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Gainsight Inc.

Configure Advanced TLS 1.2 Support

This article explains how to configure TLS support.


Gainsight PX provides new ESP endpoints to support users who require more advanced TLS support for PX endpoints. The older ESP endpoints continue to be the default and will support all the older versions of web browsers.  This feature is helpful if you want to drop support for older browsers and move to a more modern version of TLS.

For more information on TLS, refer to this article.

Configure TLS 1.2 Support

To enable the support, use the SDK configuration settings when loading the PX Javascript tag with the following extra configuration value:

TLS 1.2

   "espProxyDomain" : ""

TLS 1.1 

   "espProxyDomain" : ""

Example of entire loading script with TLS 1.2 support: 

<script type="text/javascript">
  (function(n,t,a,e,co){var i="aptrinsic";n[i]=n[i]||function()
    var r=t.createElement("script");r.async=!0,r.src=a+"?a="+e;
    var c=t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];c.parentNode.insertBefore(r,c)
  { "espProxyDomain" : ""});
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