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Gainsight Inc.

Bulk Status API

This article explains how to use the Bulk Status API to track progress of the Bulk API doc.


The Bulk Status API can be used to check the progress of the Bulk API job. When you successfully run the cURL command, it returns true with the Request ID and Status ID. This Status ID is used to retrieve the data from the Bulk Status API to track the progress of the upload.


Before running the Bulk Status API doc, ensure that you have created a Bulk API connection and run the cURL command. For more information on how to create the Bulk API connection, refer to the Gainsight Bulk API article.


Key Value
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Bulk Status API

The Bulk Status API can be used to check the progress of the Bulk API job. When you successfully run the cURL command, it returns true with the Request ID and Status ID. This Status ID is used to retrieve the data from the Bulk Status API to track the progress of the upload.



Endpoint URL

https://<customer domain>//v1.0/admin/connector/job/bulkimport/status/{statusID}


  • Replace {statusID} with the actual status URL to check the job status. The statusID is returned in the response of the Bulk API job. 
  • Replace <customer domain> with the actual domain used in the Bulk API.

Sample Request Body

1https://<<customer domain>//v1.0/admin/connector/job/bulkimport/status/{statusID}


Parameter (*mandatory) Data type Values Description
statusID * String   The String value that contains the status id that is returned when the Bulk API Curl is accepted and can be used to track the jobStatus.

Sample Success Response 

The response on running the above URL provides the following important information:

  • Job Status: Status of the Bulk API job - INIT (initiated) , IN_PROGRESS, or COMPLETED.
  • Count: Number of records that were successful, or failed, denoted by successCount and failureCount respectively. 
  • Response File: URL to access the file content of successful or failed records, denoted by successFile and  errorFile respectively.

Note: In case of partial success, you will receive two URLs - one for the successful records (successFile) and another for the failed records (errorFile).

02    "result": true,
03    "requestId": "b8624b3c-8cd1-420f-be42-c22011561fec",
04    "data": {
05        "successCount": 100000,
06        "failureCount": 0,
07        "jobStatus": "COMPLETED",
08        "requestStartDateTime": 1656663854035,
09        "requestEndDateTime": 1656663973538,
10        "jobId": "dca4f51d-85e2-4823-a1ed-bc683fbf518d",
11        "successFile": "https://<customer domain>/v1.0/api/connector/job/bulkimport/status/{statusID}/fileDownload/success"
12    }

Sample Partial Success Response

02    "result": true,
03    "requestId": "af0fa349-5ca5-4f89-a673-56b412f732d1",
04    "data": {
05        "successCount": 1,
06        "failureCount": 1,
07        "jobStatus": "COMPLETED",
08        "requestStartDateTime": 1658140872537,
09        "requestEndDateTime": 1658140934314,
11        "jobId": "5a314c34-ad05-4236-9841-b0a693fd5132",
13    }

Sample Failure Response

02    "result": true,
03    "requestId": "86c570ae-da05-4251-a8a8-5be3742415dc",
04    "data": {
05        "successCount": 0,
06        "failureCount": 2,
07        "jobStatus": "COMPLETED",
08        "requestStartDateTime": 1658141103180,
09        "requestEndDateTime": 1658141146903,
11        "jobId": "5a314c34-ad05-4236-9841-b0a693fd5132"
12    }

Success or Error Response File

You can use the response file URL obtained from the Bulk Status API to stream and download the contents of the file as an API response. You can use this response to view detailed information of the underlying records. 



Endpoint URL

https://<customer domain>/v1.0/api/connector/job/bulkimport/status/{statusID}/fileDownload/success

Sample Success File Response

1gsid,user email,company name,deleted

Sample Error File Response

1user email,company name,deleted,Netflix,false,"[{""columnName"":""usergsid"",""errors"":[{""code"":""lookup_failed"",""message"":""Error""}]}]",Netflix,false,"[{""columnName"":""usergsid"",""errors"":[{""code"":""lookup_failed"",""message"":""Error""}]}]"

Sample Missing File Response Response

2    "result": false,
3    "errorDesc": "No error file to download",
4    "requestId": "2039a128-9445-4eeb-a61e-16744a7521d5"
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