error while searching for the Person in the "Choose Contacts" field on the "Email Layout" page. 

The Shared 360 feature works only on the records stored in the Gainsight Person Model. You must load your Person data to the Gainsight Person Model. Refer Uploading Person Records into Gainsight, for more information on loading bulk person records into Gainsight Person Model.

When I share a C360 page, I see that there is a mismatch in data. C360 and Shared 360 pages are showing different content.    

You must have a Lookup to the Company Object. Ensure that you first create this lookup before sharing a C360 page, via Shared 360.

I cannot view the Configuration icon for Sponsor Tracking in C360 Layout configuration page 

You can only add the Sponsor Tracking section to the C360 layout from the C360 Configuration page. To configure Sponsor Tracking, navigate to Administration > Sponsor Tracking page.

Is Sponsor Tracking an add-on feature? 

Sponsor Tracking is available as an add-on to the Gainsight CS subscription. Please contact your account manager for pricing information.

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