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Gainsight Inc.

Configure Microsoft Teams for Sally

Gainsight NXT


This article explains how admins can configure Sally for Microsoft Teams.


As an admin, you need to perform the configurations required to fetch tenant data from the Microsoft Office account. Once the configurations are complete, users can access Sally in Microsoft Teams. A tenant represents an organization that comprises of multiple teams. The members within the team can communicate via direct messages, and in multiple channels, and groups. The diagram below illustrates a high-level structure of Microsoft Teams.

ConfigureMST_Overview.jpg 2022-02-01 at 6.49.52 PM.jpg

Note: Sally welcome emails will only be sent to active users when the feature is enabled for the first time.

Configure Microsoft Teams 

Perform the following steps to authorize Microsoft Teams to access Sally bot:

Authorize Tenant 

To authorize a Microsoft Teams Tenant in Gainsight:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Sally > Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Add Sally to Teams. The Microsoft login page appears.

Authorize Tenants (Jira update).jpg

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft account using your existing credentials.
  2. Click Accept to grant user permissions. The tenant is authorized to access Gainsight Sally.
  3. Click Close on the authorization success confirmation window to navigate back to the Gainsight application.

Note: Gainsight requests for basic permissions only.


For more information on user permissions, refer to the Microsoft Graph Permissions article.

Authorize Teams 

To provide the access of Sally to Teams within tenants:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Sally > Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click Add Teams for the required Tenant.

add teamsss.jpg

  1. From the Teams page, select the checkbox next to the team you want to authorize.
  2. Click Save. The selected teams are authorized to access Gansight Sally.



  • Click the Show teams option from the three-vertical dots menu to change team permissions.

show teams.jpg

  • Click Refresh option from the three-vertical dots menu to view a newly added team in the teams list.


Manage Tenant Access

Click Restrict Access option from the three-vertical dots menu to restrict Sally access to a Tenant.

Restrict access.jpg

Click Provide Access option from the three-vertical dots menu to reauthorize Sally access to a Tenant.

Provide Access.jpg

For more information on how to add users from external systems, refer to the Gainsight User Management article.

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