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Gainsight Inc.

Archived Share Success Plan FAQs

IMPORTANT - Articles Impacted due to 6.42 July CS Release

Due to the v6.42 July, 2024 release, this article has been impacted. Steps, images, and playable GIFs in this article will soon be updated to reflect the latest changes.

What are Externally Shared Objectives in Success Plans?

In a Success Plan, the Objectives that are marked for external sharing are Externally Shared Objectives. When a plan is marked for external sharing, all the corresponding Objectives are also marked for external sharing. However, you can uncheck this option in the individual Objectives to mark those Objectives for internal sharing only. By default, all the newly created success plans are marked for external sharing.


Can I externally share a Success Plan in Draft mode?

Yes, you can share a Success Plan in Draft state via external sharing.

I have newly added a person record to the Person object model, how long does it take for me to share a Success Plan with that particular person?

For the newly added persons/People(External), it might take upto 24hrs before success plans can be shared with them.

For Sharing a Success Plan with People (External), is it mandatory to have the First Name, Last Name and Email ID of the person in the Person object model?

First Name, Last Name and Email ID of a person are mandatory to share a Success Plan. Ensure that you enter First Name, Last Name and Email ID, while creating a person record.

When a task is assigned to People (External), what is the behavior on the Objective?

When a task in an objective is owned by People (External), he can also view the objective to which the task belongs to.

I have revoked access to the Success Plan that has been shared with People (External), what is the behavior now?

The person//People(External) cannot view/edit the Success Plan. CSM has to assign permissions to access it again. 

When I share 360 with People (External), what permissions are applied on Objectives in Success Plans?

The persons/People (external) can just see the objectives in read-only mode.

What actions does People (External) can/cannot perform on the shared Success Plan?

In the Shared Success Plan, People (External) can just edit the Success Plan name, and cannot perform the following actions:

  • Creating new tasks
  • Reassign CTAs
  • Changing Due Dates
  • Deleting CTAs 

Also, People (External) cannot see the Company, Relationships and Timeline tabs in the Detail View.

How will the users with viewer license see the Success Plans shared in Edit mode?

Users who have viewer license can only see the plans and cannot edit, even if the plans are shared in edit mode.

How Search Field Configuration works while assigning an objective/task to People (External)?

The search results are categorized into 2 sections, namely Users and People (External). When you search for people (external), the additional fields are displayed in the search results, based on the search fields configured in the Admin > CTA> COMPANY > Associate Persons section.

Note: If the toggle for Associate Persons is not enabled, the system honors the default search field configuration, which is: [Name, Email, First Name, Last name].


How Search Field Configuration works while sharing a Success Plan to People (External)?

The search field configuration for sharing a success plan with people (external) is not based on Associate Persons configuration, the search fields here are fixed namely: Name, Email, First Name, and Last name.
