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Gainsight Inc.

Add a Milestone

Milestones are a helpful way to ensure your learners are engaging with content in the way you need them to.

Milestones are a helpful way to ensure your learners are engaging with content in the way you need them to.

Milestone Overview

Think of milestones as specific metric learners must meet in order to proceed within the course. You can choose to leverage milestones to encourage users to voluntarily engage with the content in a specified manner, or to require users to complete the criteria before they can move forward in a course.

Benefits of Using Milestones

Many Northpass clients create milestones that require users to complete a quiz with a particular score, for example, 70%. The users will not be able to view content or complete the course until they successfully receive 70% or greater on the quiz and successfully meet the milestone. This ensures your learners are absorbing material presented and that you're able to measure success.

Set Milestones

  1. Start in the Content tab of the navigation bar and select Courses. Now select the particular course you'd like to add a milestone into.
    Note: You must have a video, quiz, assignment, or SCORM activity already in the course in order to add a Milestone. For video activities, the video must be uploaded to Northpass (not embedded).
  2. Click Add Activity and add a name. Next, select Milestone as the activity type.
  3. Click on the dropdown menu next to Add a requirement, select a requirement, and add the criteria.
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