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Gainsight Inc.

Load to User Action Type

Gainsight NXT


This article helps admin to configure the Load to User action type using Horizon Rules in the Rules Engine.


Gainsight recommends reading the configuration of the Rules Details, Data Setup, and Schedule steps before reading this article. For more information, refer to the Create New Rule section of the Rules Engine Horizon Experience Overview article.

The Load to User action type enables admins to update existing records in the Gainsight User standard object that stores Gainsight user information such as users’ First Name, Last Name, GSID, External ID and so on.

For more information on Gainsight User, refer to the Gainsight User Object article.

Configure Load to User Action Type

To configure Load to User action type:

  1. In the Action Setup step, hover on the dataset. The Add Action icon appears.
  2. Click the Add Action icon. The Add Criteria slide-out panel appears.
  3. (Optional) Click Add Criteria to define a criteria for the dataset.
  4. Click Continue to navigate to the Add Actions step.
  5. From the Create Action drop-down list, select the Load to User action type.
  6. (Optional) Enter a Description for the rule action.
  7. From the Add Fields drop-down list, select the required field type:
    • Source Field:
      1. For Source Field selection, click Source Field. The Select Fields slide-out panel appears. Provide the following details:
      2. Select the checkbox of the source fields.
      3. Click Select. The source fields you select here are added to the Field Mappings section.
      4. Select the Target Fields.
      5. (Optional) Add a Default Value.
        Note: This value is considered in the target field in case the source field value is invalid or not available.
    • Custom Field: 
      1. For Custom Field selection, click Custom Field. A new field row is added in the Field Mapping section.
      2. From the drop-down list, select Target Fields.
      3. Enter the value that needs to display in the selected target fields.
  8. (Mandatory) Select at least one Include in Identifiers checkbox.
    Note: Identifiers help to avoid data duplication.
  9. Click Save Actions. The Load to User action configuration is saved.
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