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Gainsight Inc.

Salesforce Integration & Reporting

Salesforce's Reporting tools + the Northpass Salesforce integration means you can include Enrollment data in your reports.


Using Salesforce's Reporting tools combined with the Northpass Salesforce integration, you can include Enrollment data in your reports. This guide will walk you through creating an Account-level report that includes progress data for each Contact associated with that account.

Note: Salesforce interface may differ depending on the customizations that have been made in your instance.

Creat a custom report type

Click here to learn more about managing custom report types.

  1. Within Salesforce, click setup gear.
  2. Type Report Types into the quick search box on the left-hand side of the page. Click Report Types.
  3. Click New Custom Report Type.
  4. Enter the information in the custom report type.
    • Primary object: Contacts.
    • Report type label: Enter a label that will remind you what this report is for. In the example, we’ve used the label Enrollment Report.
    • Report type name will auto-populate. There is no need to change it.
    • Description: Enter a description that will remind you about what the report type provides.
    • Store in category: Accounts and Contacts.
    • Deployment Status: Choose Deployed to start using this new custom report type.
  5. Click Next. A screen appears to set up the object relationships.
  6. Click Click to relate another object.
  7. Select Enrollments from the dropdown, and choose “A” records may or may not have “B” records. This enables you to see contacts who may not have any enrollment objects yet.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Review your custom report type. From here, you can edit, delete, or clone this custom report type.

Build a report

Additional reports can be created using this data to meet your organization’s needs. Click here for more information on Salesforce report capabilities.

  1. In Salesforce, click the Reports tab.
  2. Click New Report.
  3. Expand the Accounts & Contacts folder and locate the Enrollment Report. This is the folder where we stored the custom report type from the field Store in category from step 3 of the section above.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Locate the Enrollments fields available to you. Drag any of the fields to the report. For this example, use Course Name.
  6. Choose additional fields that you would like to see on this report. For this example, add the account name, course progress, and additional fields to help identify the contact.
  7. Click Run Report to see the report with all data.
  8. View finished report.
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