Report Repository or Report List View
Gainsight NXT
This article focuses on the options available in the Report Repository page, and how to navigate the Report Repository.
Navigate to Administration > Analytics > Report Builder:
- Search options: Search reports by Source Object, Report Name, Created By, Last Modified By, and Used In conditions. (The default report list view is arranged by Report Name.)
Note: ‘Used In’ filter displays all the reports which are displayed in a Dashboard, C360, or Neither data points. - Report sorting by function: Sort reports by Created By, Last Modified Date, Report Name and Created Date, and access the source folder of the specific report on the same page. Once selected, the list will be displayed and you can use the
icon to see the list of folder names in ascending or descending order. (The default report list view is sorted by Last Modified Date.)
- All (total number of reports available): Displays the total number of reports available under different folders in the Report Builder page.
- Favourites: Displays the reports that you marked as favorites at the user level. Use the star symbol available beside each checkbox of the reports to favorite the report.
- Folders: Folders are used for managing reports in the Report Builder. You can create, edit and delete the folders based on your requirement. If a report is not categorized or moved to a specific folder, the report remains Uncategorized.
To Create Folders:
- Click + to create a folder or a sub-folder.
- Select Home to create a Folder (or) Select an existing folder, if you want to create a Sub-folder.
- Enter the name of your choice.
- Click ADD.
To Edit and Delete Folders:
- Click the Folder Name you wish to edit/delete.
- Click the pencil icon to edit the folder name.
- Click the delete/trash icon to delete the folder.
You can also drag and drop a folder into another folder.
- You cannot create a folder under Uncategorized.
- You can create only two levels of subfolders under Home.
- Expand/Collapse: Click the
icon to expand the information of the report and
icon to collapse the information displayed for the report. When you click the
icon, the following information is displayed for each report:
- Created By
- Last Modified By
- Used In
- Folder Path
- Description (optional)
- + REPORT: Click this to create a new report.
- MOVE TO: Select the checkbox for one or more reports, and click MOVE TO to select the destination folder from the drop-down list. You can also drag/drop a report or select multiple reports to move them into folders.
- Checkbox: Select the check box for one or more reports to move/delete.
- Destination Folder: Click on the folder name, it shows the hierarchy under the folder structure on the left pane. You can see the name of the respective folder where the reports are located along with the report names.
- Color Palette and Custom Colors: Click the three dots to access organization-wide settings. For more information on Color Palette and Custom Colors, refer Color Settings in Reports.
- View report: Click on the report name to open a report. When you click on a report, you can choose to either run the report using the RUN button, or modify the report configuration before running it.
Note: By default, in the report list view, reports available in the repository are arranged by the last modified date. Latest reports appear at the top.
You can now restrict all users from exporting Reports from Report Builder, GS Home Dashboards and 360 pages.
Use Case: For instance, you may want to restrict your users from exporting reports to ensure that your business information/data is secure and confidential. After you enable this option, only admins can export reports.
To Disable Data Exports:
- Navigate to Administration > Analytics > Report Builder.
- Click options (three dots) on the upper right corner of the screen.
- Click Report Settings.
- Enable the Disable export of reports on Gainsight Home and 360 pages checkbox.
Create or Edit Reports
Click + REPORT to build a new report. To edit an existing report, click on the report name you wish to edit. For more information on how to create and edit reports, refer How to Build Basic Reports.
Reports Created on Salesforce Objects
Gainsight NXT in Salesforce CRMContent in this section supports Gainsight NXT accessing through Salesforce Login. To learn more about Gainsight NXT in Salesforce, click here.
- Click here to expand for more information to see how the reports created on Salesforce Objects appear
You can create reports on Salesforce objects, only when a Salesforce connection is established in your org. The reports created can then been seen in Reports repository, the reports you see here is based on your login method:
- When you login to Gainsight NXT via Salesforce, you can see all of the reports created on Salesforce objects, and can edit those reports.
- When you login to Gainsight NXT directly, you can only see the report names of the reports created on Salesforce objects, and cannot perform any actions.
- When you login to Gainsight NXT via Salesforce, you can see all of the reports created on Salesforce objects, and can edit those reports.