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Gainsight Inc.

Company Details

This article provides an overview of the Company Details page in PX.


The Company Details page in the Administration section provides high-level information about your subscription, default timezone, and usage analysis.

This page consists of the following sections: 


The details section displays key information related to your PX subscription, such as the selected package, company name, website, and more. Few parts of this information can be edited by administrators.

A screenshot of the Details in Company page, displaying key information related to the PX subscription.

The Details section includes the following fields:

  • Subscription ID: The unique ID for your PX subscription. It cannot be edited.
  • Workspace ID: The unique ID for your workspace. Available only for multiple subscription setups. It cannot be edited.
  • Package: The PX package your organization has opted for. It cannot be edited.
  • Company Name: The name of your organization.
  • Company Website: The website URL of your organization.
  • Company Description: A brief description of your organization.
  • Default Time Zone: The default timezone for your PX subscription.
  • OAuth Secret: View and generate an OAuth key, available only if OAuth SSO is enabled for your subscription.

Utilization Summary

The Utilization Summary section provides actionable insights into how PX is being used across your organization. It is designed to help you with a clearer view of platform usage, empowering more informed decisions. 

A screenshot of the Company Details page, with each graph and actionable items annotated and explained in the further content.

The Utilization Summary sections includes the following information: 

  1. Utilization Summary: Displays key metrics of all events tracked by your PX subscription over the selected time range. Event types include:
    • Total Events: The overall count of all events across products, environments, and channels, for instance clicks, taps, form submissions, and so on. 
    • Feature Match Events: Tracks events that match specific features in PX (FEATURE_MATCH).
    • Custom Events: Tracks specific actions related to events created and defined by your organization (CUSTOM).
    • Engagement Events: Records user interactions such as views, clicks, and other engagements with UI elements (ENGAGEMENT).
    • Email Events: Tracks email-related actions, such as emails received, opened, or clicked (EMAIL_TRACK).
    • Page View Events: Captures every instance when users visit specific pages in your product (PAGE_VIEW).
    • Other Events: Includes miscellaneous actions such as form submissions, session starts, lead generation, and more (CLICK, FORM_SUBMIT, SESSION_INITIALIZED).
  2. Events Trends: Provides a visual representation of event data over the selected time range. You can hover over the graph to view specific details.
  3. Active Users: Displays a visual representation of the monthly active users tracked by PX during the selected time range.
  4. Time Range: Allows you to choose the time frame for which you want to view the utilization data. The default is set to last month. You can view daily, weekly, or monthly data.
  5. Time Interval: Switch between weekly or monthly views to display the graph based on your preferred time interval.

Note: There may be slight discrepancies between the Utilization Summary and Query Builder reports due to differences in how events are calculated. The following are a few examples of how the included events vary between the two:

  • The Utilization Summary aggregates data across all products, environments, and channels, while in Query Builder, these are calculated separately.
  • Mobile events such as APP_BACKGROUNDED are included in the Utilization Summary but may not be considered in Query Builder user activity reports.