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Gainsight Inc.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)

Gainsight NXT


This article guides admins to configure the account based forecasting view in the Forecast page of Renewal Center. After reading this article, the admins can show or hide the company view for CSMs; configure custom fields; and configure field tracking and update needed indicators features.


Account based forecasting in Renewal Center allows CSMs (Customer Success Managers) to forecast at the account level, instead of forecasting at the opportunity level. A new company object, GS Company Forecast in Data Management is used to forecast without opportunities.

Example Business Use Cases: Account based forecasting is for customers who want to:

  • Start forecasting in the simplest way without managing opportunities. 
  • View data available in the Company or any custom object at the account level, and not at the opportunity level.
  • Recognize anniversaries as a Renewal Type for multi-year deals, and cannot track anniversaries by creating yearly opportunities.
  • Calculate retention metrics like GRR%, and cannot use the complicated opportunity data.
  • Forecast for a time frame where no opportunities exist.

Set Default Company View

The admin must toggle ON the feature from the Renewal Center configuration to make it available for the CSMs. Once configured, Company Forecast records are created containing data preloaded from the Company object. The default company forecast fields are Renewable Date, Renewable Revenue, Churn, Forecasted Revenue, GRR%, Renewal Type, Outcome, NRR%, and Upsell.

If admins want to load different data from the Company object or another custom object, then they must delete existing records in Data Operations. After that they can use the Load to GS Company Forecast rule action to load the data.

To configure the company view:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Forecast Section dropdown list, select Company View. The Company View screen appears.
  3. Toggle on the Show Company View button. The company view is available to the CSMs.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Set Default Company View.jpg

The account based forecasting is preconfigured for the admins, and ready to use for the CSMs in their default company views.

Admins can also customize the forecasting configuration to suit their business requirements. They can select other fields from the GS Company Forecast object, select fields to show or hide in the summary ribbon, select the aggregation option for summary ribbon metrics, create custom fields, and edit and delete custom fields.


  • The data in the fields namely, ARR, Company Name, Renewal Date, and Forecast Notes is fetched from the Company object. Admins can create and run a new Load to GS Company Forecast rule action to add custom fields from the Company object. For more information, refer to the Configure Load to GS Company Forecast Rule section in this article.
  • If there is no requirement to load opportunity data from a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, then admins need not configure the Analyze module and supporting features like Stages, Sync Options, Global Filters, and Opportunity View.


Following are the limitations of account based forecasting:

  • Admins cannot create custom formula KPIs.
  • Admins cannot change the GRR% and NRR% formulas. It is calculated by the system, where the formulas are:
    • GRR% = sum[Forecasted Revenue] / sum[Renewable Revenue] * 100
    • NRR% = sum[Forecasted Revenue + Upsell] / sum[Renewable Revenue] * 100

Configure Company View Fields

Admins can select fields to be displayed for selection by CSMs while the latter is creating a company view. To configure these fields:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Forecast Section dropdown list, select Company View. The Company View screen appears.
  3. Click Select Fields. The Add Fields slide out panel appears.
  4. Select the fields.
  5. Click Add. The selected fields are saved successfully.
  6. Click Save. The configuration is saved successfully.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Configure Company View Fields.jpg

Create Custom Fields

Admins can create new fields in addition to the fields available in the GS Company Forecast object. To create a custom field, navigate to Administration > Customer Data > Data Management > GS Company Forecast object.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Create Custom Fields.jpg

Edit or Delete Custom Fields

Click on the edit or delete icon that appears on hovering on the field. A confirmation dialog appears redirecting to the Data Management to edit or delete the custom field.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Edit or Delete Fields.png

Configure Field Settings

The admins can configure the settings of each field. The field settings include options like whether it should be editable, whether it should be displayed in the summer ribbon, and select the summary ribbon aggregation option. 

To configure field settings:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Forecast Section drop down list, select Company View. The Company View screen appears.
  3. Hover on the field. The gear and delete icons appear.
  4. Click on the gear icon. The field settings list appears with following options:
    1. Custom Label: Provide a different name to the field.
    2. Editable: Select to make the field editable in the company view.
    3. Include in Summary Ribbon: Select to make this field available as a metric in the Configure Summary Ribbon feature of the company view.
      1. Aggregation Options: Select the aggregation function on which the metric should be calculated from the available options: Sum, Min, Max, and Average
  5. Click OK. The field settings are saved successfully.
  6. (Optional) Click on the delete icon to delete the field.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Configure Field Settings.jpg

Configure Change Tracking

Admins can set up change tracking on one or more fields of the GS Opportunity and GS Company Forecast objects fields. The following two types of change tracking features are available:

Note: The following table lists field data types that are supported and not supported by change tracking.

Supported Data Types Not Supported Data Types
Dropdown List Rich Text Area
Currency GSID
String Boolean
Number Multi Picklist
Percentage Email

Field Tracking

Field Tracking tracks and displays the most recent change made (in the past seven days) in the fields you add to the configuration. A maximum of 20 fields can be added from each object, that is the GS Opportunity and GS Company Forecast objects.

To configure field tracking on fields:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Forecast dropdown, select Change Tracking. The Change Tracking screen appears.
  3. Toggle on the Field Tracking button. The Field Tracking section expands.
  4. Click the +Add button to add fields to track. The Field Tracking - Company Forecast slide out panel appears.
  5. Select the fields from the list.
  6. (Optional) Click the cross icon to remove the field.
  7. Click Save. The selected fields are added to the fields selection.
  8. Click Save. The field tracking configuration is saved successfully.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Field Tracking.png

Update Needed Indicators

Update Needed Indicators displays an indicator on a field when it is not updated after the defined time period. A maximum of 20 fields can be added from the GS Company Forecast object.


  • Only those fields that have been added to the GS Company Forecast in Field Tracking are displayed for selection.
  • The Update Needed Indicators can be configured only if the Field Tracking configuration is toggled ON. 

To configure the update needed indicators on fields:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Forecast dropdown, select Change Tracking. The Change Tracking page appears.
  3. Toggle ON the Update Needed Indicator button. The Update Needed Indicators section expands.
  4. Provide the value in days placeholder.
    Note: The minimum days value is one day and the maximum days value is 90 days.
  5. Click the +Add button to add fields to receive update highlights. The Update Needed - Company Forecast slide out panel appears.
  6. Select the fields from the list.
  7. (Optional) Click the cross icon to remove the field.
  8. Click Save. The selected fields are added to the fields selection.
  9. Click Save. The update indicator configuration is saved successfully.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Update Needed Indicators.png

Delete Company Forecast Records

Admins can delete single or multiple records from the GS Company Forecast object using Data Operations in Renewal Center. They can also view log entries of deleted records, show or hide columns in the record table, and apply filters on records.

To delete records:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Data dropdown list, select Data Operations. The Data Operations screen appears.
  3. Click the GS Company Forecast tab. The company records table appears.
  4. Select the checkbox of the record you want to delete. The Delete button appears.
  5. Click the Delete button. A delete confirmation dialog box appears.
  6. Click Delete to delete the record. The record is deleted successfully.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Delete Company Forecast Records.jpg

Configure Load to GS Company Forecast Rule

Admins can create rules to update data or to add new fields in the GS Company Forecast object using the Load to GS Company Forecast action type in Rules Engine.

To create a new rule:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Data dropdown list, select Sync Options. The Data Operation screen appears.
  3. From the Rules Engine section, click the Company Forecast tab.
  4. Click the Create Rule button. The Rules List / New Rule screen appears.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Configure Load to GS Company Forecast Rule Action.jpg

For more information on how to configure the Load to GS Company Forecast rule, refer to the Load to GS Company Action Type article from Additional Resources.

Edit an Existing Rule

They can also edit an existing rule from the list of rules that are already created.

To edit an existing rule:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Revenue Optimization > Renewal Center. The Renewal Center configuration page appears.
  2. From the Data dropdown list, select Sync Options. The Data Operation screen appears.
  3. From the Rules Engine section, click the Company Forecast tab. A list containing existing rules appears.
  4. Click on any rule to edit. The Rules List / <Rule Name> screen appears.

Configure Account Based Forecasting (Company View)_Edit an Existing Rule.jpg