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Gainsight Inc.

Success Plan Action Type

Gainsight NXT


This article explains how admins can create or update a Success Plan for multiple companies with a single Rule configuration.


The Success Plans Action type can be used to create or update Success Plans for multiple companies with a single rule configuration. If you have created a Success Plan template that has multiple objectives with Playbooks, you can configure the Success Plan using this template.

Gainsight recommends reading the configuration of the Rules Details, Data Setup, and Schedule steps before reading this article. For more information, refer to the Create New Rule section of the Rules Engine Horizon Experience Overview article.


  • The Create Success Plan action type is not available for Relationship in this beta feature.

Create Success Plans Action Type

To configure the Create action type:

  1. Navigate to the Action Setup step of building a rule.
  2. Hover on the dataset. The Add Action icon appears.
  3. Click the Add Action icon. The Add Criteria slide-out panel appears.
  4. (Optional) Click Add Criteria to define a filter criteria for the dataset. 
  5. Click Continue. The Add Actions step appears.
  6. From the Create Action drop-down list, select Success Plan.
  7. Select the Create Success Plans option.
  8. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the rule.
  9. Company Identifier: Select the required option to identify the Company. The fields available in this dropdown are from the dataset and of type GSID.
  10. Provide the following details:
    • Name: Specify an appropriate name for the Success Plan. You can also type "@" to add fields from data set. The values from the fields will be used to name the success plan.

    • Include in identifiers: Select this checkbox, if you want to use Name as an additional identifier along with Company, Type, and Status while looking for Success Plans that must be updated.

    • Type: Select the appropriate success plan type. This drop-down populates types that are configured in Success Plan Configuration for Global and Company or Global and Relationship type for the respective Success Plan configurations.

    • Template Name: Select the appropriate template name. This drop-down populates values that are configured in the Success Plan Configuration and associated with the selected Plan Type. Multiple templates can be appended to the success plan being created.

    • Status: Select the initial status of the Success Plan when it is created by the rule. For example, initially, you might want to create this Success Plan as a Draft.

    • Owner Field: (Optional) Select the appropriate field  from the dropdown menu.

    • Default Owner: Specify a default owner if no field has been selected from the Owner dropdown menu or if the selected field has no value.

    • Due Date: Specify an appropriate value for the plan due date (N days after the rule creates the Success Plan).

      Note: The drop-down menu below the Due Date field addresses the treatment of weekends. The following options are available:

      • Do not skip weekend

      • Skip all weekends

      • Skip weekend if due on a weekend

    • Additional Fields: The fields associated with the Success Plan Type can be updated using a custom value, enter a value to be updated.
  11. Click Save Actions to save the configuration.

Update Success Plan Action Type

The update Success Plan action type enables you to update the field values for Success Plans. 

Example Business Use Case: Admins can create a rule that reassigns the ownership of all Success Plans belonging to a selected type to one user. Once the rule is triggered, all the Success Plans belonging to the selected type will be reassigned to the new owner automatically.

Once the datasheet is prepared, admins can configure the Rule to perform one of the following actions:

Update all Success Plans identified through Success Plan GSID

This action type lets you update all Success Plans that are identified through Success Plans GSID from the dataset. This is applicable when the Success Plan Type field is left blank.

To create an Update Success Plan rule:

  1. Navigate to the Action Setup step of building a rule.
  2. Hover on the dataset. The Add Action icon appears.
  3. Click the Add Action icon. The Add Criteria slide-out panel appears.
  4. (Optional) Click Add Criteria to define a filter criteria for the dataset. 
  5. Click Continue. The Add Actions step appears.
  6. From the Create Action drop-down list, select Success Plan.
  7. Select the Update Success Plans option.
  8. (Optional) Enter a description of the rule.
  9. Select the Success Plan GSID. All the success plans in the dataset identified through the Success Plan GSID will be updated
  10. You can then update one or more of the following fields: 
  • Owner: Type and select a user in this field. The selected user will be assigned ownership for all the Success Plans that are identified through the Success Plan GSID from the dataset.
  • Status: Select a status option from this dropdown menu. The selected status is updated for all the Success Plans that are identified through the Success Plan GSID from the dataset. 
    IMPORTANT: Status cannot be updated to closed from the draft state
  1. Click Save to save the configuration

Update Success Plans Based on Type

This action type lets you update the details for Success Plans that have been identified through the Success Plan GSID in the dataset and are of the selected Success Plan Type. The Success Plan Type can be selected from the Success Plan Type dropdown menu as described below.

  1. From the Action dropdown menu, select Success Plans.
  2. Select Update Success Plans
  3. (Optional) Enter a description for the rule.
  4. Select the Success Plan GSID. 
  5. Select the Success Plan Type. The fields configured for the selected Success Plan type are displayed and can be updated.
  6. You can update one or more of the following fields:
    • Owner: Type and select a user in this field. The selected user will be assigned ownership
    • Status: Select a status option from this dropdown menu.The selected status is updated for all the Success Plans that are identified through the Success Plan GSID from the dataset. 
    • Append Templates: Select the templates that you want to add to the Success Plans. New templates are added to the list of existing templates. The templates that have already been applied are not applied again.
      IMPORTANT: Templates without objective CTAs are not applied.
    • Additional Fields: The fields associated with the Success Plan Type can be updated using one of the following methods:
  • Custom Value: Enter a value to be updated
  • Map to Fields: A list of fields with matching data types is displayed. Select a field from the dropdown menu. The value contained in the selected field is updated in the field that is mapped.


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