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Gainsight Inc.

Sentiment Analysis Overview

Gainsight NXT


This article explains how end users can override the sentiments for Posts and Keywords.


The Natural Language Processing (NLP) model in Gainsight reads through all the Survey and Timeline comments and assigns sentiment to each Post and Keyword. 

Sentiment Classification and Benchmark

The sentiment classification is powered by Gainsight’s proprietary NLP model, trained on a large dataset of customer feedback to ensure high accuracy. The model employs deep learning techniques combined with industry best practices for sentiment analysis. Each text entry is analyzed using this NLP model, which assigns a sentiment score on a -10 to 10 scale based on contextual understanding.

How Sentiment Categories are Captured?

The NLP model processes each text entry by analyzing:

  • Direct sentiment words such as great, poor.
  • Modifiers and intensifiers such as very good vs. somewhat bad.
  • Negations such as not happy is negative, whereas not bad is neutral.
  • Contextual phrasing to differentiate between sarcasm, positive/negative shifts, and mixed sentiments.

Sentiment Categories and Representation

The following are the types of sentiments assigned and the scale ranges from -10 to 10, including decimal values for accuracy:


Score Range

Color Indicator


2.1. to 10.0



-2.0 to 2.0



-10.0 to -1.9


Note: No specific weightage is given to the individual posts. The overall sentiment is calculated as an average of all filtered comments.

Sentiment Calculation Formula

The sentiment score is determined by averaging the sentiment values of all filtered comments.

Each comment is assigned a sentiment score between -10 and 10. The overall sentiment score is calculated as:

Final Sentiment Score  =      ∑(Sentiment Scores of All Filtered Entries)

            Total Number of Filtered Entries   


  • Filtered entries are selected based on applied criteria from survey or timeline data.
  • The final sentiment score is rounded to one decimal place for clarity.


  • 63 text entries are identified based on the selected filters.
  • The sum of sentiment scores for these entries is 151.2.
  • The average sentiment score is: 151.2÷63=2.4
  • The final sentiment score is 2.4 (Positive, indicated by Green).

Displaying text analytics for NPS (Net Promoter Score) with sentiment analysis, historical trends for user and decision maker sentiment, and associated metrics like True NPS and CSAT

Override the Sentiment Analysis in Text Analytics

While the Natural Language Processing (NLP) model assigns sentiments based on multiple factors, you have the ability to modify the assigned sentiment. This feature facilitates users to override the not so correct sentiments and also acts as a continuous feedback to Gainsight’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) model to get trained and improve its accuracy. You can override the sentiment at the Post level and Keyword level.
Note: Only owners or users with Edit or Admin privileges to the View can override the sentiment.

To override the sentiment at Post and Keyword levels:

  1. Navigate to Text Analytics > Sentiment - Historical Trends.
  2. Click the bar graph to the corresponding month as required.
  3. Click the data from sources Survey and Timeline to perform the override actions.

You can override the sentiment at the following two levels:

  • Post level: In the Post level, the sentiment of the whole Post is considered.
  • Keyword level: In the Keyword level, it tells what is the sentiment of the Keyword mentioned in the Post

Post Level

To override the sentiment at Post level:

  1. Navigate to the Post whose sentiment is to be altered.
  2. Click Text Sentiment to change the sentiment.
  3. From the popup,select the required sentiment.
  4. Click Save.The Post sentiment is updated.


Keyword Level

To override the sentiment at Keyword level:

  1. Navigate to the Keyword whose sentiment is to be altered.
  2. Click the Keyword and select the sentiment from the popup.
  3. Click Save. The Keyword sentiment gets updated.


Sentiment Override History 

For every overridden sentiment, you can view the history and corresponding information of who modified it last and when the modification was made.
Sentiment Analysis Overview - Gainsight Inc. 2023-02-27 at 3.35.28 PM.jpg
Click Reset sentiment to default value to revert the sentiment back to the default one assigned.
Note: This action clears the associated sentiment override history.
Sentiment Analysis Overview - Gainsight Inc. 2023-02-27 at 3.36.37 PM.jpg

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