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Gainsight Inc.

Customer Communities (CC) Objects

This article contains a comprehensive list of Customer Communities objects and fields along with their descriptions.

Customer Communities (CC) Objects

The data sync from Customer Communities to Gainsight is categorized in the following objects:

Core Entity Objects

Core Entity is an object group that contains consolidated data from all community objects. If you are connecting with multiple community tenants, data from those tenants is consolidated into these objects.

Community Content Object

The Community Content object stores and manages various types of content, including topics, replies, and posts, within the community platform.

Field Description
Author Id A lookup object to the Community User representing the creator of the content.
Category Name Specifies the name of the category defined in Community.
Category SubType Specifies subtype or type of the post.
Closed At Indicates the date when a Topic was closed, applicable only to Topic.
Company Lookup to GS Company record.
Company Person Lookup to Company Person record.
Content Created At Indicates the date and time when the content was posted.
Content Data Identifier Used for mapping connections between Community Activity and Community Trend data.
Content ID Serves as a public ID assigned to a community post, simplifying the referencing of specific content within the community.
Content Moderated At Specifies the date and time when the content was moderated or reviewed.
Content Moderated By Identifies the user responsible for moderating the content.
Content Modified At Indicates the date and time when the content was modified.
Content Subtype Specifies the type of Topic or Category, such as Article, Discussion, Idea, Product Update, or Question.
Content Type Includes Topic for thread starting content and Topic Reply for replies to posts, ideas, and questions.
GS Created By Indicates who created the record in Gainsight.
GS Created Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was created
GS Modified By Indicates who last modified the record in Gainsight
GS Modified Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was modified in Gainsight
Highlighted response Content ID Refers to the comment or answer pinned as the best within a Topic.
Idea Status Indicates the latest status of the Idea Post.
Idea Status Changed At Displays the date and time when the status was last updated.
Last Activity At Indicates when any activity such as Like, Vote, Edit, Reply etc. was last done on the post.
Main Topic Content ID Specifies the parent thread ID for a reply in Topic.
Marked Spam At Indicates the date and time when a topic reply was flagged as spam.
Marked Spam By Indicates the user responsible for marking content as spam.
Person ID Lookup to Person Object.
Published At Indicates the date and time a topic was published.
Source Hub Name Stores the Community Tenant ID.
Subject Specifies the post title; empty for replies.
Trashed At Indicates the date and time the content was deleted.
URL Specifies the complete URL for the post.
First Reply At Indicates when the first response was posted.
First Reply ID Indicates the specific user ID associated with the first reply.
Total Replies Indicates the total response count.

Community Activity Object

The Community Activity object stores user activity/interactions (currently limited to only View) within the CS community.

Field Description
Activity Date Indicates the time when the activity took place.
Community Content Id Works as an identifier for community content.
Community User Id Indicates the User ID found in the Community User Object.
Company Associates with the Company object.
Company Person Associates with the Company Person object.
Content Type Specifies if it is categorized as Topic, Reply, Category, or Page.
ContentIDType Signifies the lookup to the community content object.
Operation Indicates the viewed items.
Person Id Associates with the Person object.
SEO Url Comprises the path portion without the domain in the source data.
Source Hub Name Indicates the Customer Community Tenant name.

Community Trend Object 

The Community Trend object captures and presents trends related to user activity and content engagement within the community platform.

Field Description
Activity Date Displays the date when the activity took place.
Articles Created Indicates the number of articles created.
Articles Views Indicates the number of views for articles.
Category Views Indicates the number of views for a category.
Community User ID Indicates the User ID found in the Community User Object.
Company Associates with the Company object.
Company Person Associates with the Company Person object.
Discussions Created Indicates the number of discussions created.
Discussions Views Indicates the number of discussions viewed.
Idea Views Indicates the number of ideas viewed.
Ideas Created Indicates the number of ideas created.
Page / Post Views Represents the aggregate of Topic Views, Reply Views, and Category Views.
Person Id Associates with the Person object.
Product Update Created Indicates the number of product updates created.
Product Update Views Indicates the number of product updates viewed.
Questions Created Indicates the number of questions created.
Questions Views Indicates the number of questions viewed.
Source Hub Name Indicates the Customer Community Hub name.
Topic Replies Created Indicates the number of topic-replies created.
Topic Reply Views Indicates the number of topic-replies viewed.
Topic Views Indicates the number of topics viewed.
Topics Created Specifies a count that merges all topic subtypes, determined through a distinct grouping of Created Time, Community user and Source Hub Name.
Topics Viewed Indicates the number topics viewed
User Created Represents users created based on the activity date and company ID.

Raw Objects 

Raw objects allow access to granular data for every Community connected.

Community {tenant-name} User Object

The Community User data includes information related to all community users. This data is automatically enriched with Company, Person, Company Person ID, you can associate users with their respective companies.

Field Description
A Bit About Yourself Displays a summary of user's profile information which is useful for other Community users.
Email Specifies the email address registered with the account.
Company Shows the CS Company record to which the Community user has been mapped.
Community User Id Specifies the unique identifier for the community user in Community.
Profile Picture Specifies the URL of the image selected for the user's profile.
Rank Id A unique identifier assigned to signify a user's level or status within the platform's ranking system
Company Custom Provides additional company-specific information, unique to each company.
Date Of Birth Specifies the user's birth date.
Username Specifies the chosen name for the user's account.
Signature Specifies the user's designated signature.
GS Modified By Indicates who last modified the record in Gainsight
GS Created By Indicates who created the record in Gainsight.
GS Created Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was created
Person Shows the CS Person record to which the Community user has been mapped.
What Is Your Favorite Movie Genre Indicates user's preferred movie types.
Registered On Specifies the date when the user registered.
Last Active At Indicates the most recent date and time when user engaged with the community.
Title Specifies the user's current role or designation.
Is a Moderator Specifies whether the user holds a moderator role.
Country Specifies user's country of residence.
Gender Denotes user's gender information.
Company Person Indicates the record that links a Person with a specific company in Gainsight Community.
City Specifies the user's city of residence.
GS Modified Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was modified in Gainsight
Job Title Specifies user's employment designation.
GSID Shows the unique identifier within the Gainsight system, used for tracking and managing user records.

Community {tenant-name} Topic Object

The Community Topic data includes topics created or updated by community members. This data is synced into Gainsight automatically.

Field Description
Answer Id Shows the unique identifier for a specific answer or response within the community platform.
Assigned By Indicates the user or system entity that allocated a task or responsibility.
Assigned To Indicates the user responsible for handling or completing a given task.
Author Id A lookup object to the Community User representing the creator of the content.
Category Id

Shows the unique identifier for a specific category within the platform, used for organizing and classifying content.

Closed At Indicates the date when a Topic was closed, applicable only to Topic.
Content Type Specifies if the content is categorized as Topic, Reply, Category, or Page.
Created At Indicates when the content or record was originally created.
Created By On Community Identifies the community user who created a specific content or post.
Featured Image Displays the topic image uploaded by the author.
GS Created By Indicates who created the record in Gainsight.
GS Created Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was created.
GS Modified By Indicates who last modified the record in Gainsight.
GS Modified Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was modified in Gainsight.
GSID Shows the unique identifier within the Gainsight system, used for tracking and managing user records.
Idea Status Indicates the latest status of the Idea Post.
Idea Status Changed At Displays the date and time when the status was last updated.
Ip Address Records the Internet Protocol address of the user
Is Preview Public Allows to preview the Topic before it is published.
Is Sticky Sticks the Topic at the top of the list for better visibility.
Last Activity At Indicates when any activity such as Like, Vote, Edit, Reply etc. was last done on the post.
Last Edit Id Shows the most recent edit made to the content.
Last Moderated At Displays the date and time when the content was last moderated.
Last Moderated By Shows user who last performed moderation on the content.
Last Modified At Shows the date and time when the content was last modified.
Marked Spam At Indicates the date and time when a topic reply was flagged as spam.
Marked Spam By Indicates the user responsible for marking content as spam.
Moderation Label Id Displays the unique identifier for the label assigned during content moderation.
Pinned Reply Id Shows the specific reply that has been pinned within a thread.
Private Id Shows the unique identifier within the Gainsight system, often not visible to regular users.
Public Id Displays the public-facing identifier for content.
Public Label Displays a label that is visible to all users, often used for categorization or highlighting.
Published At Indicates the date and time a topic was published.
Reported At Indicates when the content was reported.
Scheduled By Shows who scheduled the content for publication.
Title Specifies the user's current role or designation.
Trashed At Indicates the date and time the content was deleted.
Url Specifies the complete URL for the post.

Community{tenant-name} Category Object

The Community Category data includes information about all types of Category such as Article, Discussion, Idea, Product Update, or Question. This data is  synced into Gainsight automatically. 

Field Description
Category Id

Shows the unique identifier for a specific category within the platform, used for organizing and classifying content.

Description Provides a brief summary or overview of the content.
Displayorder Specifies the sequence in which the content appears as compared to other items in the category.
GS Created By Indicates who created the record in Gainsight.
GS Created Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was created.
GS Modified By Indicates who last modified the record in Gainsight.
GS Modified Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was modified in Gainsight.
GSID Shows the unique identifier within the Gainsight system, used for tracking and managing user records.
Hide From Search Indicates whether the content should be excluded from internal or external search engine results.
Include For Stats Indicates if the content should be considered in statistical analysis or reporting.
Last Poster Id Displays the ID of the user who made the most recent post in a thread or topic.
Last Reply Id Displays the ID of the user who submitted the most recent reply to a topic or post.
Last Topic Id Displays the ID of the user who submitted the most recent topic created in a forum or section.
Meta Robots Provides SEO friendly tags for web crawlers.
Parent Id Displays the parent content or category to which the item belongs.
Seo Description Shows the description optimized for search engines, summarizing the content's relevance and context.
Seo Title Displays the title of the content optimized for search engine visibility and relevance.
Show Description On Homepage Indicates whether the content's description should be displayed on the homepage.
Status Shows the current status of the content.
Title Specifies the user's current role or designation.
Type Specifies the nature or classification of the content.
Url Specifies the complete URL for the post.

Community {tenant-name} IdeaStatus

The Community Idea Status data indicates the type of the status. This data is synced into Gainsight automatically.

Field Description
Bgr Color Specifies the background color setting for a content area or visual element on the platform.
GS Created By Indicates who created the record in Gainsight.
GS Created Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was created
GS Modified By Indicates who last modified the record in Gainsight
GS Modified Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was modified in Gainsight
GSID A unique identifier within the Gainsight system, used for tracking and managing user records.
Idea Status Id Indicates the latest status of the Idea Post.
Ideation Type Classifies the format or style of idea generation.
Is Default Indicates whether a setting is the standard choice.
Name Displays the moderator’s name who updates the idea status.
Txt Color Specifies the text color for content.
Visible Determines whether a content item or feature is displayed or accessible to users.

Community {tenant-name} TopicReply Object

The Community Topic Reply data includes information related to the content of replies to topics posted in the community. This data is synced into Gainsight automatically.

Field Description
Author Id A lookup object to the Community User representing the creator of the content.
Content Type Specifies if it is categorized as Topic, Reply, Category, or Page.
GS Created By Indicates who created the record in Gainsight.
GS Created Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was created
GS Modified By Indicates who last modified the record in Gainsight
GS Modified Date Indicates when the Gainsight record was modified in Gainsight
GSID A unique identifier within the Gainsight system, used for tracking and managing user records.
Ip Address Records the Internet Protocol address of the user.
Is Highlighted Highlights the Topic Reply and displays it in a colored background.
Last Modified At Indicates when a reply was posted in the topic.
Marked Spam At Indicates the date and time when a topic reply was flagged as spam.
Marked Spam By Indicates the user responsible for marking content as spam.
Private Id A unique identifier within the Gainsight system, often not visible to regular users.
Public Id A public-facing identifier for content.
Replied At Indicates when a reply was posted in the topic.
Topic Private Id A unique internal identifier for a topic.
Topic Public Id Indicates public-facing identifier for a topic.
Trashed At Indicates the date and time the content was deleted.
Url Specifies the complete URL for the post.


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