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Gainsight Inc.

Managing Manager Permissions for Analytics

Admins have the power to control manager access in Analytics, ensuring they view and analyze only relevant people and content. This guide outlines steps to prevent unauthorized data access, maintaining the confidentiality of your analytics.

Admins have the power to control manager access in Analytics, ensuring they view and analyze only relevant people and content. This guide outlines steps to prevent unauthorized data access, maintaining the confidentiality of your analytics.

Step by Step Guide

Checking current Manager permissions

Go to the People Tab and locate the specific manager you wish to adjust permissions for.
Click on the individual's profile, then select the "Manage Permissions" button at the bottom of the page. Ensure the assigned permissions include the appropriate management rights for Courses, Groups, and Learners.

Restricting Manager's Access to Analytics 

Visit the "Limit analytics data by access" section. Choose whether the manager can access a specific subset of data based on the Courses, Groups, and Learners they oversee, or grant access to all data.

Basic Manager's Access to Analytics

Access is limited based on predefined manager permissions. Certain dashboards such as Instructor-Led Training, Credential Achievement, Learning Path Progress Stats, and Multiple Learning Path Analysis are inaccessible for Managers in this scenario. 

Extended Manager's Access to Analytics 

Selecting this option provides full access to data across all dashboards related to People (including People Leaderboard and Learner Activity Ranking), Courses (including Course Progress Stats, Multiple Course Analysis, Course Completion, Single Course Analysis, and Course Popularity), Learning Paths (including Learning Path Progress Stats and Multiple Learning Path Analysis), and Instructor Led Training.  

Enabling the 'Extended' option grants managers extensive access. However, some data will remain restricted. Here are the specifics:

  • School Activity and Search Query Analysis reports are unavailable for managers.
  • Access to Quizzes is limited to selected Courses, Groups, and Learners.
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