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Gainsight Inc.

Setting Up DMARC for Enhanced Email Security: A Must for Custom Domain Users

In response to the new email security requirements implemented by Google and Yahoo in February 2024, setting up DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is now an essential step for our customers using custom domains.

This article helps you to set up DMARC for your custom domain to comply with new email security requirements and enhance your domain's protection against malicious activities. 


In response to the new email security requirements implemented by Google and Yahoo in February 2024, setting up DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is now an essential step for our customers using custom domains.

Understand the Importance of DMARC

Before delving into the setup process, it's crucial to recognize the significance of DMARC in safeguarding your custom domain. DMARC provides a comprehensive framework for email authentication, combining SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) to authenticate the origin of emails, ultimately fortifying your domain against malicious activities.

Generate a DMARC Record

Create a DMARC record tailored to your domain's authentication policies. Here's a sample DMARC record: IN TXT "v=DMARC1;
p=quarantine;;; fo=1"

v=DMARC1: Indicates the version of DMARC being used.

p=quarantine: Specifies the policy for handling emails that fail authentication, with options like "none," "quarantine," or "reject."

Configure DMARC Report Addresses

Configure your domain to send DMARC reports to specified email addresses using the "rua" (aggregate reports) and "ruf" (forensic reports) fields. These reports provide invaluable insights into potential authentication failures and aid in optimizing your DMARC policy.

Gradual Policy Implementation

Initiate DMARC implementation with a less restrictive policy, such as "none" for monitoring. Gradually move towards a more stringent policy based on insights gathered from DMARC reports. This phased approach allows you to address any legitimate issues before enforcing stricter authentication policies.


Setting up DMARC is a non-negotiable step for our customers using custom domains, especially in light of the new email security requirements from Google and Yahoo. By implementing DMARC, you not only comply with industry standards but also fortify your domain against potential threats, ensuring the continued security and reliability of your email communications. If you encounter challenges during the setup process, reach out to your domain provider. Your commitment to email security is paramount, and DMARC is the key to achieving it.

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